
DOES Ghana have priorities?

Mon, 4 Jun 2007 Source: Okyere Bonna

Oh Ghana! Where is the man with a plan?

According to General News of Friday, June 1, 2007, Prof. Dominic Fobih, Minster of Lands, Forestry and Mines in Parliament had said that, “The process for the development of a new zoo in the Achimota forests has begun and terms of reference for the design of the zoo, including design standards and guidelines, have been prepared with the pre-contract phase estimated at 6,985,000,000 billion cedis”( . The report further said that over 44.8 billion cedis would be required to put up the new zoo for Accra, including stocking it with exhibits.

Whaattt! Is this a priority of the government to spend so much on a zoo at this desperate moment of Ghana’s economic plight? Look at the millions dying daily because of bad roads. Look at the power/energy crisis in Ghana today! Look at the lack of text books and the number of failing schools! Look at the many government employees who have not been paid for months including teachers and some nurses! This is ridiculous, to say the least; mismanagement in huge proportions.

It must be recalled that Parliament approved the Flagstaff house area as the new location for the Presidential palace amidst many other appropriate and vacant locations. The location, as some would like to argue is ideal. I agree with them on only one count. But is it cost effective? Perhaps money is not an issue with our government when it costs over $20 million to relocate the animals to Kumasi zoo and much more to prepare the ground for construction. Think of the cost of demolition and relocation of the residents in the various service quarters. Now the government is telling us it needs 44 billion cedis but history will prove me right that by next year this budget would have doubled.

Why would Parliament not rather approve Achimota Forest for the said presidential palace? What is a better location for presidential palace than Achimota? A zoo!!!? Please tell us the truth- Is this not being approved to give the government and his cronies opportunity to dupe the country? Who is doing the project and what percent is government functionaries taking out of this project? No wonder the government insists passing the Right to Information Bill is going to be costly to government (Of course, not the nation as they would want us to believe).

The President and Parliament must wake up and do their job as managers and overseers with powers of oversight. One wonders if these projects pass through parliament and who approves them? It all boils down to lack of priorities and lack of planning. Since when did NPP made building of a presidential palace and Accra Zoo an item on their agenda? Was it part of the many promises Kufour made when he was seeking the people’s mandate? Why doesn’t he deliver his promises first?

Just imagine demolishing an existing zoo to build presidential edifice when there are a lot of alternatives to pick as a site for this awesome project. Would it not have been more beneficial to Ghana by extending Accra and decongesting the capital by even attaching this project closer to Peduase Lodge or elsewhere around the Osu Castle? Unfortunately at this state when sons and daughters of Ghana like Kennedy are making big impact in the Diaspora, their home country continues to be mismanaged and undermanaged.
Ironically they say Kennedy does not have the experience. Of What? May be looting. It must be recalled that the Members of the House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina has acknowledged and honored Dr. Arthur Kennedy of Orangeburg County for his exceptional contributions to the State of South Carolina as Chief executive Officer of the Family Health Centers, Inc. During his occupancy as CEO of the said facility, Dr. Kennedy successfully oversaw numerous projects including the construction of two Medical Centers, and a new Pharmacy Assistance Program to provide prescriptions for the underinsured. At an impressive ceremony on Saturday the 19th of May 2007 in the South Carolina State Dr. Arthur Kennedy was presented with the House Resolution. A copy of the resolution signed by both the Speaker and Clerk of the House on March 7th 2007 has been forwarded to Ghana Home Page for the public scrutiny.
It must be recalled that the city of Orangeburg in South Carolina has also declared May 19th as Dr. Arthur Kennedy Day. IS KENNEDY THE MAN WITH A PLAN?
Kennedy has outlined five broad policy areas in his campaign:
Kennedy in his African Day (May 25, 2007) message raised some important issues for debate. He refers to Africa as
The cradle of civilization The home of proud people The land of unlimited natural resources The land with an unlimited supply of talent
AND YET The scar on the conscience of the world!
According to the Minster of Lands, Forestry and Mines government has already released over one billion cedis to relocate Accra Zoo exhibits to Kumasi and all animals have been moved "and a ceremonial re-launch of Kumasi zoo was done on April 21, to climax activities welcoming the animals to their new environment." What has government done for the many dying in our hospitals without medication or beds? How much has the government allocated to Korle Bu and Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospitals??? Does this reinforce the fact or allegation that the Establishment does not have a plan?
Getting the favor of the West and the World Bank is one thing but putting them to good use is the big challenge for leadership. It appears anybody coughs and whispers and everyone in parliament and the executive follow along without any debate. This must stop. Ghana needs to have a priority list as of today and work with it systematically else we will become worse off each day.
It beats my imagination that the government would put animals (zoo) ahead of people (hospitals). If I may ask the Minster of Lands, Forestry and Mines: Do you really believe that making arrangements to construct a new zoo for the capital is a priority in Ghana today? Where is the justification for this project? An enquiring mind would like to know. Tell us more so that we can keep quiet, please.
In his lamentation, Kennedy writes, “How did you, mother Africa, with so much natural resources and so much talents become the scar on the conscience of the world?” According to Kennedy, “It has become painfully obvious that democracy requires far more than periodic elections that may be free and fair” in Africa.
Fellow Ghanaians who care for change; it is time to kiss the establishment good bye if we want to reclaim Ghana. I urge the NPP delegates and elders who want to see their party in power in 2008 to consider choosing transformational minds like Kennedy to lead the party because the status-quo would not cut it this time around. Change is needed urgently in Ghana’s political landscape. You need to meet Kennedy personally to expatiate on his agenda and views on Ghana and Africa today. You may want to ask him questions on how he intends to follow through these key issues raised when he is elected. This is your chance to meet Kennedy personally with your questions and concerns. So please cease this opportunity to meet him whenever he is in town. Especially Kennedy critics and people of the opposition party should show up to debate Kennedy, the soon-to-be flag bearer of the NPP. Your personal questions and concerns on Kennedy’s candidacy is relevant of asking and hearing it from the horsed own mouth. Come debate him. Your debate or questions is long over due. It is no secret that Kennedy has a clear vision, new ideas, new attitudes, the heart and new skills to transform Ghana in this millennium

Okyere Bonna,
See my latest books at

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Oh Ghana! Where is the man with a plan?

According to General News of Friday, June 1, 2007, Prof. Dominic Fobih, Minster of Lands, Forestry and Mines in Parliament had said that, “The process for the development of a new zoo in the Achimota forests has begun and terms of reference for the design of the zoo, including design standards and guidelines, have been prepared with the pre-contract phase estimated at 6,985,000,000 billion cedis”( . The report further said that over 44.8 billion cedis would be required to put up the new zoo for Accra, including stocking it with exhibits.

Whaattt! Is this a priority of the government to spend so much on a zoo at this desperate moment of Ghana’s economic plight? Look at the millions dying daily because of bad roads. Look at the power/energy crisis in Ghana today! Look at the lack of text books and the number of failing schools! Look at the many government employees who have not been paid for months including teachers and some nurses! This is ridiculous, to say the least; mismanagement in huge proportions.

It must be recalled that Parliament approved the Flagstaff house area as the new location for the Presidential palace amidst many other appropriate and vacant locations. The location, as some would like to argue is ideal. I agree with them on only one count. But is it cost effective? Perhaps money is not an issue with our government when it costs over $20 million to relocate the animals to Kumasi zoo and much more to prepare the ground for construction. Think of the cost of demolition and relocation of the residents in the various service quarters. Now the government is telling us it needs 44 billion cedis but history will prove me right that by next year this budget would have doubled.

Why would Parliament not rather approve Achimota Forest for the said presidential palace? What is a better location for presidential palace than Achimota? A zoo!!!? Please tell us the truth- Is this not being approved to give the government and his cronies opportunity to dupe the country? Who is doing the project and what percent is government functionaries taking out of this project? No wonder the government insists passing the Right to Information Bill is going to be costly to government (Of course, not the nation as they would want us to believe).

The President and Parliament must wake up and do their job as managers and overseers with powers of oversight. One wonders if these projects pass through parliament and who approves them? It all boils down to lack of priorities and lack of planning. Since when did NPP made building of a presidential palace and Accra Zoo an item on their agenda? Was it part of the many promises Kufour made when he was seeking the people’s mandate? Why doesn’t he deliver his promises first?

Just imagine demolishing an existing zoo to build presidential edifice when there are a lot of alternatives to pick as a site for this awesome project. Would it not have been more beneficial to Ghana by extending Accra and decongesting the capital by even attaching this project closer to Peduase Lodge or elsewhere around the Osu Castle? Unfortunately at this state when sons and daughters of Ghana like Kennedy are making big impact in the Diaspora, their home country continues to be mismanaged and undermanaged.
Ironically they say Kennedy does not have the experience. Of What? May be looting. It must be recalled that the Members of the House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina has acknowledged and honored Dr. Arthur Kennedy of Orangeburg County for his exceptional contributions to the State of South Carolina as Chief executive Officer of the Family Health Centers, Inc. During his occupancy as CEO of the said facility, Dr. Kennedy successfully oversaw numerous projects including the construction of two Medical Centers, and a new Pharmacy Assistance Program to provide prescriptions for the underinsured. At an impressive ceremony on Saturday the 19th of May 2007 in the South Carolina State Dr. Arthur Kennedy was presented with the House Resolution. A copy of the resolution signed by both the Speaker and Clerk of the House on March 7th 2007 has been forwarded to Ghana Home Page for the public scrutiny.
It must be recalled that the city of Orangeburg in South Carolina has also declared May 19th as Dr. Arthur Kennedy Day. IS KENNEDY THE MAN WITH A PLAN?
Kennedy has outlined five broad policy areas in his campaign:
Kennedy in his African Day (May 25, 2007) message raised some important issues for debate. He refers to Africa as
The cradle of civilization The home of proud people The land of unlimited natural resources The land with an unlimited supply of talent
AND YET The scar on the conscience of the world!
According to the Minster of Lands, Forestry and Mines government has already released over one billion cedis to relocate Accra Zoo exhibits to Kumasi and all animals have been moved "and a ceremonial re-launch of Kumasi zoo was done on April 21, to climax activities welcoming the animals to their new environment." What has government done for the many dying in our hospitals without medication or beds? How much has the government allocated to Korle Bu and Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospitals??? Does this reinforce the fact or allegation that the Establishment does not have a plan?
Getting the favor of the West and the World Bank is one thing but putting them to good use is the big challenge for leadership. It appears anybody coughs and whispers and everyone in parliament and the executive follow along without any debate. This must stop. Ghana needs to have a priority list as of today and work with it systematically else we will become worse off each day.
It beats my imagination that the government would put animals (zoo) ahead of people (hospitals). If I may ask the Minster of Lands, Forestry and Mines: Do you really believe that making arrangements to construct a new zoo for the capital is a priority in Ghana today? Where is the justification for this project? An enquiring mind would like to know. Tell us more so that we can keep quiet, please.
In his lamentation, Kennedy writes, “How did you, mother Africa, with so much natural resources and so much talents become the scar on the conscience of the world?” According to Kennedy, “It has become painfully obvious that democracy requires far more than periodic elections that may be free and fair” in Africa.
Fellow Ghanaians who care for change; it is time to kiss the establishment good bye if we want to reclaim Ghana. I urge the NPP delegates and elders who want to see their party in power in 2008 to consider choosing transformational minds like Kennedy to lead the party because the status-quo would not cut it this time around. Change is needed urgently in Ghana’s political landscape. You need to meet Kennedy personally to expatiate on his agenda and views on Ghana and Africa today. You may want to ask him questions on how he intends to follow through these key issues raised when he is elected. This is your chance to meet Kennedy personally with your questions and concerns. So please cease this opportunity to meet him whenever he is in town. Especially Kennedy critics and people of the opposition party should show up to debate Kennedy, the soon-to-be flag bearer of the NPP. Your personal questions and concerns on Kennedy’s candidacy is relevant of asking and hearing it from the horsed own mouth. Come debate him. Your debate or questions is long over due. It is no secret that Kennedy has a clear vision, new ideas, new attitudes, the heart and new skills to transform Ghana in this millennium

Okyere Bonna,
See my latest books at

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Columnist: Okyere Bonna