
Mahama appeals for Truth from the Council of State

Sat, 9 Mar 2013 Source: Adofo, Rockson

He cautions them saying, "Don't tell me what I want to hear, but truth". Following the appeal by the fate-in-the-balance President of Ghana, His Excellency John Dramani Mahama, I have volunteered to tell him nothing but the absolute truth as requested. President Mahama has appealed to the members of the Council of State not to tell him what he wants to hear, but only the truth as pertains on the ground. This is no matter how bitter or unpalatable they may be, provided they are the absolute truth, he is ready to hear and act upon them.

I compliment him on taking this bold decision and pray he is able to stomach the truth when told to him, and do accordingly. Before proceeding any further, I would first like to remind him of two important things which may serve him best in his aspirations to live by the truth. Unlike me, a Gold Coaster, he is young, and a Ghanaian born (in 1958) after Gold Coast gained political independence from the British Colonial masters, and renamed, Ghana.

President Mahama should bear in mind that, "Critics are our friends, they show us our faults". This is a quotation from Benjamin Franklin, a veteran American politician, philosopher, writer and a founding member of the United States of America. Will the NDC's insatiably greedy vultures, spoilt sycophants and corrupt entities that are scrambling for overnight wealth as does a hungry pig, tell him the truth? Will they allow him to know the actual truth via his critics, who they preferably call, and see as, their enemies, rather than political rivals or opponents? Does he get the message put across by Benjamin?

President Mahama should note that the unfortunately executed Head of State, General Ignatius Kutu Acheampong, of the Supreme Military Council 1 government made a similar effort. He requested of his close associates and those pandering to his vile tastes to infiltrate among the Ghanaian public to gather him information on how people see him, his administration and governance as interpreted in terms of the overall delivery on socio-politico-economic affairs of Ghana and how they affected their wellbeing?

Many a Ghanaian was moaning about the then economic hardships which do not in any way compare to today's killer economic situation under the NDC. The economic, social and political hardships during the Acheampong's era pale to nothing compared to the prevailing barometric economic conditions under the Atta Mills/Mahama-led and Mahama/Arthur Amissah-led NDC governments. I am not interested in going into the details but will briefly say, they all came back reporting to General Acheampong that all Ghanaians were happy with him, applauding him for a good job well done, when indeed, they were bitter against him and his economic policies.

Under General I. K Acheampong's administration, military as it was, we never heard of the practice of "selective justice" as it is under the recent NDC civilian administrations. Acheampong was actually willing and eager to do as the majority of Ghanaians expected of him. However, the comparatively few people around him for the fullest acquisition of their selfish-interests will not let him. They fed him with lies which eventually culminated in his disgraceful untimely death. He was overthrown by his colleague-in-government, General Akuffo, placed under house arrest, and finally executed by J. J. Rawling's Armed Forces Revolutionary Council military junta by firing squad at Teshie Military range in June 1979.

Do you think, President Mahama, as selfishly corrupt, power-drunk and intrinsically liars as most people within the NDC are, they will tell you the truth? Are you really serious to hear the truth? Are you not just bragging about showing your face as someone honest, and more serious to govern Ghana, but actually a pretender?

To start with, I would like you to know that most Ghanaians find you too incompetent to rule Ghana. This has nothing to do with your tribal background, age, family background, level of education etc. It has all simply to do with the fact that the job is far beyond your competence. Many Ghanaians are peeved at your underestimation of their intelligence. You presided over the complete looting of the coffers of Ghana by the NDC to finance your party's 2012 presidential and parliamentary elections.

Having depleted the coffers of the nation for silly aspirations, you quickly hiked the prices of essential commodities and services - petroleum products and utility bills. Many Ghanaians believe the Electoral Commission assisted you to rig the elections to become the president of Ghana. Many Ghanaians find it very bizarre your administration's attempts to protect Alfred Agbesi Woyome after he dubiously stole a huge sum of money (GHC51.2 M) from Ghana.

The above are some of the things Ghanaians are saying about you. It is up to you to redeem your reputational image by doing the singular noble thing. What is that noble thing? I shall be back to tell you, Mr President.

Rockson Adofo

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson