President Akufo-Addo and former President, John Mahama
Many Ghanaians have not only lost interest and trust in politicians because of their corrupt nature but for the fact that politicians are allergic to lies and baseless propaganda.
It is almost becoming clear that if you want to go far in Ghanaian politics, then you have to part ways with the truth.
Dumsor became a household daily discourse during the era of John Dramani Mahama when there were intermittent power outages. Even though dumsor intensively lasted for almost two years, Mahama and his NDC administration aggressively fought the power challenge and by 2016, dumsor was over.
Expectedly as it was, Nana Addo and his disciples in opposition then lambasted Mahama for 'incompetently' managing the situation.
In fact, Mahama was a sleepless man during such a period because the insults, accusations, condemnations, demonstrations, dumsor vigils, propaganda, and the partisan politics of the 'dumsorization' was not easy accommodating.
Nana Addo and his campaign team then capitalized on it and campaigned vigorously for change on the basis of dumsor of which indeed Ghanaians voted for change.
As visionary as Mahama is, he procured emergency power plants and other power capacity generation agreements which led to the end of dumsor. There is no doubt that Mahama ended dumsor before handing power to Nana Addo in 2017. That is factual!
Last year, Dr. Bawumia sarcastically compared 'Mahama dumsor' with the coronavirus pandemic and how both leaders had managed those pandemics. He claimed that Mahama could not handle the 'dumsor pandemic' as compared to how Nana Addo is handling the coronavirus pandemic.
In fact, Dr. Bawumia in many of his propaganda platforms claimed that John Mahama never ended dumsor and that it was Nana Addo who did.
Now my questions to Dr. Bawumia:
1. Will you agree or disagree with your boss Nana Addo that if the light goes off and comes back it's dumsor?
2. Will you announce to Ghanaians that there's an outbreak of another pandemic call 'dumsor21'?
3. Do you still stand by your argument that Mahama did not end dumsor?
4. Will you apologize to Ghanaians for your lies and propaganda against Mahama on dumsor?
Well, there are no magical convincing answers to these questions. But maybe another rhetoric as usual.
Is it not annoying sometimes listening to some government appointees and their communicators trying to justify the current power situation? Some said it is not dumsor whilst others say it is a special dumsor. Whichever way you want to explain it, does the light goes off and comes back? What term is given to that?
I leave it at the doorsteps of Ghanaians.
Shockingly as it is, Ghana is back to the era of 'dumsorization', and I am very amazed how Ghanaians are voicelessly suffering under this government. Where are the loudmouth civil service organizations who operated fearlessly during John Mahama's era?
Where are the 'wise' celebrities who organized the dumsor vigil because tolerant Mahama was a president?.
President Akufo-Addo must apologize to Ghanaians and Mahama or resign to save his fast eroding reputation.
Power distribution companies such ECG, VRA, etc. are complaining of inadequate finance to take routine maintenance.
What did not we hear during Mahama regime? Where is the money? Why are we all quiet?
By the way, Nana Addo must apologize to Ghanaians and Mahama. It is very simple!