
Ghana and La Côte d'Ivoire To Shame ....

Wed, 12 May 2010 Source: Mensah, Nana Akyea

Okoampa & His Owners?*

By Nana Akyea Mensah, Feature Article |

The news, this Friday, 07 May 2010, Cote d'Ivoire Marks 50 Yrs, by Daily

Guide), which contains the hope that Ghana and La Côte d'Ivoire, our

immediate neighbour to the west, are doing everything possible to maintain

very cordial relations is most welcome indeed. Not long ago, it was even

feared that the two sister nations could be going to war over their dispute

over their sea-border which incidentally is rich with high-quality crude,

light and low in sulphur, easily processed into gasoline.. otherwise known

as the black gold. I thus read with a certain sense of pride in the

Africans' ability to reason for themselves and opt for peace and friendship

rather than conflicts and wars!

Not long ago, I read article after article, the dismal prognosis of the

"curse" of the oil on the peace and stability of the state. One such

pertinent point that kept me worried was raised by Mr Brown Guure:

"Reports that our western neighbour Ivory Coast is said to have laid claims

before the UN to portions of our oil find in the deep waters of the Western

Region is worrisome to every Ghanaian everywhere. That our government is now

rushing a bill through parliament to establish the Ghana Boundary Commission

to undertake negotiations with the Ivory Coast to determine and demarcate

Ghana's land boundaries and de-limit Ghana's maritime boundaries, even more

worrying. Indeed it is an intriguing paradox that given all the frenetic

activity of government, policy initiatives, draft bills and large-scale

symposiums and seminars on 'oil and gas' since mid 2007, the prospects of a

neighbour claiming parts of our continental shelf, and for that matter

securing the oil fields has never been considered. That government is

surprised by the Ivoirians' move is itself surprising therefore. This is a

classic failure by our intelligence services and like the Japanese attack on

the United States of America in 1941, this may well turn out to be our

'Pearl Harbour'" (See: "The Ivoirians' Claim: A Classic Case Of Intelligence

Failure.", by Guure, Brown, Ghanaweb Feature Article of Friday, 12 March


So the news that, "As part of activities to commemorate 50 years of

independence of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, its embassy in Accra has

outlined a series of activities to mark the occasion." The story began and

added, "Some of the activities outlined include a flag-raising ceremony, a

joint Côte d'Ivoire/Ghana Industrial Trade Fair, a forum on sustainable

cocoa economy, investment conference as well as a musical concert where

international artistes from both countries would perform..." (See Cote

d'Ivoire Marks 50 Yrs, By Daily Guide - Daily Guide) is certainly welcome!

However, I definitely know a Ghanaian who is not happy for the simple reason

that all appears to be well between Ghana and La Côte d'Ivoire! I shall

allow Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., Ph.D., Associate Professor of English,

Journalism and Creative Writing at Nassau Community College of the State

University of New York, Garden City, a Governing Board Member of the

Accra-based "STRICTLY" Danquah Institute ("S" DI), the "pathetically

pro-Western" unthinking tank, and the author of a series of crazy feature

articles and 21 of the most stupid books on Africa and about Africans since

Jacobus Capiteine (AD 1747), including “Ghanaian Politics Today” (Atumpan

Publications/, 2008), to speak for himself on such a delicate


Okoampa begins an article surreptitiously titled "Who Are These

“Parliamentarian Drivers”? with a shocker: "I am glad that, finally, the

Ivorians are beginning to assert their right of access and enjoyment of

Ghana's purportedly new-found oil wealth... It also didn't quite make a lot

of sense to me that an oil find that lay so dangerously close to Ghana's

border with Côte d'Ivoire would also have been so [godlessly] uncharitable

as to neatly parcel itself out for the exclusive benefit and enjoyment of

Ghanaians while the war-seasoned Ivorians continued to languish in penury."

- "Who Are These “Parliamentarian Drivers”? By Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr.,

Ph.D., Feature Article of Tuesday, 16 March 2010.

Okoampa continues:

"What is also wickedly fascinating is the sudden fit of alarm that seems to

have gripped the hitherto light-headed Ghanaians. All of an auspicious

sudden, it is beginning to home-in to these soft-headed, happy-go-lucky and

good-natured “Niggers” that premature gloating over a pure gift of nature

may yet turn out to be too good to be true. It was also rather fitfully

amusing that some Ghanaians should already begin to be angrily chary of the

Ivorians; and, indeed, the irony of it all is that these “Angernistas” are

largely what one may aptly term as diehard “Nkrumacrats,” the fanatical

disciples of modern Ghana's first postcolonial premier. Dear reader, by now,

it ought to be obvious to you what “Sremu Sei Nana” (The King of the

Savannah's Grandson) is getting at. And, of course, it is the stark fact

that where “Black Gold” is concerned, pan-Africanism is only the dream of a

hopeless lunatic."

As I wrote in a previous article, "Okoampa continues by making demeaning

remarks about his fellow countrymen. To use such language indicates contempt

for Ghanaian men and women. Why would any Ghanaian who consider his

country's vital interests so dispensable, still present himself as a member

of a "Think Tank" and expect respect from his fellow Ghanaians? What does it

mean if this man presents Nana Akufo Addo as his favourite candidate, and

Akufo Addo approves of this association with him? Is Akufo Addo telling us

that the Danquah Institute "think tank" is fast becoming nothing but a nest

of politically virulent and toxic ideas contempt for the Ghanaian people?"

(See: Is It Not Time For Akuffo Addo To Distance Himself From The Danquah

Institute Altogether?).

In fact, I was taken aback so much so that I forgot about the author and

began to wonder and wander about what would make a fellow human being hate

his own people to such an extent that such a scenario of war with what he

calls "the war-seasoned Ivorians"? I read this thinly-veiled wish for a war

over oil between Ghana and the Ivory Coast over our precious black gold

several times, but I could not put my finger at the source of his anger and

hatred. Out of frustration, I turned out to his main US collaborator, a

self-appointed voice of "Black Conservatives" who faithfully transmits each

nonsense from Okoampa on his blog for Americans to consume, to see if they

at least, he offered any explanations to this strange behaviour. I was not

disappointed. The answer was in the introductory sentence:

"Oil Reserves Have Been Discovered Offshore In Ghana. What Next? Bookerista


The Ivory Coast is claiming a portion of Ghana's offshore oil region. The

center-right board member of the Danquah Institute (Ghana) and English

professor in USA is glad that the Ivory Coast is making a claim because it

undermines the Ghanaian center-left's claims of Pan-Africanism: "I am glad

that, finally, the Ivorians are beginning to assert their right of access

and enjoyment of Ghana's purportedly new-found oil wealth. Perusing

[center-left] President John Mills' second and latest 'State of the Nation

Address' the other day, I couldn't help but wonder aloud why Ghanaians seem

to be so morbidly afflicted with this kind of hysteria whereby the mere

announcement of a potential windfall is deafeningly celebrated even while

such 'natural' largesse squarely remains on the prospector's drawing

board..." (emphasis mine, of course). (Source: see:, news

site for black moderates and black conservatives.)

I have already dealt with him squarely in a separate article, so I shall now

focus my attention on helping to consolidate the peace that is now reigning

between Ghana and La Côte d'Ivoire. The second part of the article is

therefore to ask both governments to focus more on the substance than the

form. We need a clear border agreement, which we still do not have. As a

South African friend of mine once said: "Trust is good, but control is

necessary!" I do not see much use of these pomp and pageantry which

dissipate into petty squabbles that only make our enemies happy. We must not

forget that before the La Côte d'Ivoire fêted the U-20 Black Satellites,

with a flamboyant presidential reception at the Ivorian capital for winning

the World Cup to harness positive public opinion before they petitioned the

United Nations to intervene without even any attempt to first sort it out as

brothers and sisters among ourselves first and foremost and in a most

amicable of manners possible.

I salute President Atta-Mills for his diplomatic dexterity to steer our

Ivorian friends into a negotiating table to settle this question once and

for all. We must not forget that the Ivorians could have done that in the

first place, rather than going straight to the United Nations. My own bad

experience from the other funfair and nightmarish dreams of all hell

breaking loose at our western frontiers just because of oil and the stupid

laughter of Kwame Okoampa in the background makes me leave no stone unturned

here in my search for a peaceful, durable, clear, just, stable and friendly

frontier with our Ivorian neighbours. If they are really serious, I would

like to see the final agreement to seal a real deal of friendship, peace and

love between brothers and sisters.

La Côte d'Ivoire is celebrating the golden jubilee come August 7th, 2010.

This is Friday the seventh day of May. We have exactly three good months

ahead of us to seal a deal before the celebrations begin! I want to see all

this political goodwill expressed clearly and transparently in a deal within

these three months! Whilst all well-meaning Ivorians and Ghanaians must join

in this spirit of camaraderie we must all insist on concrete issues before

the fanfares, and no dilly-dallying to fob off our disgrace with a tale! O

sons and daughters of Africa, Arise for PEACE!!! What is wrong with the

intentions of the Pan-Africanists? Listen to Nkrumah here and judge for

yourself, dear reader:

“We in Africa who are pressing now for unity are deeply conscious of the

validity of our purpose. We need the strength of our combined numbers and

resources to protect ourselves from the very positive dangers of returning

to colonialism in disguised forms. We need it to combat the entrenched

forces dividing our continent and still holding back millions of our

brothers. We need it to secure total African liberation. We need it to carry

forward our construction of a socio-economic system that will support the

great mass of our steadily rising population at levels of life which will

compare with those in the most advanced countries” - Kwame Nkrumah, "Africa

Must Unite!", 1960.

Forward Ever! Backwards Never!!! Cheers! – Nana Akyea Mensah, The Odikro


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my blog. I tweet some of my comments on facebook and on twitter. If you

agree or disagree with me, you may follow my thinking and reactions in a

more comprehensive manner by coming to I keep most

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Columnist: Mensah, Nana Akyea