
Ghana to go Gay!!!.

Sun, 30 Dec 2012 Source: Boamah, Ebenezer

Many are the decent Ghanaian who will go through this festive season with dumped spirit and the sense of hopelessness. Many are those who are disillusioned and have lost their balance in their faith and in their thinking. Explaining the state of being of many otherwise a believing and expectant folks is the analogy of a dream where one on his/her way to Heaven is found lost in a maze of vastness of empty darkness of space. All thanks to the old Balaam crook, Kwadwo Afari Gyan, who for the sack of wizardry and wanton bottomless greed decided to sell the blood of innocent Ghanaians to the icon of forces of darkness, the NDC for perishable gold and silver.

Notwithstanding, strange to the Ghanaian psyche, a sizeable number are those high-spirit Ghanaians who are not only believing, but working toward the final uprooting of the foul spirit which has been seated on the throne of Ghana as introduced by Odomfo Komfo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, perpetuated by the wiz-kid JJ Rawlings, and perfected by Mills/Mahama, so that Adoni Yahweh, the Root and the Seed of David Himself be seated on the Throne to allow His chosen servants, hereafter, be sitted on His lap to lead His people, until Himself is carnally manifested to rule the world. A genuine Fa Ma Nyame/Gyae Ma No Nka attitude and spirit which has been the normal Ghanaian driver is interestingly and importantly missing this time around. Thank God, people are fed up with that false peace that we have allowed ourselves to be fed with for more than half a century; and are therefore demanding true peace which is only informed by true justice. Interestingly, life after elections has not come back to normal as usually, but people all over the places are expectant of justice to be done. Then is also a large number who are quite and suspended – suspended because, though they don’t want their hopes dumped for the second painful time, and yet they are unsettled for the status-co. Those are quite but watching with keen eyes for some miracle with this ‘I hate you but I love’ attitude.

Judiciary to Stay Above Reproach

Now the onus seems to be lying on the Judiciary. Thus to our dear judges of the highest court of the land, we who are by God’s grace informed, appreciate the enormity of this case that is to come to your table. Notwithanding the simplicity of the case, the forces that are party to this case outside and inside are huge, carnally and spiritually. This is where we God-fearing Ghanaians are saying BE BOLD for the LORD the True and Righteous Arbiter is with you. We are NOT saying be swayed to the left or the right, but shouting, stay on the TRUTH, and the Truth shall be your own rewarding judge, for everyone is to be judged sometimes and sometime. This is the opportunity to once and for all assert your authority and significance indelibly in the democratic dispensation as one of the three (four though, because the forces playing by the rule can be independent of the executive in the checks and balances) arms of government. This is once-in-a-life’s-time opportunity to restore integrity from the top to the entire Judiciary. This is the beginning of the purging of fraud and corruptions from our institutions, and for that matter the Electoral Commission which is so vital to our very sustenance as a nation in one piece. The Judiciary remains our last physical resort to settling this election matter non-violently. Therefore it must not fail like the EC failed when it was called upon to be a fair arbiter. The Judiciary must assume that position also of a peace broker which has been woeful laid void by the Peace Council – men of God are not only found in the clergy but in the bench and elsewhere as such. Though our lesser courts have not done much to uphold the image of the Judiciary, the Supreme Court as according to my knowledge has a good reputation to date to cement. The testimony of the highest court of the land has maintained integrity even in the face of brutal military dictatorship. The martyrdom of three prominent judges which has change the physical face of the Supreme Court building by way of erected monuments attests to this unchangeable fact. Our highest court has never been a pushover unlike many in both the advanced and so called third worlds. Only dark forces loath our Judiciary because they cannot operate in their shining light of true justice as enshrined in the spirit fairness and in the constitution.

In this wise we would be most grateful to Her Lordship, the Chief Justice, for a full bench on this case to avoid any reproach which the aggrieved may level against the Judiciary in the event of the final judgment. All doubts would also be erased if individual judges are allowed to reason out their judgments before the final tally of judgment. Such honor and trust would do the Judiary if Her Lordship allows for the live tele/broad-casting of the sittings or at least the final judgment to Ghana and thus the whole world. Our trust in God makes us to believe that the Judiciary will be upheld by Him to be a shining star in the maze of darkness on the continent and in the whole wide world. A Star that would help shape the destiny of many a beautiful people created by the Most High.

God Redeeming His People

We trust that the Judiciary will avail themselves to be used as the final instrument of true peacemaking by way of upholding the truth which is the most vital instrument of justice. Haven said that Ghana should go gay on the day of the passing of judgment on the contested election. Though their judgment may not be the end of the issue as the possibility of a run-off cannot be ruled out of the probability, their work should serve the platform on which the final verdict would be wrought. God has come in a long way in shaping the destiny of Ghana, and the times in which we are are vital. We have cried out to God to redeem us from the forces of Darkness, and we trust He has answered as written in Isaiah 35:1-5. Therefore those who seek the truth and justice must be resolute for no liberty nor justice comes on a silver platter.

Praise and honor belongs to God; and blessed are those who are the true instruments of justice for they are the true peacemakers for they are the true sons of God.

Praise be to Yahweh Sabbaoth, for the battle is His. Truly!!!

Ebenezer Boamah


(The author is a man of God, whose mandate is to national interest of all spheres, for ‘the spirit is not void of the flesh’).

Columnist: Boamah, Ebenezer