
Do dreams tell messages?

Sat, 4 Jun 2016 Source: Twum, Thomas

Understanding dream is one research area which stuns scientists hanging their jaws in quandary. Why we dream and whether it holds any significance at all in our daily lives is battered by opinions between country and culture and through epochs of civilization. Some people believe that dream is a message of divine or prophetic revelation. Others simply write it off as nothing more than a usual brain activity which occurs during sleep, probably induced by over-eating but of no real significance. There are also those who claim that dream is a culmination of our experiences or events that may have made a stain on the subconscious mind or perhaps a cast on the minds about things we wish for or had wish for that filter through the mind to stir dreams in our sleep. Mysteriously, dream also reveals our dual nature, the body which lie in sleep and the self which embark on adventure outside the body. Dream interpretation is a rare skill which only the gifted can reveal, and the outcome has very often been attested to be true as revealed or as predicted. Are dreams then, conduits through which messages are transmitted from a world yonder? You are welcome to share my experience.

I had this dream some years ago which keep haunting me to date. In this dream, I saw myself being kidnapped and locked up in a secret cell by a gang of wicked armed men. At the dawn of the following day, I made an escaped from my cell but at no distance did my captors spotted me and gave me a chase. I made my way to a nearby hill where on reaching the top, my path became blocked as I could not see through a dense white smoky cloud which has formed directly in my path. All I could see is two giant feet of a body veiled in smoky clouds. A voice then asked me why I was in such a haste. I responded that, I was running away from evil men who wanted to kill me. The voice then told me to remain where I was till my assailants come close. I obliged and stood still, and when my assailants came, a knife which I took from my captors before bolting, was whisked from me, and with it, my lower abdomen was pierced and did same to my assailants. I noticed then that we all died of the wound from the knife, but no sooner than I felt a hand robbing my wound and I resurrected to life and healed whilst my assailants remain dead. Then, I saw a crowd of young and old people, clapping and shouting to the joy of my resurrection. Finally, the voice said to me, “when you go back, tell people what you have seen, I am the giver of life and also terminator of life but I back give life to good people”.

Not too long ago, I had another dreamed, someone I couldn’t recognize asked me whether I have passed on the message to which I replied, “What message?” then he said, “People don’t need to cry when a person dies because when the spirit sleeps, the body wakes up but when the spirit wakes up, the body sleeps.” How can a dream so near to real experience with such direct instructions be interpreted?

Having meditated over these dreams, and finding no interpreter to consult, I am convinced this is no ordinary dream to tell and drop it there but a revelation to announce WHO WE ARE. Inferring the meaning of these dreams from scripture; Genesis 2: 7 says, “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and MAN became a LIVING SOUL. Again, Genesis 2:21-23 states that, “God caused man to fall asleep and from his ribs, He raised another body which he called woman (body sleeps and a spirit awakened to form another body). Again, Ezekiel 37:5-6, tells us how the ‘breathe’ of God quickened dry bones to become living souls (God’s breathe resurrect the dead to life). Ezekiel 37: 13-14 states; verse 13. “You, my people will know when I open your grave and bring you back to life…” Verse 14. I WILL PUT MY SPIRIT IN YOU AND YOU WILL LIVE…..”

Dear reader, we are not just ordinary flesh and blood but living souls who are called into being by God’s breathe. God’s breathe is spirit and we are embodiments of this spirit, sparkling God’s brilliance and image. We are ‘gods’ because God’s spirit is embedded in us, but, only to the extent that we display the spiritual potency sleeping within us. The Psalmist proclaimed in Psalm 86:6; “I have said, you are “gods,” You are all sons of the Most High. Jesus corroborated this assertion of the psalmist when he revealed his spiritual self to the Jews as in John10:34-35 but they did not understand. If we refuse to nurture our spirituality whilst we live in this body, we wouldn’t have the chance to live again or resurrect. If we don’t escape the desire that nourishes this body which has held us captive against our spiritual development, our spirit cannot resurrect beyond the grave. Everyone in this life will face a hill to surmount and obstacles, some of which he may not overcome before given the chance to tell their story and only this One Voice will judge who will live the test.

Finally, dear reader, consider Saint Paul’s message at Romans 8:11-14; “But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his spirit that dwells in you. We are not debtors to the flesh, to live after the flesh. For if we live after the flesh, we shall die but if we through the spirit subjugate or supress the deeds of the body, we shall live. For as many as allowed themselves to be led by the spirit of God, they shall become the sons of God.

This is the message. Receive it.

Thomas Twum

Columnist: Twum, Thomas