
Virginity without purity is contempt

S Outh File photo of virgins from South Africa

Sat, 27 Aug 2016 Source: Priscilla Akenua Asiedu

It is prodigious how the definition of virginity varies from one person to the other. However, irrespective of our different perspectives and views on virginity, we all remain accountable to one judge; our Maker.

According to the English dictionary, “a virgin is a person who has never had sexual intercourse or one who has never engaged in any sexual activity AT ALL”.

The youth now regard virginity as a prestige or a favour done to gain some kind of respect from our soon to be spouses and families. How about gaining favour in the eyes of the Lord?

Most people ignore the aspect of purity in virginity because they think no matter how far they get externally the hymen is still intact. What is the extent of having an intact hymen physically when you have defiled yourself spiritually in the sight of God? Mostly, we tend to give in to the cuddling, kissing, fondling, etc. with the mind-set that, those acts cannot cause one to lose his or her virginity.

Someone will say “we never had sex, just romance”. Being proud of abstaining from sex but indulging in caressing, kissing, oral sex, and all sorts of touching is contempt before the Lord.

If you think you are scientifically impervious because there was no penetration after the bodies’ ‘frictional’ experience (romance), what does God (scripture) say about this? Any activity that will cause us to be lustful at heart and in mind must seriously be dealt with or avoided. (Matt. 15:19; Rom. 1:27).

Virginity without purity is like “a fire without a flame”. Oh yes! Remember, our bodies are the temples of God in which the Holy Spirit dwells. Therefore, we are not our own and so, must honor God with our bodies (1 Cor. 6:19). Free yourself in order not to incur the sentence of God upon your life. (1 Cor.3:16-17).

It is very dangerous to dishonour the Lord of Lords; although your fellow men may commend you to be ascetical. (Prov. 6:32)

It is indeed a blessing to revere God in keeping one’s virginity, irrespective of being a guy or a lady. It is easy to remain a virgin till marriage, but it is not easy to live a virgin with virtue. Seriously, trust me. Don’t just look at virginity with ease, revere your Maker and He will honor you. Prayerfully assess yourself, our Judge is merciful.


Columnist: Priscilla Akenua Asiedu