
Every President is growing old, except Nana Akufo-Addo

Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

Tue, 11 Jun 2019 Source:

The job of a Head of State of every country is a very daunting one, depending on the population, you are responsible for millions of people, both in the country and those outside.

You are responsible for their well-being; it is a job that does not require second guesses, every decision taken cannot be reversed, you have to live with the consequences for the rest of your life.

In the run-up to the 2016 elections, a lot can be said about the health of candidate Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo; you do not need to look at him twice to tell the man was not well.

It became apparent to the extent that, he could wear winter clothes in summer. At the University of Ghana, Legon, while delivering a speech, we all saw what happened; he had to clean his nose using the back of his palm, in a disgusting manner.

The Africa Watch magazine had graphic details of what he was suffering from and the hospital he was seeking medical treatment in the United Kingdom.

A cursory look at presidents across the world and one does not need to look at them twice to know that, the burden of the highest office of the land is taking a toll on them.

President Mohammed Buhari of Nigeria, was a healthy man before he assumed the reins of power in his country, like President Akufo-Addo, spent dozen years chasing the Presidency, they both contested three times, before faith shone it luck on them.

President Buhari, has been out of Nigeria on several occasions to seek for medical treatment, the last major one he went and returned, it was widely circulated that, it is not president Buhari that was back into the country, but his clone.

By just looking at him, you can see the weight of the office, he occupies weighing on him.

Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron is a French politician serving as President of the French Republic since 2017.

He is only 41 years of age, but he looks older now than his age, just three years in office and he has completely lost his youth.

President Donald Trump of the United States of America (USA), is one example of a president, who is not sleeping on the job or just enjoying the allure of power, but working to make the lives of his people better.

The man is losing his hair, he has lost his balance and the humour that was his forte, as a businessman, as well as, when he was running for the highest of the land.

I can give countless examples of presidents and heads of states, who have been made old, just for accepting to serve their country.

In Ghana, we were witness to how President John Agyekum Kufuor, looked when he became president and how he looked two years in his term.

The pressures of power were what gradually and slowly, took away the life of President, John Evans Atta Mills. As said by ex-president Jerry John Rawlings, perhaps if he had listened to wise counsel and stepped down, he would have been alive.

The one person whose was so visible was ex-president, John Dramani Mahama, the man became an old man, faster than it takes Usain Bolt, to do the 100 meters. His black hair turned white.

Meanwhile, Nana Addo, at the age of 79, a privileged age in our clime where many things connive to deny many long life.

If you walk by sight, you cannot help but notice that the president, who three years ago, was looking older than his age, is certainly more buoyant than a 41 years old Macron.

A candidate who looked like a timid, nepotic but stingy rightist who would sit down on the national wealth without a clue about how to invest, has suddenly become a lavish and irresponsible spender and is sharing the national treasury with the wolves that currently surround his presidency.

One thing is clear from the way president Akufo-Addo, is going and doing, it means, he is spending a lot of our money, to help him stay young.

I had the opportunity yesterday, of watching some old video clips of president Akufo-Addo, and I can say with certainty that his current state of health can only be described as a miracle.

I now appreciate the trouble they go through to win power. When you want anything in this world, as our first president and founder, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, said, seek ye first the political kingdom and all other things shall be added, the addition is mine.

I understand the reason for the name-calling, slander, and scaremongering against their opponents.

Power sweet indeed, except president Akufo-Addo, was not elected to enjoy only the spoils of power, he has been entrusted with the destiny of more than 25 million Ghanaians. He has not only our resources at his disposal but our hopes and dreams.

He must remember that every penny spent to keep him healthy, must be accounted for, not in words as he is used to, but indeed.

Government subvention to Senior High Schools (SHS), for one whole year, only a term was released and even that, only to cover for the second year students.

Parents Teachers Association (PTA), dues that, were hitherto used to support the activities of schools, has been cancelled, in line with the Free SHS policy, as laudable as it is headmasters and headmistresses, must not be denied the little that they need to run the schools.

President Akufo-Addo, is growing fat and looking good, because the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has been the weakest and excuse my language useless opposition I have ever seen.

President Akufo-Addo, almost three years in office is still on honeymoon. Just imagine the New Patriotic Party in opposition at this time, this country will be to quote ex-president Kufuor “dedededeiiii”.

May the NDC be delivered from whatever shackles that is denying them, the passion to serve the government a dose of their medicine.
