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It appears I am imprisoned in the catacomb of the former American supreme court judge, Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr’s ideals. Almost invariably, I have been quoting or paraphrasing him on many articles I have written. Never mind, this is far from a useless aphorism. Another opinion of Holmes that better resonate with me: “Certitude is not the test of certainty. We have been cocksure of many things that were not so.”
The French philosopher, Rene Descartes opined that if there is any doubt about the truth of a proposition, one does not know that proposition. Thus, he proposed the evil demon argument. Descartes intimated that although he might appear to know that he was sitting by the fire, the sensory experience of sitting by the fire could be an illusion or a dream.
If a sensory experience could be caused by a dream, it is not certain and hence not knowledge. It means even mathematical solutions shrouded in a formula, could not be accurate. If Bekum Senior High School Headmaster, Emmanuel Nyarko is harassing 15 girls, why should it be spearheaded by Isaac Barnie who was released by the headmaster after his name was mentioned in a leaked Benkum Senior High teacher-student sex tape last year or thereabout?
Emmanuel Nyarko, the beleaguered headmaster is a hardworking and kindhearted man. His unflinching piety, in the Assemblies of God Church, and affable nature make students of both sexes cherish him. He used to use his resources to cook for students from poor backgrounds. Students like to be around him because of his benevolence far from sexual laxity and promiscuity. Isaac Barnie was a former henchman of Nyarko.
He taught English at Benkum SHS for Seven years. He was a close friend and the aid of the interdicted headmaster because the two are products of the same SHS under discussion.
There was a sex scandal in the school last year. Readers can refer to this link Nyarko's hitherto friend was implicated in that scandal after the investigation. Nyarko released his friend, courtesy of professionalism. All saboteurs of Akufo-Addo's free SHS have also been transferred. Nyarko, Kwahu indigen is an unadulterated supporter of Akufo-Addo. He is committed to helping his government's free SHS program to succeed.
Isaac Barnie's hope of being covered by Nyarko never appeared to be realized. Out of personal vendetta, Barnie is implicating Nyarko in this shady scandal. It is worthy of noting that Nyarko and his four colleagues were released from the same school in 2004 as teachers because they opposed the then administration's clandestine covering up of the then senior housemaster, who leaked the examination papers to a schoolgirl.
I think GES rushed in the interdiction of Mr. Nyarko. It appears there are cabals in Ghana who fight innocent people. If Nyarko is abusing school girls, I think the teachers of the school must come out, not someone ruminating about his release from the school.
How did the embittered ex-teacher get the student's statement? Was he lurking around like a ghost anxiously searching for information to seek vengeance? If Isaac had all this evidence about Emmanuel Nyarko, why did he wait after his release? The Minister of Education must allow Nyarko to continue his good works. Ghana is not worth dying for indeed!
God Bless Our Homeland Ghana.