
From Accra To New York – Cryptocurrency The Shortest Route.

Wed, 5 Aug 2015 Source: Dzokoto, Divine Sewornu

By Divine Sewornu Dzokoto

There is no gainsaying the fact that the world has become a global village. Comparing life in the former Roman Empire, at the height of that civilization, to life in, say, New York, London, Paris, or Berlin today, makes the Roman Empire an archaic civilization.

Today, you can stand on ground zero at the former World Trade Centre and speak to someone in Lagos, Nigeria. You can twit from Berlin in Germany to Windhoek in Namibia. You can Whatsapp between Accra in Ghana and Chisinau in Moldova. You can make a video call between Pretoria or Durban in South Africa and Brussels in Belgium. Facebook can link you from the comfort of your bed in New Zealand to Lome, Togo. All this is made possible mainly by the power of the internet.

There is even another powerful tool that is making the world come closer, maybe closer than it is now. It is said to be the most powerful invention since the internet itself. It is called the blockchain and it is accompanied by a new online money called cryptocurrency. It was invented some five years ago by an unknown person, Satoshi Nagamoto. The blockchain works like a huge online ledger, chronicling every single event that happens in a particular scenario. The blockchain came with a token called bitcoin,

Another cryptocurrency called virtacoin has been circulating since 1st July, 2014. These two coins are in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Asuncion, Paraguay, Athens in Greece, Belgrade in Serbia and Bern in Switzerland. These coins are traded for cash in Budapest, Hungary, Buenos Aires in Argentina, and Canberra in Australia.

While bitcoin is $280 plus, virtacoin is only $0.00000300 plus now but both coins are known by individuals in Cayenne in French Guiana, Dhaka in Bangladesh, Doha in Qatar, Dublin in Ireland, Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia and Phnom Penh in Cambodia.

Surprisingly, though bitcoin is almost six years old, billions do not know about it. Virtacoin is even much less known by the world, being just over a year old, Virtacoin must therefore be known in Prague, Czech Republic, Pretoria, Bloemfontein and Cape Town in South Africa. It must be known in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Sophia in Bulgaria, La Paz in Bolivia, Vienna in Austria, Warsaw in Poland and Zagreb in Croatia.

Virtacoin is also called the peoples’ coin because it is billed to deviate from the path that bitcoin took where 90% of the world’s Bitcoins are in the hands of just 20% owners. The virtacoin community believes that VTA must be distributed worldwide to reach every nook and cranny of the world. In other words, millions of people around the world must have a few thousands. At least, every city in the world must have millions of people with a virtacoin address, either online address ( or desktop address ( for windows and for Mac. Someone must have a virtacoin address in Yaoundé, Cameroon, Yerevan, Armenia, Abidjan in Ivory Coast, Wellington in New Zealand, Vilnius in Lithuania, Valletta in Malta and Tokyo in Japan. Virtcaoins are kept in a wallet so get one, it takes two minutes.

How can virtacoins get to millions in the world? Virtacoin must have ambassadors in every city. Accra, Ghana, Abuja, Lagos and Ibadan in Nigeria, Johannesburg in South Africa Harare in Zimbabwe, Kampala in Uganda, Monrovia in Liberia, and Niamey in Niger.

What should an ambassador do? He/she must 1. Acquire and keep at least 100,000 virtacoins. 2. Register and make a post on 3. Talk to at least 10 people about virtacoin. 4. Actually help 10 people to acquire at least 100,000 virtacoins. 5. Get five people in other cities in his or her country to also get 100,000 virtacoins.

Anybody who is reading this article now can become a virtacoin ambassador. It is free. First get an online virtacoin wallet from then go to in just five minutes you start getting 10,000 free virtacoins every Sunday.

The virtacoin community also need virtacoin millionaires. One can become a virtacoin millionaire by 1. Buying and holding on to 1million virtacoins. 2. Talking to 10 people to also own 1million virtacoins each. 3. Actually coaching 10 people to acquire and hold 1million virtacoins. 4. Get five people from two other cities in your country to acquire and hold 1million virtacoins. 6. Announce your presence on the virtacoin reddit

Is it that easy to acquire 1 million vtas? Yes, it is easy to acquire 1million virtacoins. Go to the exchanges such as like,, If you encounter any problem, just Google “Buy virtacoins in your Country”, you will get a seller. For example, “Buy virtacoin in Ghana” or go to

Virtacoin ambassadors and millionaires are wanted in every city of the world. They are wanted in Texas, Ontario, Harare, Ouagadougou, Moscow, Sophia and the list goes on. Plans are on the ground level but owners of virtacoin the world over hope to hold a VIRTACOIN convention every two years in cities around the world. This is very likely to start within a year after virtacoin hits $1.00. Virtacoin millionaires will be randomly selected to attend such conventions. One of the main qualifications for a city to host such a convention is to have a virtacoin ATM within 5 miles radius of the convention venue. The cheapest bitcoin ATM on the market is $7,000 so a virtacoin ATM should not be a problem since they work on the same code base. It is also hoped that no cash would be spent at the convention; only virtacoins will be the currency to spend. The plans to host a convention are just for now but highly possible.

There are some who, for many reasons, may never travel to any other city of the world till they die. For such people acquiring 1million virtacoin till value gets to $1.00 is all they need to become glob-totters in the not too distant future. That is why the shortest route from Accra to New York or from your current city to any other city of the world is through a cryptocurrency called VIRTACOIN.

Columnist: Dzokoto, Divine Sewornu