
Ghana: The Way Forward

Wed, 2 May 2012 Source: Saka, Dr.

(An Appeal to the President of the Republic of



Honourable Dr Saka

April 30, 2012

The President of Ghana

Office of The President

P.O. Box 1627,

Osu Accra, Ghana

Excerpt: Ghana and Africa need thousands of Kwame Nkrumah today to take

us through the next stage of our economic independence. But the only way to

produce millions of Nkrumah is when the youth study and understand what he has




Obama (Accra, July 2009)

“We must

start from the simple premise that Africa’s future is up to Africans. ..We’ve

learned that it will not be giants

like Nkrumah and Kenyatta who will determine Africa’s future. Instead, it will

be you -- the men and women in Ghana’s parliament and the people you represent.

It will be the young people brimming with talent and energy and hope who can

claim the future that so many in previous generations never realized.”

Ghana, Africa’s Shining Star


independence, Ghanaians on many occasions have made the nation and Africa in

general very proud. From political stability, economic growth, sports, science

and technological inventions, etc. Ghanaians have demonstrated their maturity

and their determination to excel in every sphere of human endeavour. This been

demonstrated from post-independence to the 21st century. However,

the positive side of this determination often escape the good books of history.

This is because our African culture is often disregarded by those who write the

history books. The African has been brainwashed to look down upon himself and

boycott his culture: his food, clothing, arts, beliefs, institutions, his

educational systems; all other products of human work and thought,and to a larger

extent, his own domestic products.


his book “Consciencism” (pg.63) Kwame Nkrumah thus wrote:

“Our history needs to be written as the

history of our society, not as the story of European adventures. African

society must be treated as enjoying its own integrity; its history must be a

mirror of that society, and the European contact must find its place in this

history only as an African Experience”.

Today, there is an abundance of

evidence available in Ghana, which proves beyond all reasonable doubt that all

kinds of inventions (just visit the KNUST in Kumasi), our ability to

re-engineer all kinds of products, including producing cars in this country is

no longer a dream but a reality. As Ossei Nkrumah wrote as far back in 2007,

many Ghanaians have demonstrated the ability to manufacture cars right here in

Ghana. This should be good news for

any serious nation determined to succeed by relying on indigenous technology to

advance its development. Many of these inventions have been well-documented in the

various departments at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

(KNUST), including a number of polytechnics across the country.Yet,

after many years, our determination as a government, a country and a people, to

tap into these available capabilities, remains to be seen.


attitude is why Bob Marley sung:

“…in the abundance of water, the fool is thirsty”.

The Concept of Domestication


years ago, Mr Dan Lartey of blessed memory, one of the political leaders of

Ghana, proposed the concept of “Domestication”

as the way forward, not only for Ghana, but for Africa as a whole.

“Domestication”, in its simplest terms was explained by Dan Lartey as follows:

“Produce what we use; use what we produce.”


course, by this, he did not mean to suggest that Ghana shouldn’t import

anything at all. However, Mr Lartey, like Kwame Nkrumah understood very well

that an African nation like Ghana, which has over 70% of land that is fertile

for agriculture, cannot continue with the habit of her usual importation of

rice, chicken, tomato paste, fruit juice, sugar, cooking oil, shoes, tooth

pick, and many others; when as a matter of fact, with the correct political

mind-set, we as a nation can produce all the above items here in Ghana and export

them abroad.


emphasize this concept of domestication, even president Barack Obama when he visited

Ghana in July 2009, had this to say:

“I want to see Ghanaians not only self-sufficient in food, I

want to see you exporting food to other countries and earning money. You can do

that.” (Barack Obama, July 2009)

According to the United Nations Food and

Agriculture Organisation (UNFAO), Ghana spends more than 1.2 billion dollars

annually on rice imports, which rose from 121,000 metric tonnes in (1993) to

507,600 in (2002). As of 2010, this figure had tripled! Instead, Ghana's

domestic rice production has gradually declined so much in the past decade that

local rice farmers in the country now produce only 30% of the country's

requirement with the remaining two-thirds, worth over $2billion always

imported. In fact, the UNFAO, has repeatedly warned that Ghana’s over-reliance

on imported rice is becoming a serious concern.


understand the serious nature of this issue, first let’s take a look at a

snapshot of a few Ghana’s imports:

1. Vehicles other than railway (14.1%)

2. Mineral fuels, oils, distillation

products (13.8%)

3. Boilers, machinery, nuclear reactors,

etc. (12.4%)

4. Electrical and electronic equipment


5. Cereals (11.1%)

6. Others….

Source: World

Trade Organization, International Trade Centre

A look at the above list reveals that, Ghana at the

present condition has the technology and enough resources that should enable us

completely abolish the importation of cereals especially rice, and begin the

efforts to gradually reduce the importation of vehicles, machinery, and many

more. Just take a trip to Accra and visit

the Apostle Dr Safo Kantanka. The man has invested so much of his resources in

the manufacturing of cars, tractors, various plants and machinery, TV sets,

household appliances and many more. Above all, Apostle Safo Kantanka has

invested so much in farming and schools! The man owns huge acres of farms

across the country Ghana. Of course there are many other Ghanaians who are

equally trying in their own small ways to contribute to the development of the

nation in this regard. Some of them are in Kumasi Suame Magazine. Also visit

the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology and you will be amazed

as to what you will discover at the various departments. At the Department of

Physics, Mechanical/Electrical Engineering, etc. many discoveries have been

made by our young students all of them, well-documented in their theses.

Students have successfully designed and assembled machines, cars; they have

designed and successfully assembled radio transmitting equipment. All what is

needed is the right sense of leadership, the commitment to support these

initiatives and Ghana could soon overtake South Africa. But what are we as a

nation waiting for? Do we still need another 50 years before we take the first

step? Ghana needs a policy shift. The time to act is now! Remember, if Ghana is

truly determined to succeed, then “We’re only an attitude away from success” (John

C. Maxwell).

If only we can take the first bold step, there will be huge

employment opportunities that could follow to the benefit of majority of our

unemployed youth. Just imagine if Apostle Safo’s tractors, cars, TVs,

generators, etc. were to be produced on a mass scale. His tractors could

benefit our farmers to boost their productivity. Taxes could be collected from

the industries that will emerge out of these efforts. The benefits could redeem

us from the sin of unqualified begging. But are we as usual waiting for him to

die before we queue up to sing praises upon him? May God forbid! What such

great men deserve cannot be a “befitting burial”. Mr President, please hear our

humble cry. Ghanaians, let us believe in ourselves and take action. This will

motivate the rest of us both home and abroad to develop a sense of

patriotism. There are many Africans abroad, with wonderful degrees,

qualifications and skills. Yet, as the time goes by, many of them are wasting

their lives abroad, doing all kinds of menial jobs: cleaning, washing

plates/dishes, sweeping the streets of Europe and America. This shouldn’t be the

destiny of the black man! All what these

people need is a little motivation to encourage them to come back home and help

build Africa.

Your Excellency, after 55yrs of our independence, isn’t it

possible for the nation Ghana to take the concept of ‘domestication’ very

serious? Isn’t it shocking that Ghana in spite of our vast agricultural land, and

though majority of the population’s main occupation is farming; yet the nation

cannot produce enough food to feed her people, to enable us abolish this annual

culture of rice and chicken importation? For how long must we continue to take

loans from the IMF and the World Bank and use this money to continue importing

rice and chicken? Mr President, have we forgotten so soon that many of us: MPs,

ministers, Council of State, applauded Obama just a few years ago? Let us remind

ourselves one more time:

“Aid is not an end in itself. The purpose of foreign

assistance must be creating the conditions where it’s no longer needed. I want

to see Ghanaians not only self-sufficient in food, I want to see you exporting

food to other countries and earning money. You can do that”. (Barack Obama Accra

July, 2009).

After three years, the question still remains: what measures have we as

a nation taken to ensure that Ghana is self-sufficient in food and also has the

capacity to export food to other countries? It is very sad that such measures

have always been in “the pipeline” but never materialized. Unfortunately the

MEDIA which ought to put pressure on the government to show commitment to these

initiatives has deliberately refused to put up this topic for national

discussion. Almost every day’s discussion on our radios and TVs have been

dominated by issues about personal affairs of politicians whiles serious issues

as raised above have often escaped the headlines. As we continue to look up to

the West to ‘solve all our problems for us’ with aid, for as long as they can

afford, let us also remember that Africa’s future is up to Africans. President Obama

in a few years ago made it clear that Aid

is not an end in itself. He expects to see Ghanaians not only self-sufficient

in food; he wants to see Ghana exporting food, cars, to other countries and

earning money. He knows we can do that. So what are we waiting for?

Mr President, I believe you will like to see Ghana become

industrialized in the next 45 years. This however cannot come by magic. For it

is said that a journey of 45 years begins with a step. We need to take certain

boldnew steps from the year 2012. We

cannot continue with the same old ways of doing things and expect to get a

different result. Our current most cherished democracy much move beyond holding

peaceful elections. We need to invest in our

people on the field of science and technology. We also need to believe in

ourselves. Yes, we can do it!

Henry Ford was right when he said:


you think you can or you think you can’t – you are right”

Economic Policies: Ghana vs Others

Since independence, India and its people have

been committed to the task of promoting the spread of science and technology as

one of the most important elements of national development (credit: Science and

Technology Policy of

India, 2001). Also, in the Middle East is Iran. Although the Islamic

Republic of Iran has been under tough sanctions for the past 30years, the

country has been able to make many breakthroughs in the fields of science and

technology. Thanks to the concept of ‘domestication’. Today, with the commitment

from the government, almost everything in the country is made by Iranians.

Here in Ghana, we do not even believe in ourselves.

Almost every major project the government decides to undertake, it’s either

awarded to a Chinese firm, a Korean company, an American or a British

consultant somewhere. Your Excellency, I am not at all suggesting that the

nation should not consult other countries in areas where our technical

expertise are limited. However, the extent to which the local Ghanaian expert

has been neglected is my worry. The sad part of it is that, in most cases it is

the ordinary Ghanaian whose energy does the real work, while these consultants

give mere ‘guidance & technical advice’. Fifty five years ago, Ghana and

Malaysia, started from the same spot. But today, we all know where we are as a

country. Instead of us to manage the assets which our founding fathers left for

us, we have shamefully disposed them in the name of ‘privatization’.

Kwame Nkrumah as he wept, wrote in his book: “The

Struggle Continues” (pg.19):


have seen with your own eyes the shameful disposal of Ghana’s assets. Over

hundred state corporations have been sold. Our state hotels are now foreign

owned. The 20-mile rubber plantation developed by the State Farms Corporation

has been handed over to the Firestone Rubber Company of America. The whole

economic situation is the negation of in independent economic policy and a

downward sell out to other American and foreign capitalist financial interests.”

Of course it wasn’t just after Nkrumah’s

overthrow that Ghana’s assets were handed over to foreign companies. Between

the third and fourth republic alone, over hundred state assets have been

disposed, all in the name of ‘privatization’. Isn’t it shameful that Ghana’s

gold and diamond are all foreign-owned? In spite of this, our economic woes are

still not over. The gradual collapse of the textile, poultry and

rice industries has seen more than 1,000,000 employees lose their jobs. Yet, we

spend millions of dollars every year

importing rice; creating jobs for other countries. The recent collapse of the

Ghana Airways, Ghana Telecom and other state institutions has seen more than

200,000 Ghanaians lose their jobs. As a result, mass unemployment, prostitution,

the rise in armed robbery, internet fraud (Sakawa), has become the order of the

day. Ghanaians who ought to be proud, with the determination to serve mother

Ghana and lead Africa, have rather become the most frustrated people on the

continent. Many Ghanaians were therefore forced to leave the country for

so-called ‘greener pastures’ in Libya, South Africa, Dubai, Europe and America. Just

visit the US and British embassies any day and you will see the queues

for yourself.

Why The Need For a Policy Shift?

Nkrumah held that, “The basis of colonialism is

economic, but the solution of the colonial problem lies in political action”. In

his book “Towards Colonial freedom”, Nkrumah states the following:


is the aim of colonial governments to treat their colonies as producers of raw


and at the same time as the dumping-ground of the manufactured goods of foreign



the political front, Nkrumah states:

“The essence of neo-colonialism is that

the State which is subject to it is, in theory, independent and has all the

trappings of international sovereignty. However, in reality its economic system

and thus its political policy is directed from outside.”(from the introduction,

“Neo-Colonialism” )


in his letter to President Obama upon his arrival in Ghana, Prof Agyeman Badu

Akosa did not mince the following words:


also shows how the World Bank and International Monetary Fund provided the

advice and Technical Aid that halted and reversed work by the Nkrumah

Government that was to bring relief and benefit to ordinary Ghanaians. Many

have died through the resulting poverty and Ghana has not progressed much since

that time”.

Many Pan-Africanists, African scholars, have

repeatedly warned against the danger of Africa’s over-reliance on the IMF &

the World Bank as the sole institutions that hold the keys to Africa’s economic

woes. For many years, countries in Europe including Greece, Spain and Portugal

have continuously followed the IMF’s economic directives. Yet, what has been

the result?

Meanwhile David M. Walker, the former Comptroller

General of the United States (1999-2008), (the man in charge of auditing the

books of the US government) has said several times this year that the US is now

exactly where Greece was two years ago (2010) in terms of its debt crises.

Africans cannot continue to count on the West for aid. Ghana should make the

efforts and take her destiny into her own hands. The

West has spent over $1 trillion on ‘aid’ to Africa over the past five

decades. However, according to a Zambian scholar and former

Goldman Sachs banker Dambisa Moyo, author of the book 'Dead Aid', “No nation has

ever attained economic development by



50 years of following advice from the IMF, are we better off as a people?

Today, Nkrumah is weeping in his grave, as he reminds Africans of his message,

written down for our generation and the ones to come:


allow a foreign country, especially one which is loaded with economic interests

in our continent, to tell us what political courses to follow, is indeed for us

to hand back our independence to the oppressor on a silver platter.” (Kwame

Nkrumah, “Consciencism” pg.102).

The Way Forward


much time has been wasted. Nevertheless this is not time for blame games. It is

time for certain bold and necessary

steps to be taken today, for the benefit of the next generation.

1. First,

there is the need for a “National

Development Policy”. To do this, all the various political parties must

come together. The current polarization between the political parties in Ghana

must cease. Let us put the national interest of mother Ghana above that of any

political grouping. The political parties, led by the government of the day,

must together set up a body of local experts drawn from all the professional

institutions in the country: engineers, architects, real estate developers,

economists, businessmen and women, local experts from the various universities

etc. This committee must be tasked to develop a national development policy

program for a certain time frame, say 15 years. By so doing, it doesn't really

matter which political party is in power, the government of the day will always

have an agenda to fulfill. Nkrumah’s government had First and Second Five-Year

Development Plans which were successfully implemented. Unfortunately, the Seven

Year Development Plans which had been launched on 11thMarch 1964

did not see the light of the day. Thanks to the CIA and their puppet NLC.

2. Second,

the government must believe in the capabilities of the Ghanaian people. Where a

clear business opportunity arises in the country like the recent STX deal, the

government should offer the Ghanaian entrepreneurs the opportunity to tap into

these opportunities. Even in situations where our local expertise is limited, a

certain percentage of such contracts must be awarded to the local industries to

enable them compete and grow. If this is done it won’t be long, we’ll be able

to handle everything all by ourselves in the near future.

3. Ghanaian

inventors have been begging us as a nation-state to listen to their lonely

shrill cries but we have always treated them with mockery. Onua Amoah was

frustrated for lack of serious attention for his bio-gas project. Many Ghanaian

graduates as part of their various courses in the Kwame Nkrumah University of

Science & Technology and the polytechnics have successfully, made some

inventions and demonstrated their ability to re-engineer some products. All

these works are well-documented. Others in Kumasi Suame Magazine, and in Accra,

especially Apostle Dr Kwadwo Safo Kantanka have tried their best. It is time

for the government to support such people with real annual financial

commitments to enable them expand their works. This is just the beginning of

many more wonders to come from such people. I bet you, if these men could count

on the government to support them regularly, very soon Ghana could capture the

West African market.

4. The

concept of Domestication as proposed

by Mr Dan Lartey must be accepted as the best way to solve the food shortage

crises in the country. This concept, if well nurtured will enable us adequately

feed ourselves and wean ourselves of any foreign aid.

5. Finally,

Copies of all books written by Nkrumah especially “Neo-Colonialism”must

be supplied in large quantities to all secondary schools, the tertiary

institutions and the reading of such books may form part of their continuous

assessments especially in the secondary schools. Kwame Nkrumah spent his entire

life, studying about Africa’s political and economic challenges. He also

discovered and wrote down the best approach that must be followed to address

these challenges. Yet these books have been hidden from the Blackman for decades!

Throughout my 10years studies in Ghana, I never came across even a single copy

of books “written by Nkrumah” in our

libraries. Yet, every year the people of Ghana, most of them students celebrate

Nkrumah’s birthday as a national holiday. Mr, President, Ghana needs millions

of Kwame Nkrumah today, to take us through the next stage of our economic

independence. But the only way to produce them, is when the youth

study and understand what Nkrumah himself has written down; not what others have

written about him. The knowledge as set out by Nkrumah is vital for the future

of Ghana and Africa just as it was in the post-colonial era.

These measures are very necessary, if our dreams

and aspirations for Ghana and Africa in the next 45 years are to be met.


Mr President, in your recent trip to Canada

(2011), you advised African leaders to be bold and fight against their dependency

on aid. It is my hope that this bold statement will be followed by immediate action.

Ghana must show her determination to lead the continent as Africa’s shining

Star. The history books must always place Ghana where she truly belongs,

especially in the near future.


live Ghana, Long live Africa,


Live Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah.

Cc: Speaker of Ghana’s


The High Commissioner,

Ghana High Commission, UK.

The Ghana News Agency.

The Editor, Graphic Communication Group.


* Dambisa

Moyo (2009) “Dead Aid: Why Aid is Not Working and How There is a Better Way for

Africa”. Farrar, Straus & Giroux: New York.

* Kwame

Nkrumah (1964) “Consciencism”. Panaf

Books: London

* Kwame

Nkrumah (1973) “The Struggle Continues”.

Panaf Books: London

* Kwame

Nkrumah (1945) “Towards Colonial Freedom”.

Panaf Books: London

* Kwame

Nkrumah (1965) “Neo-Colonialism: The Last

Stage of Imperialism”. Panaf Books: London





Honourable Dr Saka

The author is a regular

writer and a political analyst on African affairs, and a well-known social

commentator in Africa. He is the editor of “The Doctor’s Report”, your most reliable

source of critical

analysis on African affairs. Please visit his blog at: He is a

strong Pan-Africanist, a youth activist and the founder of the “Leaders of

Tomorrow”, a transformational and inspirational group of possible future

leaders. He can be reached on Email:

Columnist: Saka, Dr.