
Exposing the opposition’s defeatist and slavish mentality: Prostrate not before London Stock Exchange

London Stock Exchange Group File photo

Thu, 24 Sep 2020 Source: Kwaku Badu

Some of us, as a matter of principle, were extremely flabbergasted to read that the NDC operatives have vowed solemnly to approach the overseers of London Stock Exchange to intervene on their behalf in the ongoing Agyapa deal.

This is no exaggeration, dearest reader, I bet, Dr Nkrumah must be turning in his grave: is black man not capable of handling his own affairs?

Apparently, we have been credibly informed that the Special Prosecutor is duly investigating the much criticised Agyapa deal, so where is the necessity to run to the London Stock Exchange?

Dearest reader, tell me, if such a seeming reprehensible action is not a sign of irresoluteness or inferiority complex, what is it?

If you would recall, it was the same NDC operatives who hastily and gleefully trooped to America to report the Finance Minister over an international bond issued by the Government of Ghana a few years ago.

Obviously, the NDC operatives have a penchant for running helter-skelter to seek help and advice from the people they deem to have superior intellectual ability. How pathetic?

Wasn’t the same NDC government under Mahama that joyously ran to the International Monetary Fund(IMF) to seek policy credibility? How strange?

It is, indeed, quite disheartening that after sixty-three years of independence, some Ghanaians, calling themselves politicians, would continue to rely on foreign influences.

Ghana’s independence, I must sadly admit though, will remain meaningless, so long as we continue to elect politicians who cannot think outside the box but rather prefer to take delight in foreign influences, among other things, guidance and control.

Whatever the case, we cannot deny or ignore the fact that our Forebears put in unbelievable efforts in securing the ultimate freedom from the British, far from it. However, looking at our contemporary political landscape, it would appear that all the hard work put in by the Founding Fathers has been in vain. I bet, they are mourning their beloved Ghana in their graves. How sad?

Let us therefore remind our ambivalent and the seemingly timorous politicians that independence refers to self-reliance, so, if we chose to depend largely on other countries for survival, then our independence will somehow remain “meaningless”.

Apparently, the NDC operatives are making nonsense of Dr Nkrumah’s wise counselling: “Blackman is capable of managing his own affairs.”

You may agree to disagree, but I will dare stress that Ghanaian politics has indeed become a scorned profession, not a noble profession it used to be. Suffice it to stress that it takes courageous, selfless and good people—good citizens and leaders to build a prosperous nation. Yet a lot of good people would never go into politics.

Yes, once upon a time, anyone who entered into politics was looked up to and respected by all, but alas, this is not the case anymore.

How can the same politicians claim to have the interests of Ghana at heart when they allegedly imported about 43 vehicles at a staggering cost of $9 million on the blind side of the good people of Ghana?

If those politicians aren’t heartless and unpatriotic, how come they conspired and paid dubious judgement debts to the tune of GH800 million?

If, indeed, they are morally upright, and have the wellbeing of Ghana at heart, how come they conspired, looted and shared monies belonging to GYEEDA and SADA, which were meant to transform the lives of the needy in society?

Where was their much-touted patriotism when they allegedly squandered funds meant to transform the lives of the penniless in society through dubious deals such as the Airbus, the Brazil World Cup, the infamous bus branding, NCA, MASLOC, SUBA, SSNIT among others?

Truth be told, there is absolutely nothing seriously wrong for anybody to claim birth right to patriotism. However, patriotism is not a mere rhetoric, for we could only evidence our patriotism through our actions and inactions. That is by showing our affection, solicitude and strong predilection towards our country in whatever we do.

In fact, I have always held a contrary view to the sceptics who contend somewhat spuriously that it is hackneyed and unconscionable for anyone to suggest that, even though, we started life with the likes of South Korea, Singapore and Malaysia, we are happy to secure loans and other assistance from them.

Let us admit, the NDC operatives intention to run to the London Stock Exchange over the Agyapa deal shows that we are not ready to wean ourselves from our slave masters.

If that was not the case, why is it that our politicians continue to seek policy guidance from IMF? If we are self-reliant, why do we constantly carry our begging bowl round seeking alms? If we are independent minded, why do we have to import common contractors from China to build our basic infrastructures? If we were that capable and foresighted, why do we consistently import foreign football coaches?

In so far as we have politicians that have no foresight, but are myopic, incompetent; I dare state that Ghana may never advance meaningfully in our lifetime.

In ending, I dare state that since the elites among the ‘four legs animals’ continue to display irrevocable listlessness, inferiority complex and lack of patriotism, Ghana may never develop meaningfully in our lifetime.

K. Badu, UK.

Columnist: Kwaku Badu