
Diligence Is Superior To Hardwork

Wed, 11 Apr 2012 Source: Mensah, Richard Obeng

Many people cling to tradition. The assumption is that if something is tradition, it must be a better way. But that’s not necessarily so – John C. Maxwell.

It is said in many cycles that in the world of dictionaries, hardwork always precede, speaking alphabetically, success. Human traditions also assume that hardwork is a condition precedent to a successful living. Unfortunately, however, the conclusions of both the world of dictionaries and human traditions are not true, although they convey some logical sense. Firstly, in a real world of dictionaries, diligence precedes real hardwork and real success. Thus real hardwork, speaking mathematically, is a subset of diligence (being the universal set). Secondly, mere hardwork never translates into a successful living; real hardwork does the job! Thus real successful living is a product of diligence, not necessarily hardwork. Hardwork may just be a ‘harsh-work’, or, say, slavery. It usually pains or brings sorrows, although it pays sometimes. Diligence on the other hand dignifies, rewards, and satisfies. Whilst hardwork is self-centred, diligence is God-centred. Besides, whilst God is the rewarder of diligence, humanbeings are the ‘rewarders’ of hardwork. In addition, diligence has eternal value but that of mere hardwork is both temporal and temporarily. Finally, whilst hardwork is job related, diligence is work related.

The true formula for real successful living is as simple as reciting ABCD. Where A denotes seeking first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness; B denotes discovery of a person’s God-given purpose, gifts and talents; C denotes developing the discovered gifts and talents; and D denotes the diligence pursue of the discovered purpose by voluntarily serving humanity with the developed gifts and talents. Doing ABCD gives a person a work. Not doing ABCD on the other hand gives a person a job. Work is different from a job. Whilst work is your God-given assignment on earth, job is what you are just paid to do. Thus whilst work is service-driven, job is money-driven. Work demands diligence but job demands a mere hardwork. Therefore, engaging oneself in an official or personal task from 8am to 5pm and so forth is not working but ‘jobbing’ (if it is outside doing ABCD). Similarly, real best students are diligent, not necessarily hardworking. Diligent students are ABCD-driven; ask Daniel, Paul, and Jesus!

God has expressly stated in a plain language that, “…Without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please (Him): for he that (come) to (Him) MUST believe that (He) is a REWARDER of them that DILIGENTLY seek (Him)”- Hebrew 11:6(KJV) (Emphasis is mine). God is ONLY pleased by faith. Faith simply means doing ABCD. God rewards ONLY those who do ABCD. Unfortunately, many people are living the deception that hardwork in any human-chosen endeavour or venture attracts blessings from God. Even thieves work hard to steal. Perhaps, those who think that way have forgotten that Satan once offered to give Jesus the whole world if he would just worship him (Satan). Jesus rejected the offer because he knew that without doing ABCD it is impossible to please God. God ONLY blesses what pleases Him. He greatly takes pleasure (is pleased with) in persons who DILIGENTLY seek to KNOW who He is! Are you doing ABCD or you are “jobbing”? Please be wise!

Richard Obeng Mensah, author of Persecution are Promotions.

Columnist: Mensah, Richard Obeng