
Ghanaian party politics and ideology of the National Democratic Party of Ghana

NDP Lohg National Democratic Party is led by Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawling

Wed, 2 Dec 2020 Source: Dr. E. K. Poku

It is our desire to introduce our party, the NDP, as the third party in Ghana to you.

The NDP is a conservative patriotic party. The word national speaks for itself.

We have noticed the stalemate in Ghanaian politics for almost 62 years, this in part is due to the present parties' unwillingness to reform.

It is our aim to move Ghana forward by instituting coherent policies which will help propel us beyond the 21st century.

We expect the pace of change to either overwhelm us all or make our lives better and thus our country stronger.

It is almost 62 years ago that Ghana with the help of Osagyefour Kwame Nkrumah got our Independence from the British Empire.

The country has been at a standstill ever since apart from initial progress.

We offer the ruling party NPP a healthy coalition of forces to propel our country to greater heights. Our main aim is to stop the dependency on the white world and be a truly independent African State.

We shall not only welcome the year of return but also teach our children the history of our journey, the transatlantic slave trade and its impact on our development and current life.

We shall encourage the formation of a strong joint West African Defence Force. We shall encourage self-reliance and pledge to defend all black people where ever they may be.

We shall encourage close relationships with some Arab nations like Qatar. This shall be included in our foreign policy.

• We shall promote digital technologies and take lessons from successful Asian countries

• Africa must be an integrated one Nation

• Work for the development of a continental infrastructure, from West to East and South to North

• We shall as African contribute to the world economic growth

• Utilise the potential of the young people of Africa

• Energy deficiency in Africa must be as a matter of urgency be corrected

• Sound spending must be protected

• We shall encourage internal African market

• We shall create platforms and opportunity for cooperation

• We promise to manage and manage for our people

• We reject corruption

• Most importantly, we shall encourage indigenous companies through indigenous entrepreneurs especially in oil and gas industry

Lichtenfels Declaration

It is our sincere hope to be able to widen the tax net in order to shore up Ghanaian revenue.

We cannot be self-sufficient without the effort to broaden the countries revenue base.

Economically active taxpayers number only six million people. Out of this figure only 1.2 million actually pay taxes. These 1.2 million active tax payers are mainly cooperative chairmen, bankers, insurance companies and civil servants.

The civil servants and government employees consume most of the state’s income. With the exception of soldiers, all civil servants including doctors, nurses, judges, policemen etc. must provide their own places of abode. This should not be the government’s responsibility.

Transport is made available to the privileged, the President, Ministers and their cohort.

Left out are the majority of village dwellers, the street vendors, the Kayakaya, the less fortunate, the sick and jobless.

This is the state of affairs in our country and this must change and it will change.

Tony Blair said, and I quote:

“It is that change that is marching on again. The pace of change can either overwhelm us or make make our lives better and our countries better.”


Reform is the issue and we shall strive to achieve it. We entreat all those who receive this note to help to bring about CHANGE.

Everybody denied opportunity takes our wealth away. People are the contemporary resource that matters, therefore all people count.

Please, help us to modernize our villages, our cottages into self-reliant and prosperous country sides, that is why we need your HELP.

For almost 62 years our people have been rendered impoverished, living in squalors, no electricity in the face of abundant opportunities, no toilets in the face of massive provocation, for the President of this small country rides in Rolls Royce while the entourage follows in the latest impressive Japanese cars. This must change.

Opulence is the word of the day. Promises and further futile “promises made in wine”.

To uplift the soul of our dejected populace, we, the National Democratic Party will design low cost beautiful homes for our village dwellers or settlers, make these homes available to them. We shall provide:

• Doctors: 1 in 2,000 people

• Land for commercial farming

Examples are:

? Tomatoes export to EU

? Mangoes and Citrus fruits to USA

? Bananas and pineapples

? The FairTrade group shall facilitate export

? Animal husbandry and fowls breeding shall be encouraged as well as

? rice cultivation.

All these shall provide the basis of economic activities of these settlements all over the country.

Other facilities in this new countryside shall be:

? Football fields,

? theatres,

? pools,

? tennis courts,

? sewage systems

These are a few examples for what shall constitute activities of the inhabitants of these small communities.

A population shall be between 4,500 to 10,000 and should have its own parliament on partisan election.

This should effectively govern these small villages. Accountability is assured.

Roads and parks can easily be managed as it is done in Germany.

Imagine how many jobs will be created in these villages thus relieving the cities from the pressure of migration from rural areas. This is our plan for reshaping of our rural areas, a new concept.

Though urban living has its own economic advantages, preferably to reach every citizen, countryside development has an advantage of creating a better quality of life if these villages are self-sustaining villages.

In Germany such villages have artisans, e.g. carpenters, electricians, schools and dancing halls.

Partners for fair trade for Africa under the fair trade international will coordinate its membership and seek both local and international buyers and market them, thus increase taxes for the nation.

To conclude, I wish here to reiterate what Tony Blair once said and I quote:

“The state was perceived to have a legitimate interest on behalf of the nation in changing the ways in which people see themselves and understand their own needs and desires. It must get them to recognize they are their own source of capital and should invest in themselves in order to repeat the returns in later life.”

This is part of our endeavour. We believe in change that brings economic advantages to our people.

From 1957 to 2020 without economic benefit to the people is a failure.

The National Democratic Party is determined to bring about the necessary changes the country needs. We cannot do it alone.

We need help from all our friends and supporters.

Please read our detailed Manifesto which describes our ambition, conception and our coherent policies for Ghana. Upon demand we shall send all our supporters copies of the finished Manifesto.

The National Democratic Party Fundraising

Our just cause begins with tackling wasteful spending. We have talked about increasing the tax collection by making sure that every citizen is somehow employed thus increasing the number of taxable citizens.

We have mentioned about the need to restructure state agencies to tackle wasteful spending. One example is the wasteful importation of needy ambulances without prior training of paramedics required to manage emergencies. The paramedics should e.g. be able to apply and register a simple ECG and be able to understand its readings and react appropriately.

Effective and efficient deliveries of services are necessary for successful outcomes.

We will have to prevent the duplication of our services.

Mr. Daniel Yaw Domelevo rightly questioned these too many institutions. That is why we shall introduce after a successful referendum the most desired Devolution.

This is imperative.

Mr Domelevo must be praised because he is the first Ghanaian, for that matter African, who drew our attention to the fact that and I quote:

“the issue is that we have too many services. We have civil service, judicial service, audit service, education service and other several services. As if that level of centralization is not enough, governments have creates several ministries too.”

This is prophetic and the man belongs to us, he is a real practical and nationalist. God bless him.

This is the truth and the truth still matters.


The death toll of people in the Sahel Zone has recently increased from 777 to over 4,600.

The Arab Terrorists Invaders from the North of Africa descending on the West African Nations with impunity have inflicted heavy losses to the affected Nations of Mali, Guinea, Niger, Burkina Faso and Cameroon.

There are so far 20,000 troops, from France, Germany and other Nations, who have not proved to be adequate protection.

We risk being pushed into the sea and what are the governments doing ?

A Solution to this Disaster

The USA has promised support to address Ghanaian Security, even though the USA is in Niger and has not managed to stop the incursion of terrorists.

The American Ambassador has said the USA will continue to support Ghana to address “the security concerns in the era of extremism”. Who is behind this extremism ?

Security Governance Initiative (SGI)

The SGI has been implemented by Ghana and the USA and other five African countries. It was supposed to be a critical intervention to, among other things, help countries improve security. Has it achieved its objective though ? No !

Other countries signed onto the SGI at the U.S. - African Leaders' Summit held in August 2014. They are endangered countries experiencing this new phenomenon. This phenomenon gives Western countries the justification to place the military at the doorstep of the African nations.

The countries are able to mobilize forces to fight those terrorists after all all they have to do is to mobilize 2 million guerrilla forces to resist.

All they need is the right tactics and the will to defend themselves against these rogues.

The French and the Resurrected Africa (in 1884 - 85)

The entire area between the Sahara and the Limpopo, the French were the only Europeans who claimed the area extending few kilometres land inside the centre of Africa.

The British claimed Gold Coast, Sierra Leone, Gambia and Lagos.

Further south the French once again claimed Gabon.

These European Nations met at the so called Congo Conference on 15th November 1884 in Berlin. The Conference took about 3 ½ months to decide the fate of Africa.

The meeting should be described as an illegal acquisition of land and people, made possible only by the fact that our people were not able to defend themselves.

How about today ?

Our people have not yet realized that their priority has to be to be able to defend themselves.

In former days our possibilities were limited. How about today ?

The National Democratic Party will help strengthen the defences of our country with the help of Russia. We have no choice. Our enemies cannot be expected to give us protection.

Price they pay for working against Africa.

1. Punishment for those nations which work against the majority of willing nations.

2. Closing the transit borders to traitor nations.

3. Closure of all the Airspaces to those African Nations which work against the realization of our Union.

4. The chairperson will ensure sustainability and accelerated development. This must not be sabotaged by any “French” African state. We are of age and our progress should not be impaired by any external forces.

5. As I write, France has asked Czech soldiers to join French troops on an African soil, without any permission from the Chair of the African Union. This is tantamount to disrespect to the African and our institution. Either we have a body that does protect our interest or not. This inaction is one of the reasons for our underdevelopment.

6. The National Democratic Party wish to ask the Chair of African Union to secure the interest of African people. The position is a high responsibility for the People of Africa and those of African descent. These are

a. NAACP of USA,

b. Haiti,

c. Mexican Africans,

d. Argentinian Africans,

e. Brazilian Africans,

f. Columbian Africans,

g. Caribbean Africans and

h. virtually all People of African origin.


The relationship between the African Union and the EU should be based on

a) Respect,

b) Human Rights,

c) Anti-Racism.

A country where racism is pronounced is the Federal Republic of Germany.

RT on Google News published an article indicating that every 2nd Jew in Germany wishes to leave. Berlin to seek EU-wide criminalization of Holocaust denial.

The Function of the Newly Appointed Chairman of the African Union

Recently the calling, abusing, the booing of talented African footballers in Europe is the order of the day. Our leaders remain unconcerned despite protests by these talented African footballers. The nations which are particularly prone to insult these black footballers are:

a) Germany,

b) Italy,

c) Hungary,

d) Bulgaria,

e) Romania,

f) Macedonia,

g) Russia,

h) France and

i) Great Britain.

The whole incident originated in Germany in Hamburg, where the talented Ghanaian footballer Anthony Yeboah used to play.

We entreat the coming Chairman of the African Union to take action to immediately stop these inhuman acts against our talented footballers.

Diplomatic relations with such countries and all countries which tolerate this racism against these talented African footballers should be terminated.

Black people are Known to be the best in all sorts of sports and yet do not brag about their achievements.

We are by this letter appealing to the African Union to do its utmost to put an end to this harassment.

The National Democratic Party of Ghana Manifesto

The NPD manifesto is a manifesto of change, progress and hope.

The years of stalemate shall be transformed to an age of dynamic success in all areas of endeavour.

First the members and supporters in the Diaspora wish to express our deepest condolences to the wife our flagbearer and the rest of her fine family members, the children for the untimely death of her loving husband, the late ex-President J.J. Rawlings of the blessed memory.

The Left-outs

These are those in the informal sectors of our economy:

a) the Market Women and their children all over the country,

b) the Front-liners of the fight against the invincible enemy COVID-19

c) the relatives of the “departed” due to COVID-19 infections,

d) the doctors, the nurses, the non-medical employees of the health institutions,

e) the Kakaya people

f) the police and the members of the army,

g) the churches, the imams and all those I might have failed to mention

Please kindly listen to our good tidings and please please vote for the National Democratic Party the true patriotic party.

Why you should vote on the 7th of December for the Peace Party

The answer is simple:

The corrupt NDC has once again been implicated in the serious crime of the Airbus affair.

This is no more the “Project and 10%”-Affair, it is this time about possible kickbacks about the so-called Airbus affair.

The hypocrisy of the NDC have been brilliantly exposed by the one and only ex chief prosecutor Mr. Adam Amidu

The integrity off Mr. Amidu

The integrity of Mr. Amidu is unquestionable

The late president J.J. Rawlings once in a private conversation attested to the impeccable character of Mr. Amidu.

There may be those who indulge secretly in character assassination and therefore might want to discredit this able-bodied person. They shall fail.

What is this Agyapa deal all about?

If what we read is true (validity not yet proved) then Akufo-Addo must face the music probably must even resign and must be prosecuted.

Mr. Djokoto writes the following in the article #1111537 of the Ghana Web

“Akufo-Addo is convinced that the machinery of government solely exists to serve his self-seeking interests rather than to uphold the constitution.

He does not expect the special prosecutor to prosecute or the auditor general to audit - that would rather fall in line and turn a blind eye to the mismanagement of our cherished Republic”

He also wrote:

“the Akufo-Addo government is a circus ran by a small group of actors cloaked in secrecy with an unrestrained appetite for pilfering.

The Agyapa royalties agreement is far from from the first example but it is a poignant one which exposes beyond reasonable doubt the avarice of this regime.”

He goes on with his brilliant essay,

“never in the long history of Ghana has there been a more clandestine and dastardly attempt by one family to capture and plunder the wealth of our nation.

Akufo-Addo and his two cousins Gabby Okyere Darko and Kenneth Ofori Atta did their utmost to push very much against our common interest this corrupt deal sophisticatedly crafted to loot billions of Cedis”,

he writes.

This scheme is a known.

Mr. Djokoto writes with justification the following:

“It is a simple but brilliant scheme.”

“The president presents the deal as a way for Ghana to benefit from her considerable natural resources.”

1. Ken Ofori Atta, he sells it in Parliament.

2. And Gabby Okyere Darko (a man with no formal political appointment who is widely regarded as the “ Prime Minister”) and his law firm African legal Associates awarded the bid to be the transaction advisor.

It is therefore clear that Mr. Martin Amidu has once again been our saviour. For Ashantis this revelation has been a blessing or all of our gold at Obuasi and Bibimi would have been lost to the AGYADA company owned by the Akyem Mafia.

Ghana deserves better

The NPD representative in Europe entreats all citizens, the universities, students, lecturers, our churches, imams to give us the mandate to free us from the yoke of corruption and lead us to the promised land. The people of Ghana should thank their lucky stars, Mr. Amidu the hero and the great God.

Professor Kweku Azar

“In the drama we often lose sight of the havoc that corruption wrecks on the body politic, a trust deficit, decline in standard of living, ineffective public policies, high unemployment, diversion of resources away from schools, roads and hospitals; square pegs in round holes.”

“We cannot conquer corruption if our anti-corruption officers are not free to do their work ! Nor can we conquer corruption with words, rhetoric and propaganda.”

The views above reflect the view of our detractors. The NDP does not and will not share the views mentioned above.

The NDP views on these issues

Our view is that these disturbing incidences need to be investigated before commenting.

Until these suspicions have been properly investigated, we cannot comment on them.

What we as a political party know at this moment is that both parties the NPP as well as the NDC are being scrutinised for serious crimes against the People of Ghana and the African peoples and their future.

We therefore entreat our readers to consider voting for our proven leader, the one and only Mrs. Konadu Agyeman as the next alternative leader to be entrusted to lead our nation to the Promised Land.

For the trust you have invested in us so far we thank you.

Manifesto and policy statements

The election 2020

The election 2020 is at our doorsteps and we hope you will consider us as the next reliable party to lead our nation, replacing the incumbent as well as the opposition.

The Extra Manifesto of the National Democratic Party

1. We promise to defend and protect any African wherever he may live.

2. We accept that every African irrespective of where he lives on this planet guaranteed a place on the African continent.

3. An African is anyone whose father or mother or both have an African blood in them.

4. We shall aspire to have a central African broadcasting station stationed in Accra to tell her own stories. No one should be allowed to portray us in the way they want. We must at least tell our own story.

Economics and foreign affairs

1. There will not be any Francophone or Anglophone or Arabic Africa. There can only be one Africa.

2. There shall be only one ambassador for the whole West Africa for West Africans thus saving money. Presidents of West Africa who extend their mandate to three years instead of two shall not be recognised.

We should save money by critically limiting our embassies to few countries.

3. Diplomatic relations with Israel and Saudi Arabia is a waste of money. We must not get ourselves into a never ending crisis in the Middle East.

4. As I write this an African Brazilian has been killed and our leaders are silent. A policy to counter racism is overdue.

5. All non-black Africans in South Africa shall not be considered Africans. Indians and Germans are immigrants and should be termed as such.

6. To interconnect with other African states, there shall be a yearly come together in an Africa intercontinental Sports embracing East West North and South Africans.

7. There shall be student exchange programs within the African Union. This will further a feeling of togetherness.

Within the nation state of Ghana

1. Creation of devolution, like Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England in the UK.

2. Each Region must have its own Parliament, Regional Ministers, and a Prime Minister.

3. Economy shall be 100% private - no government involvement in the Enterprises.

4. The Health Service must be privately managed.

5. Government resources should be solely for investment in foreign countries in order to ensure constant flow of foreign exchange back to our country.

6. Stop the waste in unnecessary meddling in projects.

7. There shall be public works departments pulling workers from all over the country for public work.

8. There shall be coherent policies on health defence education environment and information.

9. There shall be commercial farming where in Ghana space will lie empty.

10. Trade deals with USA Canada Australia New Zealand UK.

11. The African army shall be 2 million soldiers from all the 55 African countries the USA and the Caribbean.

12. Africans shall tell their stories, who we are. We should not allow others to tell us who we are.

God bless Africa.

The Summary

We Ghanaians are going to vote for a new Government and a new President.

The National Democratic Party of Ghana can certify about the good work that you have done.

You have done an excellent job, Mr. President.

However, the work awaiting you after the 7th of December will be more challenging.

The People of Ghana will expect the following from your administration:

7. The ministerial posts of your Government shall be fairly distributed.

8. Since you will certainly get more votes from the Ashanti Region than from elsewhere, we expect you to logically choose an Ashanti as your running mate.

We recommend three people.

a. One is our Flagbearer Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings. She has years of experience (over 19 years of her late husband’s rule) as the First Lady of our country. Related to Asantehene Otumfuo Nana Osei Tutu II she has served tirelessly for women rights in Ghana as the president of the 31st Women Organisation. It is needless to count her achievements.

b. The second choice of us shall be the Minister of Trade. Mr. Alex Kyeremanten. He is knowledgeable, knows a lot about economics and trade and combines the double advantage of being Ashanti and Fante.

c. The third choice is the brilliant Professor Frimpong-Boateng.

9. Dear Mr. President, you should be reminded of the contribution the Ashantis have played in the economic and other areas of our country.

Rewarding those who help you to come into power is the least that we can demand.

10. Dear Sir, please reject any interference of trouble-makers in your next government. The notorious Assin lawmaker should be totally neglected. He is a disgrace to Ghana and a nuisance.

11. We expect you to ask for a new date for the Referendum. The Referendum for the people to exercise their God given rights to govern themselves. The Ashantis reject being governed from a far away region Accra. We are demanding devolution now ! No non-Ashanti should be in an Ashanti parliament. We want to put an end to those who seek to gun us down in Ashanti-Kingdom.

The resources allocated to us shall be used solely for Ashantis and in Ashanti. Enough is enough, Mr. President. The NDP demand an end to party- and ethnic discrimination.

There shall be integration in Ashanti. No more discrimination and therefore no Zongos in Ashanti. Zongos shall be abolished and doctors in Ashanti shall be Ashanti. They shall not be physically abused by those who price religion above everything.

So, you see this is our wish.

The Market women of Ghana should be constituted into cooperative market women. They should be given loans that we in Europe and other regions abroad will have contributed to create effective small businesses. They shall pay tax and the cities shall be free of filth.

We recommend immediately after you have been elected, the preparation of an international African Conference on Racism. There cannot be any meaningful conference on racism or advancement of our people if our people do not even know what that means and how it impacts our day to day lives.

This brings me to the next issue of what we should teach our children at schools.

First on the list shall be the Slave Trade beginning with the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, but not omitting the Indian as well as the massive Islamic-Arabic Slave Trade.

The people of Ghana should be told about their history and our love for our brethren in the diaspora thus strengthened.

The blackening of faces in the Netherlands, the no-go areas for black people in Germany, the humiliation of black football players and other athletes must be condemned and stopped.

We should not expect Diaspora contribution to our economy to be a welcoming gesture but if they experience insulting, beating up and fear of death when encountering police officers in the USA, Germany and just recently France, we keep quiet. This is not acceptable.

Solidarity and reciprocity shall be our guiding principles in this issue which permeates both foreign policy as well as domestic policies.

The corruption in Ghana as well as armed robbery should be immediately stopped through effective and swift punishments. Those who kill should be immediately be killed !

Our condolences to the families of the Takoradi Girls. Their parents deserve empathy and compensation. The delay in doing justice is a crime in itself, Mr. President.

The next Ghana shall not tolerate delays.

Columnist: Dr. E. K. Poku