The African market should form an integral part in Ghanaian Tourism?s Strategy in developing the country as a tourist destination.
A staggering 61 percent of tourists visiting Ghana come from Africa and 88 percent of these African arrivals come from neighbouring ECOWAS. The three top countries are Nigeria- 40 percentage, Cote d? Ivoire ? 14 percent and Togo- 9 percentage. (Ministry of Tourism- Tourism Data Series ? Issue 30/ February 2005)
Even though, the data release did not include amount of money spent by these tourists, whatever amount they must have spent cannot be ignored. Even though, there is massive trade traffic between Ghana and its neighbouring countries and that accounts for 38 percent of reasons for travel to Ghana. 38 percent are holiday makers with 20 percent visiting friends and family. For whatever other reasons that people travel to Ghana, our business is to generate repeat tourists as well as generate additional ones.
When it comes to Africa, Ghana should have two main strategies- a growth and a defend strategy similar to that of South Africa.
Defend strategy- in order to keep and also to increase our market share of the West African tourist traffic. We must do what it takes to increase length of stay of our visitors, which will translate into increasing spending and definitely, will generate repeat visits. Tourists from Africa visit our country primarily for business or shopping ? rather than for wildlife or culturefari or for leisure purposes. Majority of arrivals from ECOWAS are by road, posing several challenges to our tourism industry. The roads from our entry points to inland are not in good shape and there are no rest stops where travelers can have brief rests midway. There are no toilette facilities. Some of the few guest houses sparsely dotted in smaller towns along our highways have cockroaches that look like birds in the rooms. The wash rooms are nothing to comment about. Some are simply horrible! To change this, the Ministry of tourism should be encouraging interested entrepreneurs and probably the district assemblies to provide such facilities for travelers to pay and use. Strict standard culture must be encouraged and monitored effectively. The various village communities can establish such facilities and attach craft shops and mini tourist information desk where visitors can shop and also learn about near by attractions. When these are done, visitors would be spreading monies along whichever routes they will be taking. The pieces of information will be directing tourists to hitherto unknown attractions, thus the very few interested in other attractions will be spreading to other areas of interest. We are looking at spreading tourists spend across the entire country.
Another way of marketing our country to our existing ECOWAS market is by offering packages to special events such as highlife and hiplife festivals, unique festivals such as ?aboakyir?, emancipation day and PANAFEST. The coming Ghana?s 50th birthday and CAN 2008 are just a few of the lot we can market. On the one hand they come to attend the event, on the other, we encourage them to shop or explore other parts of our country. Tour operators should be sponsoring even brochure production and their tour packages included in them. Ghana?s 50th birthday and CAN 2008 brochures should be out by now as it takes time to save for specific travels.
It has also been an emerging trend that many Nigerian business executives are spending their weekends in the cool of Akosombo and Accra. I have personally encountered many of these people who sneak here to find solitary. It is about time we investigate what really are the pull factors in order to adopt strategies that will keep them coming and staying longer.
Establishing new markets in Africa should be another strategy. We can focus on Nigeria for the many similarities and proximity (easy access) and the size of it market and the spending lifestyle of young Nigerian business executives. South Africa would not be a bad target as they are trying to reach the rest Africa spreading their business tentacles.
Growing these markets is, however, not easy as most Nigerians and west African are yet to understand the concept of leisure tourism as it is a relatively a new experience to them.
If we work together, Team Ghana can definitely ensure that Ghana becomes one of the most popular destination for all those traveling within the African continent. We shall get there.