
Free resources for filing your tax claims in the USA

Sat, 11 Feb 2012 Source: Ofori, Oral

By Oral Ofori

Last year, I had a very good friend of mine work on my taxes for me, and owing to the fact that he did a very good job, I am obviously getting him to work on my tax papers for me this year too. Over the years, I have come to know Cherif Memene for his outstanding work both as a taxation, insurance and financial expert.

In the spirit of giving, I have decided to let the cat out the bag by sharing the goodness of Mr. Memene with all of my loyal readers, especially those of you who reside here in the USA and are looking to gain the most out of this year's tax season.

Cherif was the one to first make me aware of free online resources where one could go to work on their tax returns and if you just browse you will find out more about this free online resource. Last year, I personally asked Cherif to do my taxes and he used Universal Accounting and Tax Services Incorporated (UNAT) to do it for me.

To find out more about UNAT browse here and if you are interested in meeting Cherif in person to have him work on and guide you as you file your taxes this year then you're in luck, especially if you live in the Northern Virginia area of the USA because you can locate his offices at: Business Express Solutions, LLC dba Universal Accounting and Tax Solutions 5600 General Washington Drive Ste B207 Alexandria, VA, 22312. Also simply email him personally via

I'd like to ask all my African brothers and sisters in the diaspora and indeed all my friends here in the USA to not hesitate to try out these resources recommended by Cherif, to those who can make it a point to personally drive up to his offices in Alexandria Virginia, just ask of him and mention my name as the one who sent you and he'll make sure you leave with a huge smile on your face by the time you're done e-filing as far as your tax preparation is concerned this year.

Speaking of tax preparations and e-filing, I will like to remind you to be aware of some of the very important deadlines during the annual tax season. Go here know these deadlines and above all, to be sure you don't fall victim to any of them.

Wishing you all the best this tax season, for those of you who are filing individual tax returns, remember that April 17, 2012 is the deadline to get all your documentation completed, if not be sure to request an automatic extension; thus a Form 4868 and for heavens sake people, don't lie or cheat on the IRS. If you're found out you wouldn't be around to be reading any more of my interesting pieces and I don't want that to happen since you're the reason I write!

Avoid delays and mistakes this tax season, if you can do it, speak with Cherif Memene or use any of the resources he's suggested, all of which I highly recommend.

Columnist: Ofori, Oral