
From a loudmouth slanderer to a ‘small-mouth’ beggar – The story of Kennedy Agyapong

Kennedy Agyapong  Cttee Member of Parliament for Assin Central, Kennedy Agyapong

Mon, 9 Sep 2019 Source: Alhajj Suleman

Amongst all the frivolous allegations he levelled against ace investigative journalist, Anas Aremeyaw Anas, what bled my heart was the lie he told about the weeping widow of the late MP who was gruesomely murdered, JB Danquah. What a careless heart this talkative possess. He claimed that the window, who has about 2 or so children with the MP, was responsible for the murder of the MP. I’m reliably informed that the allegation caused the mother of the widow to die due to grieve. The journalists who provided him the platform to spew those lies, didn’t care to subject him to strict proof for such a spurious allegation. Huh, God dey!

He further claimed that the widow in connivance with Anas, sold properties belonging to the late MP in UK. Venerable Kweku Baako later provided proofs to the effect that those properties still stood in the name of the MP and not a single one of them has been sold. This is an allegation that could easily be proven if this loudmouth slanderer was speaking the truth but the journalists including Omanhene of Adom TV, who were responsible for subjecting him to the strictest of proof, allowed him to get away with it.

It is important for me to highlight very important facts. He, Kennedy Agyapong, was the first to appear on the crime scene the day the MP was murdered. According to police reports, he, Kennedy Agyapong, tried to climb the ladder that the suspect used to get into the MP’s chamber to murder him and was prevented by the police. He made funny moves at the scene and in all cases, the police restrained him. What was he trying to do by trying to climb the ladder? To obliterate the evidence by tampering with the DNA footprints of the suspect? Further to that, it has become public knowledge that he on several occasions, tried to see the suspect who was in BNI custody and was prevented from doing so. Readers should analyse these issues in conjunction with the fact that the suspect has consistently named Kennedy Agyapong as one of the people who contracted him to commit that heinous crime. I can’t make a judgement about his culpability but since he’s the first to point morbid fingers at others, we are also entitled to draw inferences from his actions relating to this issue and probably conclude that his accusations were diversionary attempts.

When I tried to point out the loopholes and inconsistencies in his accusations against Anas and Tiger Eye, many people thought I had no basis to do so. I remember someone saying to me he believes Kennedy Agyapong’s accusations were true simply because he spoke with passion. I laughed. In some of my previous writings, I described him as a conspiracy theorist, who like all other conspiracy theorists, employed the skills of melodrama and consistent repetition of lies in order to sway the public. For example, he claimed Anas has killed some Chinese. Couldn’t this have been proven if had evidence? He claimed Anas didn’t pay taxes – was this not provable? He claimed Anas intended to disgrace the president with the #12 expos? – ain’t we are aware that it was the irredeemably corrupt, Nyantakyi who introduced the dimension of the president in the whole investigation? I can list a litany of empty allegations he levelled which could have easily been proven if he indeed had evidences.

In his rampage, he attacked almost everyone who didn’t side with him. He attacked the venerable Sam Okudzeto (not Ablakwa ooo), he attacked the General Legal Council, he attacked the Ghana Bar Association, he attacked Kwame Sefa Kayi, he attacked Kweku Baako, he attacked Kyei Mensah Bonsu, he attacked parliament and got disgraced for it, and a host of endless entities and individuals suffered from the unmeasured diatribes of the loudmouth MP. His own crony, Nyantakyi in #12, described him as a loudmouth who would only keep quiet if he’s settled. This is true because I remember how he launched scathing attacks on Professor Attefuah for refusing to give him contracts at NIA.

I’m surprised how people have fallen cheaply for his self-acclaimed anti-corruption fight. Many cite Woyomegate as one of his anti-corruption exploits. Kennedy Agyapong didn’t uncover the stinking Woyome deal. It was identified and reported by the auditor general. People like Randy Abbey, Kweku Baako, and he Kennedy Agyapong highlighted it. It therefore beats imagination though typical of him, to claim exclusivity of that expos?. Granted that he did a yeoman’s job in that expos?, what else do we have to credit him with as an anti-corruption fighter? Is it his screaming on radio and television? Is that how corruption is fought? This so-called anti-corruption fighter was opposed to the appointment of Amidu. He defended the rot at BOST, Maritime, and EPA but all those responsible for these institutions under whose watch the rots occurred which he defended, have been fired by the president. What kind of anti-corruption fighter is that? Defends his friends and cronies when they’re caught pants down? Eebeei.

Did he not vow to expose Kweku Baako and Anas for their corrupt deals? He said these two journos were galamseyers. Kweku galamsey. Anas will be driving the excavator while Kweku will be in the pit. Haha. Maybe someone should remind him that, Aisha Huang, the galamsey queen, was first exposed by Kweku Baako. Kweku was one of the foremost people who brought this galamsey menace to the front burner for national attention. Where were you, Mr talkative?

The sore that will kill the dog falls on its head where it cannot lick – according to our elders. At the height of his misguided excitement to defend irredeemably corrupt Nyantakyi and to cause public revulsion for indefatigable Anas, he challenged all the people he accused to sue him. When Kweku sued him, he claimed he’ll expose Kweku in court. It should not be lost on us that he has been handed the first defeat at the General Legal Council when he childishly hurled Anas before the body. His second defeat was when parliament shamed him for running it down in his frantic bid to attack Anas. By way of self-confession, as though he was under a spell, he said he was contracted to fight off Anas by some party gurus. Me, I don’t trust him anymore so I don’t believe any party guru told him to do what he did. He’s only trying to find partners and to blame others for his tarnished image. So the point here is that he had no evidence as he claimed but he was only doing the hatchet job as he claims. This is indeed childish – a 60-year-old man will allow himself to be manipulated like a string in guitar only to be internationally embarrassed later.

Now we hear say oga dey beg for out-of-court settlement. The court is not like Oman Fm nor Adom TV where you can have fields day to spew anything including the content of your intestines. I thought he said he has evidence to disgrace Kweku in court. The beginning of the end has just began. He has many suits starring him in the face. I don’t know if he’ll go for begging for all of them as well. One thing that is clear in my mind is that, this man has pressed a self-destruct button. I will be gravely disappointed if Kweku grants his plea for out-of-court settlement. Kweku should not forget that the recklessness of this talkative led to the death of Ahmed Hussein Suale – an irrevocable act. I will rather we went for judgment so that we see his real size because a stick that can prick your eye, you uproot it completely: you don’t cut it halfway.

Columnist: Alhajj Suleman