
Gays Have Their Rights

Sat, 6 Jul 2013 Source: Mensah, Emmanuel

6th July, 2013

The recent discussion by U.S president, Barack Obama, with African leaders that gays deserve equality under the law has stirred up some heated debates in our societies. The premise for his statement was on the famous human right issue which according to him, is constantly being abused in Africa.

Come to think of it, don't you, frankly, think Obama is right? I mean let's face the truth, if we really claim to be a State which upholds freedom, within the limits of our constitution, then we will have to admit that Barack Obama is making a lot of sense, yes we are indeed infringing on the rights of homosexuals. This should, however, not call for despair or panic.

While commending Ghanaians for publicly crying out against homosexuality (Ghanaians did that because it was against their culture), we must also remember that we are being ruled by the laws of the constitution not the laws of religion. The constitution thus remains supreme making any other suggestion only subsidiary. It will, therefore, be very wrong and extremely felonious to choose religion (or our beliefs) over the dominant laws of the country. In other words, in the eyes of the state, the constitution is right and your religion is wrong. This is exactly where the answer lies!

You see, the constitution of Ghana does not really condemn this diabolic act (as described by Ghanaians) of homosexuality. Its mention of the State not permitting "unnatural carnal knowledge" is only obscure and thus liable to different interpretations.

All that I'm saying is that, to deal with this homosexuality thing that the country considers a problem, Ghanaians will first have to amend the constitution to clearly reflect the morals and other beliefs of the, probably, majority of Ghanaians who think that homosexuality is wrong. This amendment must thus clearly state that homosexuality is against the laws of the country.

Mere talking and the usual insults will not change anything. If the State really wants to drive homosexuality out of its jurisdiction, then it must make a more serious move. Until Ghanaians amend the constitution then, you will have to admit, gays indeed have their right!

Mensah Emmanuel

Columnist: Mensah, Emmanuel