
Enough is Enough ? Time to have a Democratic Showdown ? a Rejoinder.

Thu, 9 Jun 2005 Source: Jeffrey, Peter Nee

I do not share Appiah-Danquah?s (Ghana web 7th June 2005) assertion that the NDC are gunning for or implicitly sending a coded message to their supporters in the armed forces to intervene in our democratic process. Hell No. The Ghanaian people and to a degree the world community will not allow such blatant use of force to over throw the democratically elected government.

In as much as I share Appiah-Danquah?s fears that our infant democracy is going through a trying time, I will urge those who harbour any notion of using undemocratic means to try and unseat the elected government of our country to think twice. Any intervention would render our beloved motherland ungovernable and this will send a very negative message to the rest of the continent and indeed the rest of the civilised world that whatever encouragement is given to black Africa, they will always mess things up for themselves. We are seen as the pace setters in terms of good governance and development. We have crossed the threshold of military intervention in body politics.

My brother and compatriot Ato Kwamena in his thesis (Presidency under Siege ? Ghana web 6th June 2005) argue that whatever the faults of the current government, the institution of the Presidency must be respected. The courts are there to right any wrongs and to make sure our elected officials respect the rule of law.

This writer and various others, including sympathisers of the ruling NPP have voiced their concerns about the blatant abuse of power by certain segments of the NPP and the corruption going on within government and other institutions??.. However, these officials were elected by the Ghanaian people, and thus must be allowed to complete their term in office or if proven to be corrupt to be charged. The job of policing the government falls within the remits of the opposition parties and the press. By advocating violent removal of the elected representatives of the people will push our country back decades. No one likes the behaviour of some people in government, yet it is imperative that we do not let our country to be jettison by a few disgruntled individuals. The future of our children is at stake. Posterity would not forgive each and every one of us if we mess up the opportunity that we have got. And in this regard I will pay a glowing tribute to the opposition and the government for allowing our democratic experiment to continue as it is including President Kufuor for not using the security apparatus to harass his opponents and ex-President Rawlings for taking our country to the democratic path by peaceful handover of power.

There is nothing wrong in exposing corruption within government, but this should not be at the expense of the institution of the Presidency. We are at a cross roads??..our future is linked. From young Allahasan born in Tamale to young Yao born in Keta to young Kofi born in New York, the essence of these children having a country that they can call their motherland and help with its development is what matters. That was the idea behind Dr Nkrumah?s Young Pioneer Movement?.to foster unity among our people and allowing the opportunity to flourish in a true democracy.

During the Malaysian ?Miracle years? this writer witnessed young Malays (including 2nd generation Malays that this writer attended university with) going home in droves to help in the reconstruction of their motherland. Ghana is going through the same phase now, albeit slowly. The only draw back is the massive brain drain of our medical professionals and this can be linked to the poor conditions of service that they work under plus lack of resources to enable them hone their skills. The essence is to use the large inflows from the diaspora community equitably by putting more resources into social infrastructure such as basic primary education right across the country.

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Columnist: Jeffrey, Peter Nee