
Does Ghana Deserve 1/3 Share From Our Natural Resources?

Thu, 16 Aug 2007 Source: Ofori Ampofo

Since the overthrow of the CPP Government in 1966, there seems to have emerged a group of politicians who would not mind selling the whole Ghana if they could, and walk away. How can our people work hard in the hot African sun, risking their lives in the mines and soon-to-be oil fields, and Ghana cannot even get one-third, the royalties from our own natural resources and peoples’ sweat?

There are some educated men who think that the traditional farmers were not smart. They should think again. Let’s examine this traditional scenario . When growing up, I saw my father as a farmer with vast lands, lease out fruit bearing cocoa farms to farm overseers. The ratio of overseer to land owner was 1/3 overseer to 2/3 Land owner proportion. We know from traditional wisdom that the owner eats more than the hired hand. This has been the case on other societies, and one can examine the Biblical times also. In the case of any piece of arable land for fresh start food crop plantations, the proceeds from corn, is usually 1/3 and 2/3, same as above. Other food crops like cassava, cocoyam and plantain usually are given as a bonus and belongs to the overseer to live on to transplant cocoa seedlings provided by the Land owner, and nurtured until it starts bearing fruits. After that the usual cocoa farm 1/3 and 2/3 arrangement as above sets in for as long as the care taker remains in the service.

This olden day Gold Coast arrangement, still is the one best known share holdings through the whole Country when it comes to leasing farm lands to overseers. I am inclined to think that this arrangement cuts across the whole of Africa. I can safely also say that all past and present Government officials, parliamentarians, ministers, the council of state and Presidents know this regardless which region or district of Ghana each one of them came from. This has worked well as far as the last half century that I can recall, and I think it has been a perfect arrangement. We have come of age since 1957 to know better and do just what is good and better and best for our Country. So why do we give these Multinationals 95% and more? Are we not as human as they are? What makes their investment more valuable?

OUR GOLD AND DIAMOND MINES. Nature has not been wicked to Africa at all, given all the natural resources that the continent abounds. In Ghana, the leaderships of the Country since Independence have given all our Natural resources to the multinationals ALMOST FOR FREE. In a speech in 2006 before an audience at the KNUST, then Minister of Foreign Affairs Hon. Nana Akuffo Addo referred to a 2005 UNCTAD report that revealed that Ghana ‘s share of Gold export was only 5%. Ghana gets 10% free carry shares from Tarkwa Gold fields, whiles the Principal multi national company owns 71.1% and a Canadian Company owns 18.9%.

Today, we know of the dangers associated with the use of CYANIDE for Gold mining all over the world. There is a growing objection and rejection of gold mining because of the use of cyanide and its effect on human and environmental disaster through out the world. Yet, in recent past, we have had Newmont (Ghana Ltd.) doing brisk Gold mining and further exploration in all corners of the Country. Who knows what percentage our modern Ghana 21Century leaders concluded on behalf of the people? Besides the destruction of Lands and the spillage of cyanide into rivers which are the only source of drinking water in the mining areas, there are disagreements on compensation to farmers and land owners for the destruction of food and cash crop, and in some cases there are losses of human lives.

On or about November 2nd, 2005, it was reported that two farmers were killed and a large number of them injured by personnel of the Ghana police dispatched from Koforidua, Akyem Oda , Ofoase, and Nkawkaw, after an official of Newmont had allegedly called the Police to inform them that the people of New Abirem had blocked the roads leading into and out of the town and were not allowing Newmont vehicles and heavy equipment to use the roads. This was allegedly done in protest of Newmont’s refusal to pay the farmers per tree destroyed as a result of their operations. As Land owners, why can’t they determine what they want for destroying their crops? Hope the Kufuor administration, as that of Rawlings before it, is not relinquishing our democratic rights to witness those days of Apartheid South Africa under Ian-Smith.

I do not think the Gold and Diamond mining communities in Ghana have fared any better socially and economically than the non mining communities. Oboase, Akwatia, Tarkwa, Prestia, Bogosu, Konongo and the rest of them have all not seen any meaningful and significant developments. Social Life in these mining towns is just as depressing as any other village in Ghana. It is time we demand that all Mining areas be well developed with modern infrastructures like schools, hospitals, community centers, good source of drinking water, land communication systems, and storm drainage systems. Our leaders must demand the best for our people and stop the alleged and well known percentage they collect, to the disadvantage of the larger community. They know what they are doing is illegal, selling their nation, and one day, they will be held to account.

WHAT IS FREE HOLDING? My understanding is a compensation granted by the multi national to the land owner without a share Capital or Technology. Nonsense! What can the Capital and the Technology do without the endowed Land? None!

The Ghanaian Land sharing system has stood the test of time for years under the 1/3 -2/3 share holding . One can understand us going under bogus agreements years and years ago, when the Europeans used the gun to threaten and loot. Today we are in the 21st Century and we still can’t negotiate for a fair deal, at least 1/3 PERCENTAGE ROYALTY ON OUR OWN LAND without Technology and cash equity?. If our leaders cannot negotiate a fair deal with the multi nationals for our Gold and Diamonds, how are they going to get the best from the much talked about oil discovery from the shores of Saltpond?. If the multi nationals are attracted to our LAND for what is in the soil, then let them agree to our terms of share holdings and pay the right compensations to the land owners and don’t let them cheat us with their money and Technology. Let us demand what we want and not accept what they want.

THE SCANCEM BRIBERY CASE: This is an indication of how the multinationals can manipulate the integrities of African political leaders to their advantage. As long as Africa continues to have leaders of questionable integrity, our continent shall continue to be subjected to manipulations by the Multinationals, and they will always have their way out, negotiating with the greedy and self-centered politicians. Ghana is no exception. Let them not all forget that one day justice will be demanded by the people under our same democracy.

In summary, can anybody imagine what 30% of our gold, diamond and may be later (oil) can do for the national economy, the average Ghanaian and Ghana‘s overall development? It is time for us to renegotiate for a fair share of our land royalties because, we may not have these resources forever for future generations. The once enviable Akwatia consolidated diamond company is now a shadow of its past and today, that company is history because there are no more diamonds to break even on its operations let alone make profit. We therefore have to take advantage of today because tomorrow is not ours.

Ofori Ampofo (Chairman/ Co-Founder )
Ghana National Party

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Columnist: Ofori Ampofo