
Who is Now Trying To Destroy The NDC

Thu, 22 Sep 2011 Source: Sangaparee, Clement

, Is It Rawlings or The NDC Leadership?


ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PARTY. The Founding Father of the Party is Flt. Jerry John Rawlings upon whose vision and leadership the party was established. This can be found on page 1 of the NDC Constitution. Now listen to Madam Hannah Tetteh, The NDC will no more stand on the Rawlings’ ideology, but instead adopt and Nkrumahist philosophy in clear contravention of the above Article in the NDC constitution which is stated in black and white that the NDC party was established on the vision and leadership of President Rawlings. Are you going to draw a New Constitution for a party that will be 20 years in 2012 or what? Hon. Johnson Asiedu Nketia, the General Secretary of the NDC said that the NDC is struggling to DEFINE itself as a party independent of personalities and that THEY MUST FIND A WAY TO MANAGE THE POLITICAL FORCE of Rawlings without making him irrelevant by NDC leadership. As his burnt residence has not yet been built for him by the Government since April 2010, he used his strength and popularity to ensure NDC victory in the 2008 election. Frankly speaking, there are people who cannot identify a political disaster when they see one. I was once listening to one appointee in the studios of Angle Fm in Kumasi who said that Rawlings campaigned in the 2000 and 2004 general elections but the NDC lost those elections to the NPP. I immediately knew that he was one of those appointees who DID NOTHING for the NDC and yet was given such an UNDESERVED POSITION. If he were to be a true NDC member, he would have known that it was the break away of the Cadres that caused the NDC to lose the election in 2000 because of DICTATORSHIP, and he would have also known that it was nobody but Dr. Obed Asamoah, the then National Chairman of the NDC who undermined Professor Mills by telling party supporters and NDC members of parliament to campaign for themselves because Prof. Mills was not a WINNABLE CANDIDATE – Somebody must prove me wrong here. You see, opposition parties don’t always WIN elections, ruling governments lose elections because of complacency and sheer arrogance. People who got the chance to rule this country CARED ONLY ABOUT THEIR PERSONAL COMFORTS and we are witnessing this OPENLY in this NDC government with the party leadership moving Heaven and Earth to Wipe out the Rawlings’ Factor and do what they like in plain contravention of the party constitution forgetting that the NDC is heir to June 4 and that spirit can never be ERASED OUT OF Ghana. “If the delegates make a mistake to CHANGE MILLS the NDC will NOT ONLY LOSE THE 2012 GENERAL ELECTI ONS BUT IT WILL REMAIN IN OPPOSITION FOR OVER 100 YEARS. WHAT A TRUE STATEMENT” from the mouth of a brilliant young fat man.

This was said by HON. KOKU ANYIDOHO. The NDC delegates did the Right thing by voting massively for Prez. Mills to continue to create jobs for the people, but NOT to collapse the PNC and the CPP and merge them with the NDC and DRIVE RAWLINGS and his cadres away. He has not been mandated to do that. We shall fight Back and make some people transparent, for Ghanaians to see the wolves in sheepskins parading as NDC members LIVE. Instead of correcting the past mistakes of the NDC that cost the party to lose elections twice, the leadership of the party are rather multiplying them daily since January, 2009. This is A Battle between Principles and Reality and this political suicidal intention of the NDC leadership has just been exposed by “Wiki Leaks” not only in Ghana but worldwide. Those planning to collapse the PNC and the CPP will never, and can never succeed so they must simply resign enbloc to those parties and leave the NDC Founder and his Cadres alone – this is very shocking and this horrible news have shaken the Foundation of the entire NDC nationwide if you don’t know. No amount of SPINS by the Government or the Party will drown this diabolic plot by the party leadership. It is real like ADIS and Cadres have to work hard around the clock to reverse it and damn the consequences because NO ONE CAN INTIMIDATE A TRUE CADRE, since we can never become BEGGERS in our own political party just because some people hate Rawlings, and have targeted Cadres as Rawlings’ Boys. How sad, Times has really changed. It took the Americans 10 good years to build the World Trade Centre, but within 24 hours, Osama bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda militants destroyed it on 9th November, 2001 leaving over 5, 000 innocent people dead under rubble in the World Trade Centre in t heir War of Vengeance with t he United States, May their souls rest in perfect peace. So if you don’t help to build, don’t destroy or try to destroy the NDC for us. If you are well placed with houses and cars to match, we the Cadres at times go to bed hungry, those who hate the Rawlings must simply leave the party and form their own party and NOT to divert the President’s attention at all. Is the CPP and PNC not all revolving around the late Dr. Nkrumah who died over 20 years ago? Why do you people want to do away with Rawlings? You will all fail because the spirit of the NDC is in the grassroots and not in the offices of MMDCE’s and Ministers of State. Leadership in the NDC at any level is NOT for the FEINT HEARTED AT ALL. Some people will not do it and when some one does it, they will sit down and criticise. If care is not taken, the NDC will RATHER collapse Around the Party Leadership in their impossible attempt to remove Rawlings and not any body else. If the Liabilities of a company are more than the Assets, the company in DEBT and will have to collapse. Therefore if the already divided supporters of the Party are left to their fate with more shocking underhand dealings, and creation of multiple provocative pronouncements by top Party executives and some arrogant MMDCE’s in the various constituencies ahead of the general election in 2012, the NDC will also collapse, but God forbid. The most important character of EVERY TRUE LEADER is that he must be able to face problems and SOLVE the problems, but we can find only some FEW constituency Chairmen and their DCE’s who are capable of solving such problems. The chickens have come home to roost because it has now been established by Wiki Leaks that the NDC is bound to collapse around its Leadership and not Rawlings if care is not taken. We thank God. The NDC does not belong to any few group of persons, the party is led by its Founder and belong to Millions of Ghanaians worldwide who believe in the philosophy of Rawlings, so we shall not allow any group of some few people to hold the party to ransom because of their extreme hatred for Rawlings and their selfish interests. Thousands of Cadres including this writer put their lives on the line right from the AFRC era on June 4 1979 through the PNDC era in 1981 to make the NDC what it is today. Those who are moving Heaven and Earth to collapse the PNC and CPP and merge them with the NDC and remove Rawlings is not the best, since nobody Mandated any group to undertake such an EXPLOSIVE and SUICIDAL mission in Ghana. If anything at all, Ghanaians have clearly seen those who are always rocking the boat in order to destroy the ruling government of the NDC but who are cowardly hiding behind the scenes to blame Rawlings. This is a big shame. You see, Ghana is poor because we don’t challenge our leaders to do what they are supposed to do. Is any body listening? I am done. Jaanbie Iwaii. Aluta Continua!





Clement Sangapare

Municipal Organizer

United Cadres Front



Columnist: Sangaparee, Clement