
Ghana's Parliament; A Useless Legislative Body & A Waist Of Tax Payers Money

Sat, 12 Jun 2010 Source: Poku, Kwadwo

By Kwadwo Poku

The cacophony of the June 4th celebrations and the indemnity clause fiasco is over,

we have heard and read about the defecation of the eczema tattooed political has

been, who really believes he is God send. Whether we like it or not, that is the

sobering reality we find ourselves in today, but I believe our grievances should now

be directed to the ineptitude of our law makers who have been a useless legislative


The '92 constitution was drafted on the lap of the mental midget who sort to the

foisting of the indemnity clause. The framers of the constitution as a result of

their hunger for any form of democracy acquiesced. Since then the buffoon has been

indemnified and continues to blab with his devoid of common sense, and that begs the

question does our parliamentarians know their left from their right, when one makes

a mockery of the protection he or she has as a result of being indemnified? The

Kufuor's led administration coupled with the NPP majority could have saved us the

headaches of this thorn in the side of democracy, but they lacked the stones for

that political maneuver. Mills on the other hand for fear of being sabotaged in 2012

by the owner of the NDC is toothless in this regard. So the question here seems

obvious. That is; Is parliament,(the Legislative branch of our government) going to

allow a political has been to mock the law that protects him?

I take it that they are wet behind the ears when it comes to constitutional matters,

but even if that is the case why not dare come up with laws to prevent this insult

to democracy from happening. He could be subpoenaed to appear before parliament and

had a gag order put on him. This may be good, but not the best, but at least try.

You see the bone of contention here, should be the authenticity of our constitution.

The constitution has Rawlings' finger prints all over it, and don't be oblivious to

the fact that he demanded the insertion of the indemnity clause as a prerequisite

for democratization.

So you say kwadwo, what is parliament to do? Well, If that is the question, then I'm

glad you asked.

You see, you don't have to be politically astute to know that the body of principles

our nation is governed by, lacks the lustre that it needs, else a criminal could not

be legitimized by it, let alone make a mockery of it. So without mincing words,

parliament should know that as the legislative branch of our Republic, they have the

vested power to render this sham constitution of ours useless, set up a bipartisan

committee to draft a new one, put it to referendum and let we the people decide.

This is the only antidote to silencing the blabs of the empty barrel. But then again

the question is does our parliamentarians have the stones to pull this political

just course off? I don't take pleasure in using strong language, but as a passionate

proponent of democracy, it breaks my heart to see the democratic gains we've made go

down the drain. He who has an ear..........

Kwadwo Poku N Y

Kwadwo Poku N Y

Columnist: Poku, Kwadwo