Former President, Flt. Jerry John Rawlings
One of the most enduring lessons of June 4, therefore, is the fact that, all great things are birthed out of an intense passion and a blazing determination; to bring about a positive transformation.
June 4 shows that, we will not succeed until that desire builds up into an irresistible magnetic and to an unstoppable force that will bring about the crystallization of our dream.
Let us continue to salute the sacrifices of all those who made June 4 a positive remarkable event; let us never forget that, to build a great nation with the right culture of leadership and commitment , we need to cherish fearless honest persons; the kind of intense and fearless honesty that empowers us to resist the rule of the internal and external oppressors with all our will and all our might.
The mantra ‘’leave my men alone-I alone ,am responsible’’ that made Rawlings famous during his trial after the abortive May 15 mutiny, were immortal words that will continue to be the standard of true leadership in our country and the world at large. Those words embodied courage and held the essence of honesty. They indicated readiness to put one’s life down for the purpose of accomplishing a great dream-a dream that will elevate and transform the lives of many.
Again, it is imperative to take responsibility for the actions we engage in and never blame others for their consequences.
By asking that his men be set free, and by taking total responsibility for his act, he showed the extent to which he loved his subordinates. Thus, the people who resonated in the same frequency of love for humanity could not stay still for such a man to be executed by those who were lesser saints and villains; they would risk their lives for him.
The action fits well in the paradoxical phrase of Christ, when he said, “He who risk his life… will find it, ” and vice versa.
Rawlings’ patriotic actions and exhibition of wisdom, selflessness and courage, laid the basis for his second coming and the constitutional rule.