
Does the So called “NPP” deepen Ghana’s Democracy?

Fri, 6 Nov 2009 Source: Tamakloe, Kojo

“Jumah is the descendant of people who used to sweep our streets” Ghanaweb Aug 2009

Democracy is a political system in which government is either carried out by the people governed (direct democracy), or the power to govern is granted by them to elected representatives (representative democracy). The term is derived from the Greek: "the power of the people"

In political theory, democracy describes a small number of related forms of government and also a political philosophy. Even though there is no specific, universally accepted definition of 'democracy' there are two principles that any definition of democracy includes, equality and freedom.] These principles are reflected by all citizens being equal before the law, and having equal access to power. A third common principle, though less measurable, is that all citizens are promised certain legitimized freedoms and liberties, which are generally protected by a constitution.

Ghana’s model of democracy is the later that gives power to elected representatives to exercise power. . Naturally the wider the choice the better will be the caliber of people in government. It also pre supposes that the elected representatives products of the people represented will have certain acceptable attributes. Part of these I will say will be a natural intellect helping them to make wise decisions and so wise choices. To make intelligent choices also presupposes good listening skills and tolerance to opposing views .It is also from definition a political system and not an economic system. A method of electing leadership as opposed to what economic policies are followed. I make this point because too often we confuse political with economic systems .A socialist system can be democratic and equally a capitalistic system can be dictatorial

Now to my question of the NPP not deepening Ghana’s democracy. My stand point is the “New Patriotic Party” is neither new nor patriotic and has not deviated from its violent and untruthful past .This party had its forbears in the very conservative philosophy of replacing colonial rule with the rule of the local Kings and their surrogates. Yaw Baffour Akoto, linguist of the Asantehene ( an Illiterate), S G Antor and Ayegbe were backed by the Gbi Hohoe King ( Togbe Gabusu) , S D Dombo ( Northern Kings) and the more conservative elements of the Ga traditional area and Apaloo of the Anlo traditional area . The Prof Busias of the party and the Akyem elements though educated all had Royal stock and worked to maintain this. Now how can these people then claim to be democratic? They wanted governorship by inheritance and fought to keep the status quo .

Nana Akuffo Addo will like to convince us of his Royalty and a descendant of a past president and hence the right to the presidency . It was Busia who said “the children of the professors should not mix with those of kenkey sellers” Modern day NPP has not deviated from this mindset. Choice to them is an anathema. They are not able to countenance opposing views especially if it emanates from outside of their “elite group” How a party of illiterates can all of a sudden be a party of “elites” amazes me. But that is a strapping they strive for to convince the electorate they are capable of making wise choices Their “learned Professors write about tribalism and JJ ad infinitum. One writes about a plot to kill Akans in Hohoe and another one says a “Presbyterian Church” is founded by Ewes for Ewes only. Then we have the story of trokosi while they claim Christianity . Christ talked about “ Loving your neighbor” Can someone claim it is a love of neighbor when you call him/her a “subhuman’, “ ekrow” , togolese, 419 ,thieves, lazy, violent and rejoice when people drown in a lake because they speak a different language or disagree with you politically. These same people look down on other religions and genders. The good book talks about not judging and that the kingdom is Not for those who shout “Lord, Lord”. It talks about helping the poor and the needy. The story of the “Good Samaritan “best illustrates this. The Victim, A Jew being saved by a “heathen” a Samaritan. So how do we reconcile our “Christianity” with our practices and utterances? His commands are clear and simple. “Whatever you do to the least of your brethren you do unto me’, so feed the hungry, clothe the clothe less, house the homeless, Can the NPP claim they stand and practice these? How can we explain the deepening tribal division after 8 years of NPP rule? Coincidence and or plan? How many of the leaders have come up to quell the fire or dowse the flames of their over enthusiastic members? NONE. Do they condone it? Why are they not deepening democracy? I believe in democracies there is choice. For one to choose wisely one has to make INFORMED decisions. NPP and its forbears have been a party of propagandists. In those days it was Nkrumah as a “communist” what ever that meant, He was going to seize our houses at a time he was putting up estates all over the place, Kanda, Teshie Nungua … etc. Education was going to be limited to the “elite” when he was building more schools. He was going to make us be in Khaki Khaki as a standard uniform, when he was starting textile and garment factories. Tema Motor way was a communist highway and Job 600 a “white Elephant” How do you make an informed decision with such distortions? Does that promote democracy? Can we say we have an alternative now to the NDC? Was Nkrumah correct when he decided on a one party state? Conclusion If Aliu Mahama because he speaks a different language from the “majority” tribe cannot be a Flag bearer; can we claim to be a democracy? If Dr Nyaho Tamakloe, speaks his mind and is told to go to the Volta region to canvass for votes, if Nii Addy cannot be a Party Chairman as his tribe is “lazy” If Fredua Busia is not fit for certain positions because she is a female, or Alhajia Salimata is a Moslem, or Bartels cannot be Party secretary because he comes from Ogua. What will the NPP do should it be in Power? No one writes or tells us what they can do. It is only about us running away or committing suicide should they come into power. If the NDC is failing where are our options? If the NPP has shown nothing positive then are our choices not limited? Is it not time to find ways to deepen our democracy? Let us work for a better alternative by uniting all the other minority parties. Forward ever with our democracy

From Kojo Tamakloe a pan-africanist who believes tribalist parties will soon be extinct as United Africa is in the next logical step.

Columnist: Tamakloe, Kojo