
For Christ And Mohammed's Sake, Please ...

Sun, 5 Oct 2008 Source: Kwatei, Nana Kwaku Kurankye

... Don't Let Party Politics Tear Ghana Apart.

By Nana Kwaku Kurankye Kwatei.

Watching Ghana from Hamburg,Germany,I wish to remind my fellow Ghanaian citezens at home that in the interest of peace and harmony please don't because of party politics ruin the country and its people.and it's infracstructure.In the name of God Almighty(Allah) please, don't because of party politics and the impending crucial elections plunge Ghana into violence and confusion.

As we all know,election or or voting provide the chance (opportunity) for the citezens of a country to participate in democratic governance of one's country.Nevertheless,this should not be a time to level out scores with our own kit and kin.The country becomes the greatest loser at last if we permit our political leanings to cloud our sense of belonging and resort to bad behaviors.

Again, in this era of our country's democratic dispensation earning kudos from the World and its leaders as a model of democracy and emerging economic pace setter and bubbling with much freedom and relative peace,let our polital leaders and their followers note that we want politics of unity,tolerance,respect,understanding, intelligence and cordial debates on issues boardering people. We should not entertain politics of insults,disrespect,intimidation,abuse unecessary and unproven ,character assasinations,tribal incitements,bitterness,enemity,rancour,war-mongering and hate even to the extent of killing one another which if not well checked may result in distibilising our country.

My simple and humble questions as I watch Ghana from Hamburg,Germany are these:As one nation,one people,with a common destiny do we have to take up arms against each other in order to protect the selfish interests of some insatiable politicians? Should we have to allow ourselves to be used by these politicians? Should we entertain an explosion and implosion -cut each other's throat and dismember our faces and tear our beatiful country-”Adehyeman”,Ghana apart because of December,2008 elections?

Let me quote Bertrand Russell to remind ourselves when he said:”War does not determine who is right only who is left!”.THe most important thing we must in mind is that most of us pray we don't want that in Ghana.

That does not mean we don't have to say our minds,make suggestions,question the politicians how they intend to finance their sometimes unecessary and empty promises;or make contributions. As the first Black African country, South of the Sahara, to gain indepence from British colonial rule in 1957 without firing a gun,we are capable of ruling ourselves as Dr.Kwame Nkrumah our first Prime Minister and first President once remarked: “ The Black man is capable of managing his own affairs”.

Yes,Ghanians are capable of conducting a free,fair,and transparent elections because as recently as sixteen(16) years ago in 1992,1996,2000 and 2004,we were able to conduct at least some elections if even not perfect, the losers did not resort to arms.Why with this 2008 elections alone we are beating war drums? Do we want to imitate Kenya and Zimbabwe? Are such post election attrocities,killings of fellow citezens role models to follow? Country men, we have to know ourselves as Ghanaians and that we abhor such childish and infantile non-profitable behaviours.

We are all aware not every election is judged as 100% trouble - free,not even in mighty USA,we still remember the electoral hiccup at Florida which made Ex-Vice President Al Gore who reluctantly conceded defeat to President Bush said these patriotic words that America is bigger than any individual American,It's also acknowledged world-wide that post-election assessments reveal different views and comments from the winning party as well as the losing party.Nevertheless,for peace and harmony sake,we always take the declaration-results announced by the” refree”-in this case the Electorial Commisioner(EC). An aggrieved party has the constitutional right to contest the perceived malpraces or cheating at competent court of jurisdiction.

I trust that Ghanaians will do it better-will do it fairly and honestly,I hope,in December. just to prove to the world that Ghana is different from Kenya and Zimbabwe.Surely,we don't have to allow ourselves to let party politics to divide us-brother from brother,and frind from friend.

Permit me to call on the Presidency,the Cabinet,the National Security Council,National Delopment Planning Commission,The Attorny General,the Legilature-Parliamentarians,the Various Parliamentary Committee Members ;The Judiciary-the Courts,The Media-Print and Electronic The Various FM Stations,The State and Private Radio Stations,TUC,The Public and Civil Servants Associations,NUGS,The Security Forces,NCCE,All Transport Associations especially, GPRTU,Political Leaders and Flagbearers and indeed the general public-all friends of Ghana both home and abroad, to make the impending general Presidential and Parliamentary elections a great success.

It's therefore very gratifying to hear from the President and Commander-In Chief of the Republic of Ghana,Mr.J.A.Kufour reiterating the Goverments commitment of ensuring Ghana will stay on course of democracy and that the “Government would never be the source of election confusion and would provide the resources to make the conduct of December,2008 poll free,fair,and transparent”.

This re-assurance was given during the recent presentation of accreditation by four ambassordors.(Ghanaweb 5.09.08). No matter our political persuasions, we have to have confidence and help make the desire of the President and the good people of Ghana a reality.Like already written,all stakeholders must work towards a peaceful elections this year.

We don't have to kill ourselves because of this elections for as the President recently reminded us there are good times ahead for Ghanaians.Don't we have to thank our stars that very soon we shall be enjoying oil revenues which if judiciously used,which I think it will be by the next government,will accelerate our developmental efforts on education,improved health care,good and affordable houses,research by the universities and other vital institutions,etc.

Let peace prevail for peace is love and beautiful.We need peace and love otherwise we will have to ask ourselves:Where is beatiful Ghana heading to with all these election violence? Today it's Tamale,Tomorrow it is Berekum,Asunafo,etc.Must we not see and congratulate ourselves as people practising and deepening our democratic credentials further and further in the sub-region, Africa and even the entire world?If so, why don't we in this era of our democratic dispensation see our political opponent as not an enemy but as a friend,brother,sister or colleague that we can do business with as Ghanaians.

Just as an example,here in Hamburg, you can encounter a lot of couples belonging to different parties-either one belonging to say SPD,The Social Democrats or CDU,The Chritian Democratic Union etc, but living together peacefully as husband and wife without any acrimony.

At this junture,my voice is further being added to some most distinquished personalities,some prominent instirutions,student leaders,etc all calling for tolerance and understanding and to accommodate each other's views in the electioneering campaigns for peaceful co.existence.We have to bear in mind that election violence and fights will not do the country any good.

Is it not so appreciative that for all these years,Ghanaians have lived together without any problems except sometimes only with chieftaincy/skin succession fracases.On religious front too we are lucky to be free from too much worries as sometimes occur in some neighbouring ciuntries. Why is it that politics and political campaigns especially during election periods usually come along with much hatred,accrimonies,fights and sometimes murders etc?People with different religious faiths and beliefs-Christians,Moslems,Atheists-for example Kwaku Firi and my own Home Town,Antoa Nsuo Ayaman worshipers,etc all have been living together peacefully for long time in Ghana.

We are all aware of of the importance of the December,2008, election,but we have to bear in mind that this is not the last and only election we have to deal with.But,we have to learn a lesson from what happened recently in Kenya and Zimbabwe and avoid unecessary fracas and blooshed before,during and after the elections.We should try to guide against some criminal wrongs which lead to political violence such as defacing,removal and spoiling other party's or candidates postersand paraphernalia.

This action,by intent and purposes,is a criminal act which goes against electorial laws and what's more very provative;it can lead to unpleasant mob action by the aggrieved party.Recent political violence resulting in bloodshed,wonton destruction of lives and properties which happened in some parts of the country must be vehemently condemned and not repeated.It will serve a useful purpose if people will heed to advice not to engage in unecessary and prolpnged political arguments which most often than not result in misunderstading and quarrels or fights.

As the whole world especially the sub-regional countries of West A frica and Africa in general is watching Ghana,let's demonstrate oncemore that we can conduct a peaceful elections worthy of emulation.This we must not and connot fail.Let our 16 ywars pf experiment in democracy confirm our democratic dispensation that Dr. Kwame Nkrumah's Ghana is still the shinning Black Star of Africa;And to also project Nkrumah's African Personality idea recently epitomised by our compatriot Busumuru Dr, Kofi Annans showed and is still showing on the world stage

Don't let us beat war drums and remember the admonition of Great Britain's war time Premier that” to jaw jaw is better than war war”. Can't we conduct this year's elections peacefully to choose our leaders for the next four years without any drop of precious Ghanaian blood? I think we can if we only remain focused on issues.If all the politicians in all the political parties will tell the people the truth and nothing but the truth.Our political actors must stop enticing the unsuspecting young men and women and especially the youth with little incentives to do their dirty works for themwhiles leaving their own bilogical children safe at home.This in essence is political corruption.Such seasonal”Good Samaritan” attitude must stop.

Some countries like the Asian Tigers have used politics to develop their countries and have given their people high and modern standards of living-Ghana can do the same if our will only change their selfish attitude and be truthful,honest,staightforward,etc Certainly,no country van develop in times of chaos and confusion;Countries can only develop in peace times that's why Ghana must not and should not let this impending election bring us to the brink of collapse;We need peace and tranquility ,qualities essential for rapid and sysmatic national development.

Lets adhere to the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA)'s advise that inflamatory languages should not be used by political leaders on political platforms e.g.charging opponents as drug-addicts,without any tangible proof or evidence just for parochial desire for political power;urging political parties to abide by the Political Parties Code(PPC) which they themselves signed.Politicians must follow decorum and refrain from using cruel and unecessary criticisms, insulting even on the dead which normally is un-Ghanaian and abhor by our norms and culture.

We must do well to respect the electoral laws now, during and after the voting day;lets all and sundry listen to the pieces of advise being giving by peace loving institutions,prominent people to political leaders to comport themselves in this crucial period of the country's political road map.

While congratulating those at home for the great patriotism and sacrifices you have rendered to Mother Ghana for staying at home to develop the country those of us here are equally killing ourselves to help our children,extended family members and friends to make ends meet.Some of us too are preparing to come home for good.We are therfore praying for peaceful elections as some of will definitely not come when there is fire at home.

Just why is party politics bringing us confusions,disunity and chaos instead of uniting us as one people with a common destiny as sporting events be it football,boxing,etc;Or is something wrong with our party politics and political parties/political system? Later on, I suggest we research deeply into it and find solutions to defuse the tensions /remove the symotons that cause deep seated animosities associated with our political party operations or system in our dear country.

Interestingly,here in Germany,one sometimes does not even see that elections are approaching or voting is taking place unless you are a registered voter and you get your invitation to vote and the place and time to vote;or when you see the various parties campaining around supermarkets.In these critical times all parties must play to the rules of the game of politics and obey the “Refree” - the Electoral Commissioner,Dr,Afari Djan.

As the D-Day draws nearer and nearer,I hope, we can dwell very much and sincerely on the latest assurances given by the President as usual at the UN meeting in New York and in London that the government is ever commited to ensuring free,fair and transparent election in December,2008.What's more, unlike other African Heads of State banning foreign Journalists and Foreign Observers the President of Ghana was rather calling for them to come,observe and comment.

In conclusion,fellow Ghanaians,may we pray to the Almighty God (Allah) to give us the strength and wisdom not to follow our emotions but our deep moral consciences so that we don't do anything in this election season before,during and after the elections to distabilise our dear country Ghana. God bless Ghana, Ghanaians and friends of Ghana & Africa.

Nana Kwaku Kurankye Kwatei
-Legon Trained Social Administrator/Worker(1980);Freelance Journalist &Currently Professional Writing Correspondence Student with WB,Manchester,UK,&Vice-President of AYACSA-A Ghanaian Initiative In Hamburg,Germany.

Columnist: Kwatei, Nana Kwaku Kurankye