
Could politicians learn lessons from the Black Stars playing strategy?

Wed, 30 Jan 2008 Source: Bolus, Mercy Adede

We have had key leaders for example, Kwame Nkrumah, Busia, Limann, Rawlings and Kuffour. I would leave you to judge for yourselves those who have significant scored significant goals in the development of our mother Ghana?

The real arguments within this context is that, are Ghanaians or African leaders who are in Government using similar strategies as we are currently observing in this Africa World Cup of Nation players? Most of the African World Cup of Nation players is outstanding with only a hand full not quite to those expectations yet as part of a collaborative team and indeed performing. Therefore the move, objective of every player with that team matters so much to the extent that without these little efforts nothing can be achieved.

Let’s re-examined the pass Michael Essien made which landed with Junior Agogo strategic position to seal a goal thus great joys to all Ghanaians. Again let reflect of the way the Ivorians players played too as it not only brought brings great joy for the country, fans but also their opponent are learning great lessons of the cardinal goals.

Why can’t African leaders also use the same strategy when they take over? Kwame Nkrumah vision’s of a united Africa is what the European are now stealing and claiming it and maximising all the benefits that goes with such a strategy. Yet behaving as if they are the master planners for such an approach to economic development and advancement. When shall we as a continent learn fast and be smart?

Kwame Nkrumah did his very best by position Ghana in every continent with our luxurious embassies on the same power level as the developed world. Kwame may not be perfect but no one should make that mistake he and his team had the vision for what we are enjoying hence walking tall as Ghanaians.

However one would questioned, why Ghana is a still remains as a third world country? Do Ghanaian leaders appear to work in their separate ways once they take hold of power as compared to the strategic approach of footballers? Could we then focus on winning a goal in political terms following the country strategic objective plans, which could be 20-year plan? It is only by following objective through the finishing line that leaders could score a goal.

Michael Essien pass to Junior Agogo and achieving that strategic goal all happened in within seconds. What would have happen if Junior Agogo had refused to pull together leaving Michael Essien pass isolated among their opponents’ attack? In terms of politics it could be the policies of a Government but not in power to see an objective through and the next ruling Government ensure the that a policy or a strategic objective is followed up to its finishing point. Instead what we see in Ghana is that when a different Government that takes over wants to start his own agenda and start all over again. Time and tide wait no man. In contrast in however, whenever any player takes over another player they immediately team and effectively follows on and joins the others in collaborative working team. The strategic objective remains the same. When mistakes are done it is felt as a team and Asamoah Gyan deeply regretted when he missed a goal, he knew it and immediately showed remorse openly how brave of him? We all felt the pain and sorrow that it would have made a difference for us.

Is it not about time Ghanaians leaders start learning from our highly skilled players tactics to bring Ghana from the Phoenix? Ghanaians currently want to achieve greater things and want politician to come out with the goods. Those of us in Diaspora are critically observing every move of our leaders from our strategic telescopic lens.

Ghana deserves the best and it is about time too. Who cares who takes over the next Government? To date the wishes of all Ghanaians is that we want to see significant improvements in these key areas, job creation, sanitation throughout the country, career enhancement with opportunities for all our youths, community development, care of our elderly, improvement within our police service, improvement in the slums of Ghana, improvement in our health service, improvement, of our whole infrastructure and the railway system etc.

Aspiring politicians who are critically watching the Africa World Cup of Nation it would your time for all Ghanaians to be watching your every move every word, every detailed strategic objective with our telescopic lens. Watch out as all Ghanaians citizens globally are also looking into Ghana.

Ghanaians leaders perhaps need to be like Michael Essien, who spots an opportunity follows up with his strategic action and pass the ball strategically to Junior Agogo to bring joys into the eyes of all Ghanaians. Sulley Muntari also with and his strategic move also brought tears of joys into our eyes. In terms of Government policies and objectives it could take couple of years but as long as it happens in reality it would still bring joys into the lives of Ghanaians. Why are our leaders not following these simple examples displayed through the skills of our own Black stars? Is it not about time?

Politicians from all parties please change our image of Ghana from a third world country to an aspiring developed country with opportunities for all citizens.

Please use the skills of the Ghanaian in Diaspora as the footballer players are bring skills they have learnt from abroad to polish up our football playing strategy in Ghana. Why are we as a nation not following up with such progress and shun those in Diaspora with the expertise and yearning to assist Ghana in various ways. Why do we see foreigners as the only answer to helping Ghana develop instead of our own skilled Diaspora who have Ghana at heart? Let’s us reclaim knowledge from all angles of the world and integrate it as a process of systematically transforming Ghana.

It is only when strategic moves from all angles of the world is integrated into our own corporate objectives that any leader could achieved greater outcomes with his team of Ministers. Thus scoring the goals to bring joy to the eyes of the ordinary Ghanaians.

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Columnist: Bolus, Mercy Adede