You, the youth and especially college students of Ghana have a lot to offer our nation. You are the hope and the future of the nation and the wind of change has to blow with this generation or never. I urge you to take your rightful places as the agent of change in our malodorous, redolent and corrupt nation and I leave you with the admonition St Paul to Timothy, ‘Let no one despise your youth. Again I say let no one, loathe, look down, deride, scorn, ridicule scoff, mock, or tease you as you match forward to redeem your nation from thievery, slavery and the dependency syndrome to foreign loans. It is time for Africa to take her own destiny in her own hands. We can do it. The Asians have done it. Let victory match on.
Welcome Ideas and Vision as well as Transparency in government
Some of our new presidential and political aspirants have new ideas on the table and I urge you to listen to them and make your own judgments as we approach our next elections in 2008. For example Kennedy has outlined five broad policy areas in his campaign:
I urge you listen to him and others who come to the table with solutions- ideas and visions. The 2008 and future presidential campaign should be about VISION NOT personalities or money. I am not advocating for a revolution. All I am asking for is POSITIVE CHANGE. This change would require a President who would be able to marry the Establishment and the Youth. Arthur Kobina Kennedy, for example is vying for the NPP flagbearership. One of Kennedy’s 5 campaign themes is MAKING A PLACE AT THE NATIONAL TABLE FOR DIASPORANS it would be good for all the candidates to follow suit. In as much as I respect all the paraded NPP prospective presidential candidates I think Kennedy is a better choice today, with all due respect.
It is my hope as expressed in the pages of the New Agenda For Ghana that Ghana shall continue to live in peace and worship freely; that Ghana shall welcome new breed of leadership who are dynamic and visionary like our first president, Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah; a new breed of leadership who are honest and resolved to build a better life than our parents have ever known, and pass a brighter future on to posterity in Ghana. Ghana needs to break away from the Establishment and the status quo that are impeding Ghana’s potential to grow into a First World status as a result of their reluctance to make a paradigm shift. Ghana must have a-can-do attitude starting today. A Ghana that will not depend on foreign aid but able to manage her own rich natural resources to generate the needed capital. A new Ghana that seeks to build a large middle class, and improved standard of living. This hope must not elude Africa, and Ghana must lead the way.
A new agenda for Ghana must begin with change in our attitudes which slows down progress. As Africans we need to understand that God trusts us enough to endow us with all the rich natural resources and it is about time Africans woke up from our slumber and put on the hat of sound management to improve lives on the continent. Work must begin from within not from without-- “not with aid or trade, though they are important,” but first with our governments’ recognition of the natural gold embedded in the ordinary citizens, especially the young people who are now being neglected today by our political elite.
A very good friend, Albion Mends sent me this message just as I was about to leave the States for Ghana: “Since Ghana@50 is upon us and you are going to Ghana next week to teach; I have a favor to ask you. This is what I am thinking aloud- “WHAT TWELVE (PRACTICAL) THINGS CAN EACH PERSON DO TO MOVE GHANA FORWARD after 50 years of independence? The students need to commit to twelve practical things that they can do in the coming days. "So my dear friends and fellow Ghanaians I leave you with this charge:
Come out with twelve practical things that you can do in the coming days to move Ghana forward.
"When we benefit more than the people we serve, we are not serving."(Albion Mends Jr.) With regards to the 12 practical things each person can do to move Ghana (post-50) forward- I pray that most people will have Community Service as an option. We need the next generation to change from dependency of "aban" (government). Volunteerism has to become hip, cool or whatever the youth say it; Service to the community without expecting any $$$$. Giving of oneself (time, money or what have you) to move Ghana forward to next 50 years.
Under the auspices of Dr. Kofi Barimah I know that Catholic University does well in organizing such community services in this town and I commend you. We all need a paradigm shift. To encourage you and add to what Dr. Kofi Barimah has already started Albion Mends and I would like to institute Community Services Scholarship Fund. We are setting up an award for the best student who takes up this our challenge- (12 practical things) to the next level. It may not necessarily be 12 but someone who took the speech seriously and did something practical (a project) with it.
This charge is not only for our students but also faculty and all noble citizens of Ghana. Let us divulge from looking up to government to do everything for us. Let us condition ourselves to do something for our communities and nation in the next fifty years. It could be adopting a project in your village or town; sponsoring one student, and what have you. I cannot stand here to tell you what to do when I did nothing. Therefore we are pleased to take the initiative. With the help of Dr. Barimah, and for our contribution to national development today I initiate the following Awards at the Catholic University of Ghana, Sunyani effective March 6, 2007-
Ø The Okyere Bonna Community Service Award (2007)- $100
Ø The Dr Magdalene Marfo- Scholar of the Year. Award(2007) $100
Ø The late Augutina Bonna Political Award(2007) $50
Ø The late Frank and Thomas Kobia Amanfi Humanitarian Award (2007)- $50
The honorable citizen whose email challenged me, Albion Mends Jr has also agreed to follow suit. Hopefully others will follow suit in their Alma Mattas
Ø The Albion Mends Jr. Community Service Award (2007)- $50
I implore Dr. Barimah to help me set up an account at a Bank in Sunyani or some Trust at the University here. I also challenge the University to match it and give out the award from the interest every year. We also propose the following on-going programmes on INDEPENDENCE DAY and ask all well meaning Ghanaina to support it:
1. Environmental Youth Core or Y E S (Service): This would be rendering service to the community (For example, weekly or monthly trash pick. Teaching the Community about health and hygiene) minimizing the spread of malaria etc. 2. Youth Excited about Sports (Y E S); Health- "proactive health care" - Exercise, proper diet, abstinence, Youth Aids Awareness Groups, etc..)
Forward ever backwards never.
Long live Ghana students. Long live Ghana. May God bless us all
Twoo boi!
You, the youth and especially college students of Ghana have a lot to offer our nation. You are the hope and the future of the nation and the wind of change has to blow with this generation or never. I urge you to take your rightful places as the agent of change in our malodorous, redolent and corrupt nation and I leave you with the admonition St Paul to Timothy, ‘Let no one despise your youth. Again I say let no one, loathe, look down, deride, scorn, ridicule scoff, mock, or tease you as you match forward to redeem your nation from thievery, slavery and the dependency syndrome to foreign loans. It is time for Africa to take her own destiny in her own hands. We can do it. The Asians have done it. Let victory match on.
Welcome Ideas and Vision as well as Transparency in government
Some of our new presidential and political aspirants have new ideas on the table and I urge you to listen to them and make your own judgments as we approach our next elections in 2008. For example Kennedy has outlined five broad policy areas in his campaign:
I urge you listen to him and others who come to the table with solutions- ideas and visions. The 2008 and future presidential campaign should be about VISION NOT personalities or money. I am not advocating for a revolution. All I am asking for is POSITIVE CHANGE. This change would require a President who would be able to marry the Establishment and the Youth. Arthur Kobina Kennedy, for example is vying for the NPP flagbearership. One of Kennedy’s 5 campaign themes is MAKING A PLACE AT THE NATIONAL TABLE FOR DIASPORANS it would be good for all the candidates to follow suit. In as much as I respect all the paraded NPP prospective presidential candidates I think Kennedy is a better choice today, with all due respect.
It is my hope as expressed in the pages of the New Agenda For Ghana that Ghana shall continue to live in peace and worship freely; that Ghana shall welcome new breed of leadership who are dynamic and visionary like our first president, Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah; a new breed of leadership who are honest and resolved to build a better life than our parents have ever known, and pass a brighter future on to posterity in Ghana. Ghana needs to break away from the Establishment and the status quo that are impeding Ghana’s potential to grow into a First World status as a result of their reluctance to make a paradigm shift. Ghana must have a-can-do attitude starting today. A Ghana that will not depend on foreign aid but able to manage her own rich natural resources to generate the needed capital. A new Ghana that seeks to build a large middle class, and improved standard of living. This hope must not elude Africa, and Ghana must lead the way.
A new agenda for Ghana must begin with change in our attitudes which slows down progress. As Africans we need to understand that God trusts us enough to endow us with all the rich natural resources and it is about time Africans woke up from our slumber and put on the hat of sound management to improve lives on the continent. Work must begin from within not from without-- “not with aid or trade, though they are important,” but first with our governments’ recognition of the natural gold embedded in the ordinary citizens, especially the young people who are now being neglected today by our political elite.
A very good friend, Albion Mends sent me this message just as I was about to leave the States for Ghana: “Since Ghana@50 is upon us and you are going to Ghana next week to teach; I have a favor to ask you. This is what I am thinking aloud- “WHAT TWELVE (PRACTICAL) THINGS CAN EACH PERSON DO TO MOVE GHANA FORWARD after 50 years of independence? The students need to commit to twelve practical things that they can do in the coming days. "So my dear friends and fellow Ghanaians I leave you with this charge:
Come out with twelve practical things that you can do in the coming days to move Ghana forward.
"When we benefit more than the people we serve, we are not serving."(Albion Mends Jr.) With regards to the 12 practical things each person can do to move Ghana (post-50) forward- I pray that most people will have Community Service as an option. We need the next generation to change from dependency of "aban" (government). Volunteerism has to become hip, cool or whatever the youth say it; Service to the community without expecting any $$$$. Giving of oneself (time, money or what have you) to move Ghana forward to next 50 years.
Under the auspices of Dr. Kofi Barimah I know that Catholic University does well in organizing such community services in this town and I commend you. We all need a paradigm shift. To encourage you and add to what Dr. Kofi Barimah has already started Albion Mends and I would like to institute Community Services Scholarship Fund. We are setting up an award for the best student who takes up this our challenge- (12 practical things) to the next level. It may not necessarily be 12 but someone who took the speech seriously and did something practical (a project) with it.
This charge is not only for our students but also faculty and all noble citizens of Ghana. Let us divulge from looking up to government to do everything for us. Let us condition ourselves to do something for our communities and nation in the next fifty years. It could be adopting a project in your village or town; sponsoring one student, and what have you. I cannot stand here to tell you what to do when I did nothing. Therefore we are pleased to take the initiative. With the help of Dr. Barimah, and for our contribution to national development today I initiate the following Awards at the Catholic University of Ghana, Sunyani effective March 6, 2007-
Ø The Okyere Bonna Community Service Award (2007)- $100
Ø The Dr Magdalene Marfo- Scholar of the Year. Award(2007) $100
Ø The late Augutina Bonna Political Award(2007) $50
Ø The late Frank and Thomas Kobia Amanfi Humanitarian Award (2007)- $50
The honorable citizen whose email challenged me, Albion Mends Jr has also agreed to follow suit. Hopefully others will follow suit in their Alma Mattas
Ø The Albion Mends Jr. Community Service Award (2007)- $50
I implore Dr. Barimah to help me set up an account at a Bank in Sunyani or some Trust at the University here. I also challenge the University to match it and give out the award from the interest every year. We also propose the following on-going programmes on INDEPENDENCE DAY and ask all well meaning Ghanaina to support it:
1. Environmental Youth Core or Y E S (Service): This would be rendering service to the community (For example, weekly or monthly trash pick. Teaching the Community about health and hygiene) minimizing the spread of malaria etc. 2. Youth Excited about Sports (Y E S); Health- "proactive health care" - Exercise, proper diet, abstinence, Youth Aids Awareness Groups, etc..)
Forward ever backwards never.
Long live Ghana students. Long live Ghana. May God bless us all
Twoo boi!