
Elephantiasis hypocrites: NDC women's groups, Hannah Tetteh, Oye Lithur et al

Mon, 4 Jul 2016 Source: Dabbousi, Fadi

The diabolism of some of those unattractive, bleaching, over-bloated, hungry, and over-sized women who shouted foul and shook their indolent bums to condemn Hon Kennedy Agyapong for his statement against the EC, Madam Charlotte Osei, have proven their ridiculous characters as politically inebriated and immoral.

The fact that Alistar Nelson, Mugabe Maase, and Kwaku Boahen made direct death threats on the persons of the Justices of the Supreme Court does not only warrant verbal condemnation but lengthy incarceration of these terrorists.

The Judiciary is headed by a responsible and honourable lady in the person of H.L. Georgina Theodora Wood. The justices of the Supreme and all other courts are made up of both genders, males and females. In other words, the death threats issued by the NDC terrorists did uphold the idea of gender equality covering all the Judges manning the judiciary. How then can we interpret the silence of the ewes when they develop sharp teeth only when the matter suits their evil agenda?

For those ignoramuses of the NDC, the underlined word ewes does not refer to the tribes of the Volta Region. In the English language, an ewe is a female sheep. Maybe you will learn something new this time.

Back to our topic, these women should have discerned that their own are under a direct death threat and not an accusation of screwing around, so where is their valour? They are clearly disoriented or maybe have indulged in the same act that Charlotte Osei is being accused of. I am just postulating or say fishing for answers to their John-Mahama-controlled lackadaisical attitudes.

Why are they also silent on the issue of the special police who are practically camped somewhere undertaking military style training in order to cause serious trouble during the NPP rallies and shoot outs at polling stations in the NPP strongholds. I am sure they realise that in such extremism and NDC terrorism, their fellow women and children will be victimised and traumatised by the planned incidents. Would it not be apt for them to denounce such antecedents of terror, horror ,and fear rather than wading the murky waters of sexual accusations that must be true due to the fact that Hon Kennedy has pictorial evidence?

Some of these women are also caught in the trap of lewdness and eroticism, but fail to shut up. One day, their cups might just get full. Then they will start running for cover when their pictures are made public invoking curses and rallying their gender for support. Alas, they will find no one to look up to for sympathy.

If Charlotte Osei is denying the allegations of allowing John Mahama access into her pants (dross as in local street terms), then she has the legal corridor to prove her innocence. So these fat bums should shut up and allow the EC to rumble in court.

#SaveGhanafromMisogyny #SaveGhanaFromJohnMahama #VoteJohnMahamaAndTheNDCout

Columnist: Dabbousi, Fadi