
End violence against women

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Wed, 26 Nov 2014 Source: Kenneth Nana Amoateng

Violence against women is a human rights violation. It is a consequence of discrimination against women, in law and also in practice, and of persisting inequalities between men and women.

Violence against women impacts on, and impedes, progress in many areas, including poverty eradication, combating HIV/AIDS, and peace and security. This includes effective prevention strategies that address the root causes of gender inequality and better services for women surviving violence, such as hotlines, shelters, legal advice, access to justice, counseling, police protection, and health services.

“It is estimated that, worldwide, 1 in 5 women will become a victim of rape or attempted rape in her lifetime.”

Reach out to your neighbours, local stores, food sellers on the corner of your street, gas stations, local cinemas, barbers, schools, libraries and post offices! Project orange lights and hang orange flags onto local landmarks, tie orange ribbons where you are allowed, and organize local ‘orange marches’ on 25 November to raise awareness about violence against women and discuss solutions that would work for your community.

We strongly condemn all forms of violence against women and girls. Gender equality and women’s empowerment, the elimination of all forms of violence against all women and girls, the elimination of all harmful practices are a precondition for poverty eradication and sustainable development.

Violence against women and girls continues to be a global pandemic. It is not inevitable; hence, prevention is possible and essential.

Celebrate it today and every day. There’s much work to do and there’s no excuse not to be involved. Men and Women are out there organizing right now.

Let’s all unite to End Violence against women.

"When the voice of the people becomes so loud the government has no alternative but to listen" Martin Luther King Jnr.

Columnist: Kenneth Nana Amoateng