
Ghana must learn to think! To raise intellectual capital

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Tue, 23 Jun 2015 Source: Erik K. Dzordzordzi Esq.

“If a people’s collective thinking is not accomplishing their cherished dreams, repetition of the same kind of thinking will only reproduce more of the same non-accomplishment. What is needed is a change in thinking, getting to the very root and the origin of human thinking.”

The SCHOOL OF THINKING (SOT) is a program specifically designed to Introduce, Develop and Perfect the thinking skills and capacities of individuals, corporate executives and employees and the nation as a whole so that individually and collectively we can produce better answers to nagging questions and better innovative solutions to difficult problems.

This way, productivity can be radically improved, and we can progress from non-accomplishment to accomplishment, and from accomplishment to greater accomplishment.

Self-confidence, Self-reliance, greater motivation and a surge in enthusiasm flow naturally from better thinking abilities and consequently better achievement.

The impact on productivity can be revolutionary. Yes, we can actually learn to improve the way we do everything around us; many developed and developing countries are doing so today.

It is noteworthy that the only way forward is to learn thinking as a subject within a whole society. Dr Michael Hewitt-Gleeson – a world renowned expert and coach in Leadership, Thinking, Innovation and Selling, Co-founder and Principal of the School of Thinking who also invented ‘Software for the Your Brain’ pointed out that, it takes personal determination to gain anything of great value in anything of value.

One of our own scientists Philip Emeagwali of Nigeria said that ‘Intellectual Capital, not higher wages will eliminate poverty in Africa. If we all demand higher wages, we will end up paying the wages to ourselves. ‘Intellectual capital will result in the creation of new products derived from new technologies”.

Harmonizing all knowledge’s in any nation gives it an added advantage of raising its intellectual capital. The intellectual capital needed to produce products and services will lead to the path of poverty alleviation.

Intellectual capital is defined as the collective knowledge of the people to increase productivity. The latter by driving economic growth alleviates poverty, always and everywhere, even in Ghana and Africa. Productivity is the engine that drives global economic growth.

There is abundant evidence why we as a nation needs to adopt more proactive measures that will embraced a whole society.

Today, we need something that can refine our thinking to bring the very best in us.

In the beginning of his term, the President’s salary was increased together with the MP’s and Ministers. What did our leaders think of all this? More talks are going on and yet no serious approach is going on to harmonized our productive efforts collectively but our leaders are doing their best to comfort themselves at the expenses of the future of the country by just increasing their own salaries.

Mr. President, everything you may plan to do and achieve will come to zero if serious observations are not made with regards to all these facts on the ground.

You need a great dose of courage and energy from your brain to move the nation forward, it is not higher wages. Intellectual Capital is what is required. This is actually thinking outside the box, you talk about when you were appointing your first ministers.

We do have individuals who lack classroom education but they most of the time throughout history have created abundant opportunities for others.

We need brainpower to move our nation foward not appeals that is not working. Why? Because with the focus on intellectual capital development, all our energies will be harnessed into ability, innovation, leadership, thinking, observation and finally productivity will increase.

Not on increasing fuel prices, increase utilities services like water, electricity and taxes.

These days they are even registering us in order to widen the tax net to see how much more they can make of the people with the excuse that many don’t pay taxes. But they pay indirect taxes whenever they buy fuel, take transport, even eat food and use the currency.

Intellectual capital is the key, the only unique method, its cost effective. We can reduce cost of education, health, utilities bills etc. And the people will feel it and will be encouraged to be more productive in the long run.

Those who advise us to increase cost of these services don’t want us to think and help ourselves.

Mr. President I do not intend to embarrass you, but thought otherwise to be very frank. I believe our elders may have the solution to issues, but they seem to be addressing issues the other ways that have not been useful.

Secondly, if my fairness to our elders has a greater sense of wisdom for an evolving system that is based on honesty which they have displayed in their pronouncements for some time now, then I stand to salute these statesmen.

The President of the Supreme Court Mr. Justice William Atuguba during the election petition. His Lordship’s comments gives so much food for thoughts and show the way forward, if we are to take others into consideration and these shows how determine our elders steer us away from danger and even beyond.

Least I forget, the “council of state” also made a remark to the president that in the same year they ask the president to be bold and courageous.

The one who signed our current 4th republican constitution into law, former President J.J. Rawlings came with “Power to the People” and to be honest it is the basis of our current democratic dispensations.

We can easily educate the current and next generation without extra classes and holiday classes and even reduce time spend in school to such a way that it may even look as if it is free.

If we only focus on giving a better way to educate a human being. We should involve parents to be active in educating the kids. By so doing, we get the whole society involved. It is then and only then, that we can have that courage to move forward. It should not be teacher’s job; the cost will go down and less work for the teachers but a good pay in a growing economy with less cost of living down is the solution not increase this and that. A stream cannot rise above it source.

But the president needs a great national security that knows what it means to be honest and duty to humanity and a sense of value not based on money but what it really means to be human- I mean selfless. But no one can be selfless if we always increase and raise the cost of living.

But forgetting that just a few enjoy greater privileges like free fuel, free water at home, free electricity, free phone calls, free toll gates even coffee at the office are all free and even baby’s diapers.

We should look at what the leaders enjoy free and look also at what the business people pay in taxes because they do not have any free things. We need honesty coupled with the realities, not cover-up facts.

Last point of view, can there never be a better value system that will come about that focus on our own human abilities than relying solely on foreign aid as a policy. What we face today is system failure and the corruption that is destroying our country.

The future revolution is embedded in the power to the people. An individual need not less than 5 to 10 years consistent search, study and real time observation to hue out the knowledge necessary for a man to create value and be productive.

The future revolution will be Honesty Revolution for I think humanity has passed the information revolution decades ago and even at the middle of the knowledge revolution already. For nature abhors the weak.

Entrepreneurs have been the strong pillars for human civilization, they will do so if there is enough freer society. You will see our scientist brazing up to create value for society. Not increase in petrol price, water, electricity, not increase and widen the tax net economist, with just some excuses that many people don’t pay taxes that are true fact any way they will contribute in many ways than the taxes.

What government seems to be promoting business as if they are doing the business people a favor whilst making it difficult for individuals to create businesses.

Taxes are high, cost of utilities services are high, cost of doing business is very expensive that it cost cheaper to even import foreign goods that can create jobs here than to produce them here.

Where is the honesty, the policy to screw the people? Why is it that goods produce thousands of miles away in China cost less than goods produce locally? Why should it be so? Something is wrong? We should not try to invent an excuse, but something is wrong somewhere. I will not say it now we will talk about it later.

Let us save our world consciously by learning to think at all front. I am standing by to help you travel on an incredible journey of personal evolution to re-create your mindset yourself. I made mine digital in the process! It’s a small group of individuals who want to evolve their thinking to become thinkers. It’s quite an amazing experience for you to use both sides of your brain and bypass mind control that prevents us from being free. Extend your love and views. Thank you.

The writer is the Publisher of Entrepreneur magazine, SISOT member at the School Of Thinking both in Australia and USA, A Self-taught Cognitive Scientist, Lateral Thinking. For all your comments or further enquires please sent your email to or by post to P.O. Box KA30508, Accra. 0262281500 My Blog

Columnist: Erik K. Dzordzordzi Esq.