
What went wrong: A case for John Dumelo

Dumelo 660x400 Look Sad John Dumelo

Thu, 8 Jun 2017 Source: Kenneth Gyamerah

These days, it's very difficult to share your thoughts on issues concerning the development of Ghana. We are in an era of political vampires who are always waiting for 'active' citizens to talk about a topical issue for them to chastise or troll them publicly. I have been following the social media from the start of the year and I must say a lot of unfortunate events have happened.

In the Akan dialect, politics is "amanyosem".

To wit, nation building or national development issues, I stand to be corrected though because, I'm not a repository of knowledge.

These political gimmicks, vampires or what I usually call, technical knockers are always ready to soil the clothes of people.

John Dumelo, one of the best actors in Africa and a son of Ghana has had enough from Ghanaians.He has received a lot of criticisms and insults from left, right and centre all because of politics. Before Dumelo made his reasons known to Ghanaians that, he want to become president, about 90% Ghanaians saw him as a demigod. The fine actor was admired by all ranks and file. So I ask, what went wrong?

Is it wrong for a son of the land to declare his ambition of becoming the first gentleman of our land? Is it wrong to be affiliated to a political party of his own choice?

Must he be in your party before you would accord him with respect?

For me, the last time I checked, there is Freedom of Association in Ghana. People should understand that, they can't force others to hold the same ideologies. It is not done anywhere.

It is about time, we understand politics as a collective effort to development instead of using it as a way to bringing down people who have built their reputation for a long time.

I quite remember when Abraham Atta won the Oscars, many mature Ghanaians congratulated him for making us proud but others quickly took to social media to troll John Dumelo simply because, he is yet to win that award. We must not forget that, one man's success is not another man's failure. John Dumelo won the Australian Movie and Music Academy Award in the category of Most Promising African Actor far back, 2011.In 2013, he was given a key to the City of Philadelphia in the United States for his immense contribution to African movie and Arts.

Aside that, he had won several awards prior to declaring his support to John Mahama in the year 2012.

John, as an entrepreneur has companies in Gambia and some parts of West Africa and even, a hotel in Ghana. He has cattle farms in the Northern part of Ghana before joining politics.

Aside that, he's a Philanthropist who gives a lot to charity.

No matter how much you dislike a person, don't use his political affiliation to discredit all the things they have achieved personally. Let's see him as John Dumelo, the actor, instead of labelling him as a party card bearer.

Today, people think what John Dumelo has achieved came from political benevolence. Many fake and hungry bloggers have fabricated stories to destroy the hard earned reputation this young man has achieved at age 33.

It is a sad development knowing a youth like John is being treated this way by fellow young people.

This young man has worked very hard to establish himself as a good actor and entrepreneur before joining politics.

There's an Akan proverb which goes like “you may hate the dog, but you can't undermine it when it comes to running"

People like Okyeame Kwame have declared their ambition of becoming president in the nearest possible future.

So should Incase he doesn't join your party of affiliation, would you discredit him of his exploits as one of the most successful musicians in Ghana?

Until we consult an ophthalmologist to remove our political glaucoma, our development as a nation would delay.

I refused to talk about the A1 bread seller's issue because, I realized many people didn't see the other side of what Dumelo's post meant.

"I saw a KNUST graduate selling bread in the street... What went wrong?

To me, this is not a mockery statement.

He asked a legit question. But some self-acclaimed entrepreneurs, political vampires and social commentators took the negative part of the issue and lambasted him to the extent of forcing the man to apologise which he politely did.

To me, Dumelo was drawing our attention to the high rate of Youth unemployment in Ghana, John ,was identifying the various loop holes in our education system ,in a way, his post was encouraging other young graduates to put their certificate aside and start something sustainable . But sadly, people didn't see it this way. Upon their criticisms, John, the first Ghanaian to get a million Followership on Facebook did a good publicity for the guy. How many of us knew the guy has been in the business for 8 years and have employed a lot of people?

Thanks to Dumelo, this revelation was made and it's obvious that, his sales have increased which In turn, would call for more hands, therefore, creating employment for others.

For those of you who said there's nothing wrong in selling bread as a graduate, I hope you are walking the talk.

The direction young Ghanaians are heading to is very dangerous to the development of our nation. We are too quick to judge and insult people.

A few days ago, a friend told me, "Ken, looking at how Ghanaians are doing political partisanship, if serving God was affiliated to a political party, Some Ghanaians may either reject him totally or may not credit him as 'God Almighty' "

This kept me thinking. I am happy the God we serve is not a politician.

My advice to John Dumelo is that, no matter what his critics say, he shouldn't forget that, his dreams are valid and achievable. He should keep up with his good works and trust in the Lord.

Going forward, this vindictive behavior must stop.

By Kenneth Gyamerah©

Columnist: Kenneth Gyamerah