
Don't succumb to the devil

Fri, 7 Mar 2003 Source: Adomako-Gyimah, Julian

Most heads of state in the past have both consciously and unconciously succumbed to a devilish organisation leading to the numerous woes and suffering amongst Ghanaians. Statistics however show that, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah did very well as far as our economy is concerned due to the fact that he never gave way to imperialiam in any form likewise Busia. It is thus not strange that most people think it is now time for our leaders to emancipate us spiritually, economically, physically and emotionally. The African has suffered for so long a time yet the Western world still exploit our poor continent to the detriment of our innocent citizens.

The IMF has been branded devilish by most conscious Africans and people of African descent including the late Rev Dr. Leon Sullivan. Most of the Western economies are the way they are now due to the hard work of our forefathers yet they treat the continent and its people without any respect. "It is time we are neglected a bit, because there more orphaned we are, the better for Africa" as declared by Yoweri Museveni some years ago. We have just seen and heard the increase in petroluem products and its effect on Ghanaians and I think it is time our leaders stop bowing to the beast and its demonic conditions as it will only cause chaos and suffering in our home.

We afterall don't go begging them for any money and I sometimes wonder where they put those deadly clauses in the loan package. Africa has been exploited for a very long time and as we are all aware, no government that gives way to neo-colonialism will succeed and has ever succeeded. The NDC failed students and Ghanaians at large all in the name of the IMF and I hope President Kuffour will see this before it gets too late. Ghanaians should please forgive him as he needs a bit of time but the fact is that, he shouldn't sit down for this devilish lion to devour us before he drives them out of the way.

We should by now know why the daily wage was only adjusted to 9200 cedis. It is all because of the fact that, this devilish organisation asked the government to do that beofre a loan will be finalised but what good does these loans do us if it only lead to unemployment, high inflation rate and what have you. We need to "lift ourselves high, rise from the mires and hitches of life and yes rise as high as the very stars themselves" as Marcus Mosiah Garvey said. All we have to do is to strengthen our manufacturing base and we can definitely do away with this lion who is so selfish and hasn't got our interest at heart at all.

As Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah said " no country can develop in a neo-colonialist environment; not South Africa, the most technologically advanced or Nigeria the most populous nation on the continent". It is time we say leave us alone as you are only looking for the downfall of poor Mother Africa. Babylon shall burn

Julian Adomako-Gyimah M.InstBA
Great Britain

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Columnist: Adomako-Gyimah, Julian