
Ghana Should Get An Atomic Bomb!

Sun, 6 Nov 2011 Source: The Emperor

I used to be a man of peace. War was for barbarians — the uncivilized! At least, this is what I believed. In my naivete — I sided with the peace-makers with the notion that we were heaven bound. Remember, the Bible teaches that blessed are the peace-makers, for they shall be called the children of God. Well, I converted to atheism many years ago. Please, don't ask me why. I might not give you the kind of answer — which you want me to! I traded creation for evolution, the Bible for science and God for self-dependency. Though, I would have to admit that the Bible makes for an interesting read. That said, we Ghanaians have so much to be proud of. We have a country — which hasn’t engaged in a single act of war or terror since its inception. Of course, it doesn't mean that our country cannot be attacked. Anything can happen, for nothing is guaranteed! Remember, we are living a world in which terror and unprovoked aggression have become the norm. Human blood has become cheaper than spit, and violence has become culture. Peace isn't no longer in vogue, for this is a time of war — not a time of peace!

Every sovereignty has the right to protect itself by whatever means necessary! It's reported that the United States of America has a nuclear bomb in her possession. She also has in her possession various weapons of mass destruction! Of course, the United States isn’t the only country in possession of an atomic bomb. There are others! Namely — Israel, Germany, France, The United Kingdom, Russia, China and Pakistan. In July 26, 1945, the United States — under President Harry Truman, issued a statement — which called for the surrender of Japan in the Second World War. The Japanese failed to comply, and rightfully so! Mind you, the Pearl Harbor attack was self inflicted. Japan had absolutely nothing to do with it whatsoever! In August 6, 1945, America dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. The attack resulted in the deaths of more than a hundred thousand Japanese. Three days later, on August 9, 1945, the city of Nagasaki followed suit. In this city alone, 60,000 Japanese lost their lives due to America's unprovoked aggression. These two incidents remain the only time that a country used an atomic bomb in warfare!

Due to the devastating effect of the nuclear bomb — the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty was born on March 5, 1970. The objective of this treaty is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapon technology. Secondly, to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Thirdly, to further the goal of nuclear disarmament in its totality. Thus far, 189 countries or parties have signed — including the United States. A few years ago, the country of Iran — which is a party to the treaty, decided to develop nuclear energy. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian President — assured the International Atomic Energy Agency that Iran’s nuclear energy programme is for developmental purpose! However, the United States — which has a nuclear bomb in her possession, wants Iran to forsake her nuclear energy programme. As of the moment, the United States — together with Germany, France and The United Kingdom — have put Iran under sanction. Mind you, the aforementioned countries have their own nuclear bombs — which they have no plans to dismantle. So, why tell Iran to forsake hers, or put her under sanction? It doesn’t makes sense, nor is it fair! Dear reader, as you read this — the United States is planning a war on Iran for developing nuclear energy.

On March 19, 2003, the United states of America invaded Iraq — a sovereign nation. And, for what reason? She claimed that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. It was a lie! Iraq has been bombed back to the stone age, and America and Britain have stolen her wealth. Eight months ago, America — together with Britain, France, Italy and Canada, used NATO to invade Libya — an oil rich country. Now, there was a time, when Libya had weapons of mass destruction. But, what happened? Muammar al-Qaddafi had them destroyed in exchange for friendship with the West. He trusted them, and they betrayed him in return! They waited until his nuclear weapons were no more. They waited until he was no longer a threat! And, what did they do after that? They invaded Libya to steal her wealth and massacre her children in the process. If anything, Libya's invasion should serve as a warning to all and sundry. The West and its criminal leaders cannot be trusted! They are desperate for money and they will kill to get it — even if they have to lie to do so. Ghana isn't safe! As a matter of fact, no country — with resources and wealth, is safe from the West. Remember, whatever the White man wants, the White man takes — even if he has resort to violence. The White man’s history is written in trickery, theft, murder, slavery and hypocrisy— not democracy or peace!

Look at what’s happening in America. Occupy Wall Street protestors are being brutalized by the American police force — whilst the American media remains silent. No coverage whatsoever! And, where is NATO? Why isn’t it protecting these peaceful protestors against America’s fascist government? It didn’t hesitate to go to Libya! Dear reader, this is western hypocrisy at its best. It talks about freedom, but it doesn’t allow it! So, let's be prepared. Let's get an atomic bomb, for they are coming. The AU wont save us, when the time comes! As for the UN, let’s forget it. It’s a joke. It has been hijacked to help realize the master race idea!

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Source: The Emperor

Columnist: The Emperor