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Election 2024: NDC must avoid complacency

Samuel Yaw Adusei FotoJet(3) Former Deputy Minister for Works and Housing, Samuel Yaw Adusei

Tue, 23 Jul 2024 Source: Samuel Yaw Adusei

Fitch Solutions in October 2016 predicted that the General Elections will go to a run off with NPP gaining 49% and NDC 44% in the first round. It turned out that NPP rather obtained almost 54% in the first round and NDC at 44%.

Did they really get that of NDC right and NPP's wrong?

Is it that NDC were complacent and didn't take the survey seriously?

Is it that NPP worked hard to obtain the additional 4%?

Evidently one party got its 'strategy' right and 'won' the elections.

What did they do right that pushed them from 49% to 53.6%?

What didn't they do wrong to keep them at the 49% or below?

What didn't NDC do right to push us from 44% to 50% and above?

What did NDC do wrong that kept us at 44%?

Fitch Solutions have come out again with another prediction for the 2024 elections with NDC at 54%.

After the 2016 and 2020 elections NDC must have learned a lot of lessons. In order to win the 2024 elections going by the Fitch Solutions predictions, NDC's tasks are;

a) to keep NPP at 43%; and

b) to maintain NDC at 54%.

To achieve this NDC must;

i) avoid complacency;

ii) have a comprehensive strategy for NPP's stronghold;

iii) have a comprehensive strategy for NDC's stronghold;

iv) have a comprehensive strategy for the swing constituencies;

v) do a broader consultation on strategies;

vi) assign roles to competent individuals with requisite exposure and experience;

vii) have a comprehensive strategy for the D Day (mobilizing people out to vote, identification of new polling centers, polling agents, protection for agents, collection of pink sheets, collation of results and declaration of results); and

viii) unite for purpose.

I just looked at the predictions about the elections in the 8th year of the party in government.

Columnist: Samuel Yaw Adusei