
Gabby Justifyies Akufo-Addo’s Addiction To Wee!

Mon, 20 Dec 2010 Source: The Informer

As Akufo-Addo continues to sink deeper in his quicksand of heavy addiction to wee, cocaine, and other illegal substances, Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko, Akufo-Addo’s nephew and a key member of the Akyem Mafia, has sought to justify his uncles love for wee.

Venturing into the realms of blasphemy to justify his uncle’s addiction to wee, Gabby posits that, even biblical Moses, was a wee smoker.

In other words, per the blasphemous mindset of Gabby; “If even Moses, the chosen one to lead the Israelites to land of Canaan, was a wee smoker, why should my uncle Akufo-Addo not be addicted to wee?”

Writing in his now-defunct Statesman newspaper during the 2008 election year, Gabby, arrogantly “bullshitting” the concern that his uncle is addicted to wee, wrote the said blasphemous story.

In the story, and without any respect for the Bible and Christianity, Gabby, quoting some unknown and unverifiable theological source, wrote that Moses was seriously addicted to wee and that he was smoking wee at the time of receiving the 10 Commandments from God.

Apart from the story that Gabby wrote in his paper, he made sure that he was on a lot of radio and TV stations defending his indefensible blasphemy.

Gabby was too desperate to defend his uncle and could not give a damn about how he was offending the senses of Christianity.

In writing that Moses was smoking wee at the time of receiving the 10 Commandments, Gabby obviously could not be bothered about the fact that the 10 Commandments are the pillars of the Christian Faith.

As far as Gabby was concerned, the image of his uncle Akufo-Addo was more important than the image of God hence the sacrilegious story that God handed over the 10 Commandments to Moses at the time that the latter was heavily “toasted” on wee.

In the mind of Gabby, his uncle Akufo-Addo is more important than God.

Indeed, it is because the likes of Gabby have convinced Akufo-Addo that he is more important than God, that is why the NPP flagbearer thinks that he is more important than President John Evans Atta Mills and so has no respect for the sitting President of the Republic of Ghana.

After all, if Akufo-Addo is more important than God, who is a mere mortal called John Evans Atta Mills?

It is not surprising that in his “Pushing The Elephant Into The Bush” publication, Arthur Kennedy made it succinctly clear that Gabby and the Akyem Mafia are a major reason why Ghanaians rejected Akufo-Addo at the 2008 polls.

It is a matter of fact that in spite of the fact that some shameless so-called Men of God wanted Akufo-Addo to become President so they will continue benefiting from dirty cocaine and kickback monies, lots of NPP Christians refused to vote for Akufo-Addo and rather voted for God-fearing Professor Atta Mills because of the reckless blasphemous story put out by Gabby.

Indeed, still trying hard to justify his uncle’s addiction to wee, the selfsame Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko wrote again in the now-defunct Statesman that, Akufo-Addo smokes wee because he grew up in the “funky 60’s” when wee smoking was the fashion of the day.

If Akufo-Addo, Nii Kwartei Titus Glover, Sir John and the NPP are looking for somebody to hang for making the world believe that Akufo-Addo is addicted to wee, the person they should go for is, Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko, who via his struggling attempt to defend his uncle’s wee addiction problem, has made it abundantly clear that Akufo-Addo, the flagbearer of the NPP, is indeed addicted to wee.

Columnist: The Informer