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Epitome of selfless leadership: Dr. Kingsley Agyemang tops all in the Akyem enclave

Dr. Kingsley Agyemang

Thu, 9 Mar 2023 Source: Gideon Aboagye

In a world where leadership is often associated with power, privilege, and self-

interest, Kingsley Agyemang (PhD) stands out as a shining example of what true

leadership should be. His life and legacy serve as a reminder that leadership is

not about titles or positions, but about service to others.

He is indeed the epitome of selfless leadership in the Akyem Abuakwa enclave,

and his example will continue to inspire generations to come.

Kingsley is a name that has become synonymous with deeds in the Akyem enclave.

The epitome of his selflessness is evident in the way he has dedicated his life

to serving the people of his constituency, without any personal gain or recognition.

I write as an indigene of Akyem Apapam, a community which has benefitted from the selflessness of Dr. Agyemang. Off the cuff, I think of the massive work he

carried out on the Apapam Methodist Primary School block. He singlehandedly

erected a 6- unit classroom edifice. With his own money, outside office! Awesome, is it not?

Dr. Agyemang's leadership style is rooted in his deep-seated belief that leadership is a call to serve, and not an opportunity for personal aggrandizement.

He has consistently demonstrated this by his actions, whether as the boss of the Scholarship Secretariat, a community leader, or a philanthropist.

Dr. Agyemang's philanthropic efforts are impressive. He has consistently given back to his constituents by supporting the less privileged, providing scholarships to deserving students, and sponsoring medical missions to rural areas.

From Asiakwa to Apapam to Akwadum, and indeed, across Abuakwa South constituency, he is held high.

Perhaps what sets Dr. Agyemang apart from other leaders in the Akyem enclave is his humility. Often, when people climb to the apex of the socio-economic ladder, they cut all links from the base.

But Kingsley is different. From one funeral to another; visiting churches and interacting with members, embracing children from all levels of background, he knows no discrimination. He does not seek personal recognition or accolades for his selfless service to the community.

Instead, he derives satisfaction from seeing the positive impact of his efforts on the lives of the people he serves.

In a world where many leaders are driven by personal gain and recognition, Dr. Agyemang's leadership style is a breath of fresh air. He has shown that it is possible to lead selflessly, without compromising on excellence or effectiveness.

One of the hallmarks of Dr. Agyemang's leadership is his ability to bring people together for a common cause. He has a knack for identifying the needs of his community and mobilizing resources to address those needs. His leadership has brought about a sense of unity and purpose in the Akyem enclave, as people have rallied around his vision for a better community.

Despite his many accomplishments, he remains humble and approachable. He is always willing to listen to the concerns of his community members and to work with them to find solutions to their problems.

His approachability and accessibility have earned him the trust and loyalty of his people.

May I ask this question, though rhetorically? Is it true [that] “one good turn

deserves another”? Well. The ball is in your court, my compatriots. Shall we reward him with a slot in parliament in 2024? Over to you, our kingmakers, our well- reasoned delegates. Can we imagine how he will apply wisdom to serve the


Just as a Presbyterian clergy remembers his hymn, let us reward him. That should be the theme as we ready ourselves for battle in election 2024.

I rest my case.

Columnist: Gideon Aboagye