
GIA Was An “International 419” Involving Ghana, UK And USA

Sat, 17 Jan 2015 Source:

Ghana International Airways (Gia) Was An “International 419” Involving Ghana, Uk And Usa Governments

It is sad that at this day and age, British and United State governments could not detect an international “419” but allowed Ghana government and a “questionable group” to operate a “so-called national airline” for a long period of time in spite of all the controls and close supervision in these countries.

It all started during Ex President Kufour’s Administration. When Ghana Airways collapsed, as a replacement Ghana International Airlines (GIA) was set up in 2004 as a partnership between the government of Ghana and a group of private international investors - Ghanaian government (70%) and US consortium (GIA-USA) (30%). The company was registered in United State of America under the “stringent US Transportation laws” and agents recruited to sell tickets included British ATOL protected travel agents.

From 2006 onwards, the shareholders started engaging in a protracted legal dispute. The woes continue till Ex Mills/Mahama administration came to power and the airline’s operations were suspended on 13 May 2010 amid chaos at airports in both Ghana and abroad.

Both USA and UK governments were aware of the passengers’ plight but turned blind eyes. Majority of the stranded passengers were in UK and they appealed to MPs, ATOL and Ministry of Transport in vain. Bucks passing became the order of the day. The Ghana Government’s claimed that money had been released to settle all refunds were not wholly accurate. At the heat of GIAL suspension, a statement issued by the Ghana Ministry of Transport informed the public that “the government had settled all validated claims for refund of passengers and travellers who purchased tickets but could not travel on the defunct Ghana International Airlines Limited (GIAL)” Another statement issued in March 2012 by the Ministry of Transport in Accra also informed the public that “the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, under the directive of President John Evans Atta Mills, had released GH¢1,306,077.89 for the settlement of the remaining validated claims.” Reports published in a section of the Ghanaian media on the GIAL refund also stated in part that “a directive to that effect, signed by Dr Kwabena Duffour, Minister of Finance and Economic Planning on March 18, 2011, authorising the Controller and Accountant General to release the amount to enable the Ministry of Transport to pay validated outstanding refund.” All these statements were far from the truth.

Contrarily to the above claims, travel agents (including Mr. George Newman of defunct Circle Travel London) denied receiving all refunds. Passengers affected by the GIAL saga saw these statements as attempt to generate controversy between passengers and travel agents. It’s ironic that despite several complains and appeals to both the Office of the President and the Ghana Ministry of Transport NOTHING was done about the Ghana International Airways refund case and majority of passengers still remained UNPAID.

It was therefore a surprise when on the advice of Foreign and Commonwealth office, the Queen received President Mahama at Buckingham Palace knowing well that his administration owed Commonwealth (including British) residents in UK their refunds. To add insult, US is allowing Ghana Government to register another airline in US.

It’s about the world knew that Ghana International Airways was an “international 419” that slipped through the nets of USA/ UK stringent transportation laws and regulations undetected and about time too the UK/American governments pressurised Mahama Administration to reimburse the passengers.
