
Finding freelance jobs in Ghana: Tips to consider

JOB FLYER2 96% of freelancers are of the view that they

Thu, 15 Oct 2020 Source: Charles Wundengba

If you’ve decided to find freelance work, you may need to use a completely different approach compared to job seekers looking for more traditional positions in businesses or companies.

For people who enjoy being in complete control of their careers, a freelance career might be the ticket.

The Growth of Freelancing

Every year, Upwork and Freelancers Union release a study that takes a look at the freelance economy. Their 2019 report found that more people are now seeing freelancing as a long-term option.

The great news is that 96% of freelancers reported that they’ve seen a changed market within the freelance industry in the last three years: 77% said technology has made it even more easier to find freelance gigs and 71% feel that perceptions of freelancing are more positive.

When it comes to the earnings growth of freelancing, Upwork found that freelancers have a higher median rate ($20/hour), compared to the $18.80/hour median rate for the U.S. overall.

“… the median skilled freelancer earns more per hour than 70 percent of workers in the overall economy,” the report says.

Finding a Freelance Job in Ghana

The great news is that freelancing is growing. Lets look at how one could find freelance jobs in Ghana.


Look for your network from past jobs and professional contacts. As you begin your freelance career, think of your network as a foundation on which you can build your jobs going forward.

Industry Groups

Make connections with professionals in your targeted industry, this networking method can provide some leads. Identify and join industry associations where you can meet like-minded people. Attend conferences or events organised by third-party professional groups in your career field as well.

Social Media

Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social media channels can offer opportunities to use social media in your job search. These days, majority of companies use social media to find new employees. If that’s where the hiring professionals are, it makes sense that you should be there too.

Job Sites/b>

Cedijob is a fantastic place to start looking for freelance jobs! While there may be some job sites in Ghana, Cedijob can guarantee you a safe job search free from job scams and fraudsters, which is often one of the most difficult parts about finding freelance work.

As a freelancer, you’ll need to spend a lot of your time hunting down jobs. Cedijob makes it easier since they accept and verify the legitimacy of jobs and compile them into different career categories for easy searching.

Your Own Website

No matter your skill, you may need to let others know what you can do. You can start with a website to showcase your skills and accomplishments. It could be just a simple website telling people what they gain by giving you their job.


LinkedIn already has a big network for professionals. By connecting with your network, and publishing on platforms, you could reach valuable contacts.

Columnist: Charles Wundengba