
Ghana Should Not Think The US Can Protect Her

Wed, 9 May 2007 Source: Boamah, Ebenezer

Ghana Should Not Think The US Can Protect Her From Anything: Nor Should She Ever Dream That She Would Have Her Interest At Heart!

Once again the gullible African head is failing to discern that we live in an evil world. When the West appeared on the coastlines of Africa, our forefathers, as innocent as they were, thought they had seen normal strangers who were to be accorded normal hospitality according to normal humane thinking and practice. Thus they fell woefully to the trickery and cruelty of their heartless guests. Once again, with history, memory, and on-the-ground evidence, even as we suffer today of the rape of looting of our motherland of its resources; and the brutality meted out to her children, only a few (if any) of our leaders have decided to see the untold catastrophic consequences of allowing another occupying western forces and economic rapists in the form of the ill-conceived American African Command force. They are falling headlong to the sugar-coated presented intention of yet another colonial force. If our leaders have any sane head to think, they would know just even from the surface the insidious intentions of this so-called co-operative and beneficial force by its name: ‘The US African Command ’! What else do our leaders need to be told, what more evidence should we show our leaders for them to understand and believe that the Americans want to come here for nothing but to seek to intensify their raping of us. They have been raping us any way from afar, but like the sadist sex –maniac, the thrill of natural means has waned off, and so now they want to explore other unnatural avenues: they want to rape us the wrong way! It is just ain’t any good for them any more that everybody knows they are in control, however they want to shove it into our bleeding nostrils that they are in total control by their bodily presence on our soil. For this, I want to strongly believe our Ghanaian politicians have thought rightly and decided sanely not to allow even the wind of this American evil adventure whistle pass our motherland, Ghana, than to say hosting it; for not only would that spell an untold catastrophe, but would be a great betrayal in history to the rest of the continent. Thus they should think not to even think about it!

What Benefits?

My heart bleeds when some Ghanaians themselves talk of benefits by having the American monster on our fragile motherland. What benefits, I ask? Nobody must be disillusioned! In the first place, do you think the West, and for that matter America would just for a second seek the well-being of Ghana or the African continent at larger? If we should come on par with them, who would be their slaves, what land will they easily plunder to fill their bottomless throats; won’t they lose the humor of their ever-thrilling clown, Africa; how would they show that they are better humans; where would they empty their fake superficial empathy; where would they empty their trash cans, and who would scavenge their waste; you think the sick sadist rapist would let his prey go? Has America ever believed in genuine multilateralism? Look around you and tell where America is serving under the UN like Ghana and other fair-play nations in genuine peacekeeping. Wherever they are, are they not on their own with their floppy stupid controlled allies? The last time they went with the UN, in Somalia, what did they do? Did the UN ever tell them to go after M.F. Idid? Were they not serving their own interest and puffy ego when they did? If America ever believed in multilateral interest of all nations, why do they oppose the International Law Court of the Hague? Why do they want their citizens to be sent home for bogus trial while they keep innocent citizens of other nations in Guatanama Bay without due trial? How did the so-called Islamic terrorist evolve in the first place? Are these patriots-turned-villains not simply fighting against a sinister control freak occupying force, America? Are they fighting because just happened to be Islamic, or they are fighting for the freedom of their nations as any dignified liberty loving people would do? But wait a minute, whose says America is Christian? That nation is the most pagan and a den of Satanism ever in human history! Even Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, and Cyrus and Darius of Medo-Persia acknowledged the sovereignty of Yahweh Elyon, the one and only true God (Daniel 6:25-27; 3:28-29; Ezra 6:3). So the shouts of the name of God by America does not fool us (Matthew 6:21-23).

America is a lawless brute in the international arena. Bush was talking war before he got elected! America is so obsess with herself she thinks the rest of us are just her entourage here on earth, and that every pin that drops anywhere is a threatening security concern to her. At the end of the day she creates real danger for herself and the rest of the world unnecessarily by her occupations and attacks on other lands.

An Anathema!!!
Those of you, whose dare dream of any benefit from the Americans or any foreign forces on our land should be ashamed of yourselves in the first place, as you have lost your sense of being human, but not just your dignity. Our Moslem brothers understand rightly the entire meaning of having a foreign force on your land. By the Holy Bible, which is the infallible word of God, the Almighty, the creator of the heavens and the earth and all that is in it, having a foreign force on one’s soil is a worst curse. Not only was enjoining with foreign army an abomination for the people of God, but that the presence of foreign forces on Israeli territory was inherently detrimental or a punishment from God. Anytime Israel sought military alliance with any nation the Lord punished then with either the same sought ally or other forces (Read Isaiah, Jeremiah and 2Chronicles). Don’t be fooled for curse is the one who rely on the strength of man instead of God. Allow the Americans and they would become a terrible snare unto us. What are our modern day examples of this mistake? Brothers and sisters look around you with a thinking head and seeing eyes, about more than 70% percent of African countries who naively fell prey to the occupation of foreign French forces have been in turmoil or are still under unrest. Apart from the spiritual undertone, carnally, these countries trusted and thrust all their security concerns to the foreign forces. As a result, their native security forces failed to evolve and develop; and their internal self-governance ability were eroded, therefore any minute hitch in the dynamics of these countries became more than enough recipe for unrest. Like the so-called good humanitarian intent of the evolving AFRICOM, the French forces fed the people of their victim countries with cheap food, vine and sex; therefore the people continued to sleep in the orgies (the same as the apartheid government of South Africa, which America gainfully supported, feed the people with cheap milled maize and beer to their detriment). At the end of the day, the people have remained human only because they can dine, vine and sex! How many of the countries with the French forces, with its incapacitating effect, have made a successful transition in governance without significant unrest and lost of lives? In countries like Rwanda, Burundi, DRC and Ivory Coast, the divide and rule policy has not only brought about external xenophobia, but internal killer tribal hatred. Togo, Rwanda, Burundi, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Central African Republic and the rest all have faltered also because they could not manage themselves because of deliberate French infantile spoon-feeding. Not only did these countries suffer but the whole of Africa as the foreign French forces turned them into saboteurs of their own continent. Leading in this self African sabotage were the Ivorians who have realized their folly, while the Gabonese and the Senegalese continue to serve the French interest even as I write. How many times has Senegal not opposed and isolated herself from African continental moves. And don’t be surprised if they betray us to the Americans this time again; but the French would have the final say on that, which I believe they would still want to hold on to some backyards which must definitely be American-free.

How Far Back Can We Remember, and How Far Can We See Into The Future?

I hear people speaking of the American coming to scare of prospective coup-makers. Do not be stupid even for a minute or two, my dear brother or sister! Have you forgotten so shortly that it is the same Americans who engineered and orchestrated the first coup in Ghana, and many other places in the so-called third world? And can’t you see just tomorrow, that these evil forces who brand others evil for a decoy would orchestrated and put in power their own puppets to enslave us as the French did and still are doing to her poor African victims? Now, those countries which fortunately or unfortunately woke up from the control sleeping pills of the French, and decided to decide for themselves are the ones in turmoil or has suffered in someway like the Ivory Coast, Guinea, Rwanda etc. When trouble stated in these countries what did the French do? Not only did they evacuate just their own to safety but helped to perpetrate all kinds of atrocities. Why would you think the Rwandans who had so many things French have decided to ‘de-frenchize’ all of a sudden? Now where were the Americans when their own creation, Liberia fell into massacre, if they say they are coming to keep peace? Have they kept peace in Afghanistan and Iraq? Didn’t they take hell to these countries? Had it not been by their mechanizations wouldn’t China/Taiwan; South/North Korean; Iran/Iraq be either unified nations or at worst be at peace with each other? Don’t they create tensions in these countries and come around as protectors and peacemakers, like antivirus software companies create virus in order to force antivirus down people’s throat in their quest to amassing unscrupulous wealth and control?


Enough said about the true colors of this hypocritical American (not ordinary citizenry) nor making our own leaders and people see reason; but let it be known to them that if they want to bring more and the worse human created disaster into our land, then let them welcome the devil-camouflaged-under-Christianity America. The president and all the people in politics in Ghana, be it opposition or in power, would be held accountable should the Americans stationed in Ghana our motherland; in that case they should be prepared to seek asylum in America; it should be a simultaneous two-way journey, as the American journey to Ghana, so they should journey to America; or else we Ghanaians of sane mind and dignity would come after them like a wounded lion chase and devour its attacker. But I trust our able and wise leaders and all politicians to reject any presence of the Americans in this wise. I believe they have not sweated thus far just to throw it all to the dogs.

Now, unto the Americans, you deny that your AFRICOM attempt is for counter-terrorism; then who do you want to help protect our borders against; against ourselves? Don’t you know that if Africa ever had any enemies, that would be America and the rest of the West, especially France? If you say you don’t mean to counter China, plunder our resources or control us the more, then what on earth do you people want to come here for, since nobody has requested your presence; and who put it in your minds that you are our indispensable Big Brother? You people must cut the crap because we see through your shenanigans!

I have not given meaningful attention to biblical prophecy yet, but it seems like your end is beginning, if you should not abort this evil plot against African, and Ghana in particular. You think you have seen some so-called terrorists in the Muslims; I promise you, you ain’t seen nothing yet; you would see worst terrorists in Christians if you dare step onto Ghanaian soil, Ghanaians promised on our honor be faithful and loyal to Ghana our motherland, and may God help us to resist the oppressor; we would fight you by tooth and nail, and we would fight you everywhere, anytime. You pride yourself with that militant puffy expression of ‘kickin butts’, but we would whip your butts real good, like we did you on the soccer field in German, where you are busy cooking your evil concoction. If you think there is somebody out there to get you, stay in your America and protect yourself, do not, and I repeat do not come to Ghana because we want nothing to do with your terrorist paranoia pretence – we can’t afford to attract the so-called terrorists you have created for yourselves by occupying Saudi Arabia and other lands, neither can we look on for you to rape us the unnatural way – stay home or on the soil of your stupid allies and continue to siphon us, but please don’t come near for our anger is burning, and more dangerous that you know. America does not measure up to the fallen world powers of the past century; and what makes her think that she will not fall eventually, if not sooner? A word to the wise is enough!

I hope all Americans of sane head will resist this diabolic move of their leaders, as some of our people may fail to see the difference to their detriment because of the folly and greed of some few. Your leaders say they are protecting you but in reality they are making themselves relevant to you by creating problems for you so they can play the supermen. I know some of you American leaders, that your heads have not gone too bad to see reason, come around quickly to abort this grievous move on your part; we can still be friends, its not too late. I believe you won’t hurt our feelings, so we would not have to rapture your. May God help you so you don’t. Amen.

To my fellow Ghanaians, resist with all your might this evil that is menacing toward our dear motherland; and be prepared to fight till the last drop of your blood, even as our forefather fought to leave us a heritage. It is better to die than to be raped the wrong way (that is if the right way is even right and bearable), all the days of your life – ferea ne wuo dea fanyinam wuo! But with the help of God Almighty, we shall overcome the foe should America evolve fully into one of ours by encroaching. They may come with guns and war machines, but our champion and deliverer is the Lord Jesus, for they are not just against flesh and blood. But as we fight in the spirit so should it manifest in the flesh. Let all Ghanaians be prepared, both Christians and Muslims to fight the holy war against any such evil for ourselves and posterity, should the need arise. GOD BLESS GHANA AND HAVE MERCY ON AFRICA, and on our enemies!!!

Ebenezer Boamah
(The author is a man of God whose mandate is to national interest of all spheres, because the spirit is not void of the flesh).

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Columnist: Boamah, Ebenezer