According to the Controller and Accountant General, about 60 percent of the total payroll budget in 2007 was spent in the first 6 months of the year (Ghana: August 21, 2007). This is no hard arithmetic. If the trend continues, the actual wage bill for 2007 will exceed the planned amount by 16 percent. And the fingers are pointing again at the re-emergence of “ghost workers” on public sector payroll.
Unless there is an equal rise in revenue, the Finance Minister knows that the budget deficit will rise. And depending on how he tackles the problem, poverty reducing and development expenditures may be cut, interest rates may rise, and the threat of inflation will emerge. The Minister therefore has ample public good reasons to worry. And worry he must, because the use of fictitious names, duplicate and erroneous entries are system-wide payroll fraud schemes which public sector reform initiatives have failed to curb. I present in this essay some key observation from my earlier work on this subject because to me they are still relevant for public policy.
(a) The likelihood that the scheme will be detected is extremely low because of the weak transparency in payroll records and because of poor internal audit system.
(b) Even if detected, the chance that they will be prosecuted in court is low.
(c) If prosecuted, the chance of conviction is equally low.
(d) And if any court will convict them of wrongdoing, the punishment will be a mere slap on the wrist.
In their rational arithmetic, the expected benefits exceed the expected cost. The scheme therefore has an expected net positive payoff.
Even those who casually engage in this practice calculate that “success” depends on the cooperation of others. Non-cooperation leads to ruin. The best strategy then is to tie in the interests of others, in a cooperative game, in ways that increase the cost of external monitoring, and make the likelihood of detection, conviction and punishment low.
The Ghanaian Chronicle thus wrote:
“One reason the issue of ghost names appear not to be going away is the fact that chief executives or their accountants or auditors or those whose job it is to monitor and regulate expenditure are not usually held liable for such acts of fraud.” (The Ghanaian Chronicle on the Web, Editorial, Vol. 9, No. 129 July 19, 2001).
The case of Ho EP Education unit of the Ghana Education Service (Serious Fraud Office 1999 Annual Report) is worth citing. The syndicate involves district directors, accounting officers, the Controller and Accountant General’s Department (CAGD), and rural banks. The syndicate specializes in the recycling of the personal data of retired teachers. It collects the names, staff numbers, staff code, rank, station and bank of retired teachers. After processing the teacher’s retirement entitlements, the syndicate alters the payment voucher number and other relevant details, and recycles the teacher on to a different payment voucher in a different payment station. What makes this possible is that the new particulars are fed into the computer in Accra through the cooperation of someone in the Ghana Education Service and CAGD. To complete the process, a letter of introduction, purported to be coming from a District Director of Education Service, is issued to a rural bank where the “ghost’s salary” will be directed and cashed. Deceased teachers are similarly recycled without the master payroll system detecting that the same staff numbers are being re-assigned.
Similar syndicates occur in government hospitals across the county. At the Kwahu Government Hospital, the syndicate consisted of the accountant, principal accounts officer, the district treasury officer and three others who forged signatures and inserted names on to the payroll.
The schemes are intriguing, and must inform policymakers that short of concerted efforts, payroll fraud may not be easy to get rid of. It is for that reason that the quick finding of 10,000 ghost names on the Ministry of Education’s payroll attracted cynicism. Many believed that the remarkable purge amounted to little more than superficial self-policing to impress the public and donors. Real change, one might suspect, is undermined by the very same people with common interests in the syndicate.
Across ministries, departments and agencies, headcounts can create an illusion. Physical headcounts may lead to short-term savings but may fail to strengthen payroll controls because of the hidden internal syndicates. If a head count is commissioned, most bureaucrats would sensibly comply. They may not want to risk being seen as obstructive. They would, however, seek to manage the process and therefore the outcome.
It is little wonder that despite the various attempts at public sector reforms, that begun in the 1990s, management information systems for personnel data have not improved greatly. Politicians have only paid superficial attention to the problem. Bureaucrats have weak incentives to welcome innovations to improve transparency and the management of payroll records. And the private sector is oblivious of how much tax burden this payroll fraud imposes on them.
Fourth, Liberia which has only recently emerged from 14-year civil war has smartly opted to use biometrics to check payroll fraud. Biometrics is the science that measures individual’s physical or behavioural characteristics as a means of identification. It takes precise measurement of, for example, an individual’s eyes (iris and retina scans), hands or voice, digitizes the measurement, stores the information in a computer memory, and later compares it against the same measurement when taken later.
Because it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to duplicate individual physical measurement or scan, biometrics is finding applications in many security sensitive areas, including, payroll systems. It can have very wide application in the ministries, departments, in the health care and educational sectors across the country. Linking the unique identification to the Controller and Accountant General’s database, social security records, and a national identification card will be an even better way to prevent the massive financial fraud the government suffers continually.