
Danquah's Role In The Ritual Murder Of Akyea Mensah

Sat, 2 Oct 2010 Source: Mensah, Nana Akyea

Danquah's Role In The Ritual Murder Of Akyea Mensah: More Questions

Than Answers!

Feature Article by Nana Akyea Mensah, The Odikro.*


Kwame Okoampa wrote a few days ago:

"About the only fault Danquah made over the Akyea-Mensah cause celebre,

was his insistence on personally defending his nephews as a lawyer.

But this was only to be expected."

- (Comment: Adwowa Mansa, Don't

Overbite!, Author: Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., Date: 2010-09-27

06:31:19, See comments under, Feature Article of Monday, 27 September

2010, Columnist: Okoampa-Ahoofe, Kwame, "Indeed, Brave Men Lived Long

Before Kwame Nkrumah!"

This raises many questions:

1, Danquah has been the solicitor and the Attorney-General of the

Akyem Abuakwa State since 1928 until and after the assassination of

Nana Akyea Mensah. As a solicitor, it was his responsibility to give

timely legal counsel to his clients in the event where they are about

to commit a crime.

He could not have claimed ignorance! There is a vast literature on

human sacrifice among the Akan and especially among the Asante people

that dates back to the earliest European contact with the coast, but

it deals exclusively with various forms of mortuary sacrifice. For

example, see A. van Danzig and A. Jones, Pieter de Marees: Description

and Historical Account of the Gold Kingdom of Guinea (1602) (Oxford,

1987), 184-5; S. T. E. Bowdich, Mission From Cape Coast Castle to

Ashantee (London, 1819), 288-9; J. Dupuis, Journal of Residence in

Ashantee (London, 1824), 116-7. Twentieth-century scholars have sought

to make more of a distinction between 'judicial executions' and

'mortuary slayings', than the earlier observers: Wilks, 'Space, time

and "human sacrifice"'.

Nana Akyea Mensah's speech to the Council of Elders of the Akyem

Abuakwa State on the eve of his assassination in a barbaric act of

human sacrifice, was the kind of speech expected from J. B. Danquah at

that time. It was a direliction of duty, not to talk of his active

encouragement, knowing very well what the intentions of the chiefs

were at that night when they met in preparations for the WEREMPE

custom. This is already a criminal negligence. The fact that he was

not prosecuted for this does not make it right.

" There was also an Akan belief that a messenger must accompany

a dead chief on his last journey to the land of his ancestors. Someone

therefore had to be killed to serve that purpose. The murder of Akyea

Mensa (Apedwahene), a case popularly referred to as “Kyebi Murder

Trial” was purported to have served as a ritual sacrifice, to

accompany a dead paramount chief of Kyebi. The deceased was killed and

buried on a riverbed, after the murderers had diverted the course of

the brook and redirected the same brook to conceal the grave . -

Volume 4 Chapter 9 - The Role Of Religious Bodies – Complicity Or

Resistance To Human Rights Abuses

2, We need to know from those who claim, "the only fault Danquah made

over the Akyea-Mensah cause celebre, was his insistence on personally

defending his nephews as a lawyer," to tell us how the Council of

Elders resolved their dispute with Nana Akyea Mensah?

Here is a very good summary of the backgroud to the case.

Interestingly, I found it in a preview to a play, "Where Is The



"In the 1990s, a wizard of a CID man, retired Police Assistant

Commissioner, H.A Nuamah, painstakingly wrote a very detailed account

of the story, complete with pictures, and published it as a book: "THE


It is this book which has served as the raw material for playwright,

Gloria Yartey, with over 100 scripts to her credit to come out with

her latest sensation, true life story, entitled: WHERE IS THE CHIEF?

According to ACP/Mr Nuamah, the climax of the week-long funeral of the

late Okyehene Nana Sir Ofori Atta I was set for Sunday, 27th February,

1944. The last rite marking the end of the funeral was the celebration

of the WEREMPE custom, which was the act of blackening the stool of

the late chief, formally making him an ancestor in the line of kings.

In the past, this rite was, nationwide, performed with slaughtering a

human being and using his blood to "purify" the stool.

In the evening of Saturday, 26th February, 1944 all the principal

players in the stool blackening ritual assembled for final


The question was which human being’s blood was to be used for the

ceremony. Present was Nana Akyea Mensah, Chief of Apedwa, and

traditionally commander of the Okyehene’s royal bodyguard.

Nana Mensah quite clearly explained to his colleagues that times had

changed. The colonial authorities at the Christianborg Castle in Osu

had taken over the power of life and death from the chiefs. It was no

longer possible for the chiefs to sit anywhere and condemn anybody –

if they used any human blood in the ritual, the Gold Coast Police

would arrest them.

However, hardliners at the meeting opposed Nana Mensah, and, after the

meeting, they planned that when Nana came in the morning for the

rites, meaning to use the blood of goats and sheep, they would kill

him and use his blood – after all he was top royal blood, and the only

mole in their midst." (Where Is The Chief?' Drama Preview:'Where Is

The Chief?' Source:Times Posted on: 20-Apr-2008)

Are you trying to tell me no one contacted J. B. Danquah, who was also

in town for the funeral over such a fundamental issue of law which had

resulted in an unprecedented impasse at a meeting of the Coucil of

Elders of the Akyem Abuakwa State to which he had been, and continued

to be its Attorney-General for the previous sixteen years without a

single break? What did Danquah tell them, if he did not disagree with

Akyea Mensah's legal opinions on the subject of human sacrifice? Do we

have any records anywhere that we see Danquah specifically condemning

this barbaric act that any lizard knew was going on in the Gold Coast?

3, What about the accusations that Akyea Mensah, who was working as a

clerk to the Court, had information on Danquah's unwarranted

expenditure at the expense of the Akyem Abuakwa State was going to be

exposed by Nana Akyea Mensah, after the death of his protegé, Nana Sir

Ofori-Atta I? Were there other factors, such as the one we read from

the following theses? "This case involved a break-away attempt on the

part of two subordinate stools in the Akyem Abuakwa paramountcy that

was fueled by conflict over who should control revenue accruing from

diamond mining. It lasted from 1922 to 1937 when a final appeal to the

Privy Council was withdrawn. For a history of this case see Baron

Holmes, 'Economic and political organizations in the Gold Coast,

1920-1945' (Ph.D. thesis, The University of Chicago, 1972), 483-505"

Was Nana Akyea Mensah singled out by Danquah in order to avoid

answering for what we may call today "causing financial loss to the

Akyem Abuakwa State"? This is Rathbone's take on the matter: It was

possible to advance conspiratorial theories about motive in the Kibi

murder since the victim, Akyea Mensah, was an odikro (sub-chief) in

the Akyem Abuakwa state and had an intimate and potentially damaging

knowledge of its internal affairs. Apart from being of suitably high

status he had been close to the Akyem Abuakwa stool and stool family.

Some claimed his death had been made to look like a ritual murder, but

that really he had been killed because he 'proposed to reveal

irregularities in the conduct of [the state's] Treasury in public

after Ofori Atta I's death'. - Rathbone, Murder and Politics In The

Gold Coast, p160.)

4, Why is it that even though it was clear from the beginning that

Danquah's lack-luster defence of the accused, who were his own

relatives, namely, Asare Apietu, Kwame Kagya, Kwaku Amoako Atta,

Kwadwo Amoako, Kwasi Pipim, Opoku Ahwenee, A. E. B. Danquah and Owusu

Akyem-Tenteng, he would sturbonly insist on leading the case right up

to the Privy Council, the final court of appeal, which ensured that

they would be sentenced to death by hanging by the neck until they


"To all men of goodwill, organize, organize, organize! The struggle is

far from over! We prefer self-government in danger, to servitude in


Forward ever, backward never"!


Nana Akyea Mensah, The Odikro.

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Columnist: Mensah, Nana Akyea