
Election 2024: A pariah EC between scylla and charybdis

EC Chair And Boss Jean Mensa Jean Mensah

Fri, 4 Oct 2024 Source: Iddrisu Abdul Hakeem

Fellow Ghanaians, we are not in normal times. We are living in a very interesting time in the history of our country under the stewardship of complete Kakistocratic Kleptocrats! And we have the right as Ghanaians to defend ourselves against political barbarians! I choose the pen as my weapon.

Voltaire once said, that “to hold a pen, is to be at war.” But before I expose you to my angry, belligerent, and violent pen in this epistle, I want my dear reader to contemplate this scenario with his or her thick thinking cap on.

Imagine someone telling a Teller at the bank not to count a sum of money he or she brings for deposit but must record the amount he tells the Teller the money is, say two billion cedis. And when the Teller insists on counting the money, the client rejects the idea and says Teller should present evidence that the money is not the amount he tells him or her to record.

The question is, what evidence does the Teller need other than to count the money? Isn’t such a client a criminal?

Fellow citizens of Ghana, this is the exact situation between the Electoral Commission of Ghana, and the opposition National Democratic Congress, NDC, and all true compatriots of this country. In this case, the NDC is the Teller, and the EC is the client, who thinks demanding forensic audit of the Voter’s Register by a political party, which is the mandate of the EC, the political party, an alternative government in waiting, should present evidence of discrepancies in the register. What is just wrong with conducting the forensic audit so that everyone can be satisfied that everything is alright? That’s like telling a Teller to accept and record a sum of cash handed to him or her without counting but should rather bring evidence to prove whether the money ought to be counted if he or she insists on counting the cash!

What a load of crap!? But I think we begrudge the EC not.

Obviously, proud as the proverbial peacock, and as discreditable and dishonest as the Judas the Iscariot, the Electoral Commission of Ghana, its boss and other officials, are caught in what former Minority leader, Haruna Iddrisu had described as "a witches' dance floor". In such a dance floor, one loses his mother for dancing forward, loses the father for dancing backward, loses the wife and children for dancing in the middle, and himself will die for refusing to dance at all! It's a black hole of all dilemmas. But, is the EC actually to blame? It is a “no” and “yes” answer. In fact, many Ghanaians believe this potential genocidal decision taken by madam Jean Mensah, is largely due to acute menopausal dim flushes and problems.

So, is Jean Mensah the problem, or the somnambulistic show boy” President Akufo Addo who has for the past eight years disregarded Ghanaians as intellectually unequipped for critical thinking citizens with utter contempt in undertaking each of his most fraudulent, corrupt, criminal, and thieving projects?

Today, the example of president Akufo Addo is like that of a machete wielding mad man: he’s simply striking everything he opposes. But there’s a method to our dear president’s madness. The milk and honey pot of political power is what he vows to keep flowing forever. Regardless. At least, in his life time now that one of his legs is in the land of his ancestors as an octogenarian.

As a machete-wielding-mentally-deranged president who doesn’t like Nsawam, he must go after one of the pillars of our democracy.

There’s a hilarious story of a certain man who played a sort of possum of mental illness because of food a charitable foundation was supplying to mad persons roaming in town. As he was loitering aimlessly to get himself spotted by the team and get his share of the food, a certain young lad noticed what he was about to. So the young lad shouted to the food distributors: “He is not a mad man! He is not a mad man. I live in this suburb with him.” Then the “mad man” retorted in a thunderous voice: “you little bastard! Who is not a mad man? I have been mad before you were born!”

The team was instantly flabbergasted and asked him to take a chill pill. But he kept fuming and replied annoyingly: “Bro, how can I be a mad man and he claimed I am not?” Ha-Ha! Realizing the man madness was a hunger madness, the team leader quickly interjected: “We know! Don’t mind him bro.” Then, he released his last shot: “It's your father who is not mad!” he insulted the boy.

Fellow Ghanaians, with the hunger and naked poverty sweeping across the nation, the above funny joke has become a reality in our communities. And there’s a shouting need for a change of leadership and government. Ghana is not ready to entertain political turncoats in their bid to protect their long years of loot.

Also, in the Muslim community, people – some non-muslims every now and then “convert” to Islam so that the congregation can contribute some money for them as a welcome into the fold of Islam. The truth is that, for majority of these “converts”, it’s a mechanism for escapism of the crippling national hunger. Many of them have converted more than five times in different Mosques and communities. It’s a breadwinning stratagem. But, wait a minute. What about our overfed political leaders and government officials, the president in particular and his entourage of gangsters whose irresponsibility and thieving agenda in leadership, has brought upon us this agony?

One of the timeless and priceless political dictums is that which was coined by John Locke in which he said: “power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. Indeed, it is actually the “power”, not the hunger, which is the beef and albatross around the necks of our leaders, and they really can do anything like the masqueraded “mad man” or the multiple “converts” into Islam, to obtain, attain, and maintain political power.

And for many of these accursed leaders, they actually don’t care burning their countries down in order to stay in power.

The Dagomba people say it is dirt in the eyes that is removed and showed to the eyes, the eyes are never removed because of dirt.

Today, to say president Akufo Addo has burnt down a house in order to get rid of a salamander is really an under statement. He has actually sold the heads of Ghanaians, to be beheaded, in order to put up a hat manufacturing company.

You see, history is not false. It was Genghis Khan of Mongolia who used to declare a favorite phrase to his victims prior to their invasion: “I am a punishment of your Lord upon you”.

There are many discerning Ghanaians who hold the view that our dear president, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo, has been our country’s worst enemy, who has sought to destroy the country through artistic robbery of state cash and bankruptcy! And that appears not enough even as the Central Bank of the country has for the first time begun recording negative figures and incurring unimaginable losses. President Akufo Addo wants the nation curls up in smoke.

Is he a punishment of our Lord upon us for our thanklessness of His endless favors? Why does president Akufo Addo hell-bent on going for the jugular of the nation in his bid to foist upon Ghana a disaster and an “economic Jonah” and “a Job’s comforter” in the person of Vice president Bawumia? A man whose economic policies have been nothing short of the usual “pie in the sky” and who has been a classic example of a broken record in terms of poetic justice?

The economy of the country has actually bullied and humiliated the Oxbridge trained economist. Undoubtedly, the Election Management Body alias Electoral Commission, has been one of the cardinal legs of democracy and the rule of law. The triumph and survival of every democracy hinges largely upon the outcomes of its election.

In fact, as a major and cradle of modern democracy, the USA democracy was on the brink and nearly collapsed due to its electoral process in their last election. This is because, democracies only can thrive on the losers in elections who have to agree to outcomes of the elections results. And that happens only when the conduct of the election was credible – free and fair.

There are countless civil wars around the globe which erupted due to a failed and compromised electoral process. The situation always becomes dire and tensed if the citizens have been agitated by the leadership like what is going on in Ghana. We have witnessed the violence which has been going on due to bad governance and criminal leadership in other countries: in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Kenya, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Niger, Mali, Venezuela, among others.

The irony is that the Ghana case has been terribly worst. The Kenya violence protest stemmed from something like the equivalence of our Electronic Levy (E-levy) which the people of Kenya could not accept, and decided to burn down their House of Legislature. Something in Ghana we never did anything about. In fact, with critical inspection, one after the other, one will find that for each of the “crimes” any of these countries’ citizens rose in arms against, have been all been combined by the government of Ghana. Yet, Ghanaians let it slide in anticipation of resorting to the democratic process to get their problems fixed.

Fellow citizens of the world, what will be the situation of Ghana then if the government attempts to deny Ghanaians that opportunity to resort to the rule of law and democratic means by using a flawed electoral process?

I do not personally blame the EC in one breadth, but do blame it in another breadth for its continuous being in cahoots with an apparent criminal government.

Although opposition to government by the EC is like chickens and goats voting for Christmas celebrations, the EC can consider the greater good. Ghanaians lives matter!

Yes, to undertake a forensic audit of the voter's register will be a huge offensive step on the fat toes of Jean Mensah's pay masters, refusing to audit it in the midst of the saner voices prevailing upon the EC, will also degenerate into a debilitating public backlash they can't handle.

And like AB Fuseini once said, nobody organizes an obituary announcement for a man who dies at the market square. The EC will certainly not succumb to the pressure groups’ pressure because of fear of denting its reputation in the eyes of Ghanaians as envisaged by, for example, the celebrated Political Science lecturer at the university of Ghana, Prof. Van Gyampo. No. The EC under Jean Mensah knows no the worth of credibility and reputation.

However, the assassination attempts on Donald Trump, former President of the almighty United States of America, may be a classical example of what may befall madam EC Boss by the agitating hungry masses if she keeps playing on the piano of Ghanaians emotions.

Meanwhile, the EC boss, again, doesn’t seem afraid of reputational wreckage and damage nor being assassinated by frustrated Ghanaians. She just wants to finish the “job”. Boiling the polity harder and harder.

Praise be to God for making Akufo Addo president of Ghana even if it was the foulest of means, for all to see the danger he is to our very existence. It was Abraham Lincoln who said, “nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to know a man’s true character, give him power.” Make him president.

Columnist: Iddrisu Abdul Hakeem