
Dr Nkrumah: Who’s Going To Fulfill His Dreams?

Wed, 9 Feb 2011 Source: The Emperor

The Europeans have got it figured out. Yes, they have got it made! Tough, their socio-economic success, if you ask me, did take a long time coming. It didn’t happen overnight! Centuries went into scheming and developing what has now become their reality. I guess in some point in time, the Europeans saw tomorrow. And the question which was; how do we make it better than today? To the Europeans, the answer to this question was very simple. They would explore the far ends of the world and exploit it. Sure enough, they didn’t hesitate with the execution of this plan. One after the other, countries were invaded, held hostage, or forced into submission by the Europeans. In time, European colonies were set up all over the world. These colonies would go on to function as bread baskets for the colonizers and their respective countries!

In Ghana, for instance, the British, the Dutch and the Portuguese couldn’t control their greed. They plundered, killed and stole to their heart’s content. The Europeans, apart from loading their ships full with gold and other precious metals, abducted people for cheap labor. In fact, there is no telling how much wealth were stolen. Though, one thing is certain, the Europeans took more than enough. Today, most of the European countries, which once had colonies, are rich and prosperous beyond measure. Their economies are booming! Luxury and abundance seem to characterize their respective countries. Most importantly, their children are living in comfort, wealth and ease. Of course, the legacy of slavery, murderer and plundering would forever haunt them. However, their children understand that it’s this legacy, which made them what they are today.

Ever since Ghana wrestled her independence from the British, the country has been on her knees crawling. Mismanagement of resources has created an unnecessary harsh reality for Ghana and her people. Also, Ghanaians, it seems, cannot see eye to eye. For instance, those who mean well for the country are betrayed before they even start. Those who want to see the country up there amongst the stars are pulled down by those who have little to no love for it. The rich, who have the responsibility for uplifting the poor, have declared themselves poor. Though, most of us are not so sure! In Ghana, we hate those who are clever, but despise fools. The educated ones are sent packing, whilst the illiterates take posts in parliament. Our bright young men and women, whose time is now, are discriminated against by the old whose times have long gone for position!

Dear reader, our children shouldn’t be made to suffer tomorrow because of something, which we could’ve done today, but didn’t do. Dr Nkrumah, more than any African leader, understood is! Hence, his tireless efforts and admirable dedication. Which brings me to the question of; who is going to fulfil his dreams? Yes, Dr kwame Nkrumah was a dreamer, whose dreams have yet to see the light of day. His dream was to see our country in triumph, not in defeat. He dreamed of a country where excellence matters. He dreamed of prosperity for all instead of a few! In short, he dreamed of a country where everybody counts. Thus, deserving to be taken care of without exemption. Now, the question is; who amongst us is bold enough to walk in his shoes? Who’s bold enough to protest against the suffering and hopelessness amongst our people? Who amongst us is the next selfless leader? Again, who amongst us is worthy, or have we all corrupted ourselves?

Welcome 2 the Age of Consciousness!

Source: The Emperor

Columnist: The Emperor