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Giant of Africa - dispute not Nigeria

Ghana Nigeria Flag File photo of Ghana and Nigeria flags

Fri, 9 Dec 2022 Source: Isaac Kankam Boadu

Never has Ghana sought to ever call itself the giant of Africa. They've never competed for it nor have ever claimed such a title.

Unfortunately, and ironically, it's most Nigerian vloggers who pit Ghana against Nigeria on this title.

Ghanaians are laid back, not seeking all these titles. I know titles don't put bread on the table. Most often you hear Nigeria calling Ghana, "Common Ghana, Ghana of yesterday, little brother Ghana," forgetting that Ghana got her independence in 1957, three years before Nigeria got hers in 1960.

And that it was Ghana who trained Nigeria's 200 militaries for the 1960 independence handover. Don't get embarrassed. Face facts.

Culturally Nigeria is a country where titles mean a lot in society. So let it be. You hold onto your titles, but never ever think that Ghana wants them.

Nigeria is not the biggest country in Africa so far as land mass is concerned. Nigeria is the fourteenth(14th) in terms of land mass! Nigeria is only the biggest in terms of population!

What does it mean if your population is bigger? That's not the issue. China and India have the largest population but they don't arrogate themselves with such titles.

Small as Singapore is, it's punching above its weight. Its per capita income surpasses that of those two countries. A learned Nigerian once said, "A tiger does not talk about its tigritude. A tiger pounces."

You don't have to define yourself. Let onlookers define you by what they see that you are made of and are capable of. So titles could be relative.

True Nigeria is a giant of Africa and in Africa, if Nigeria will accept the title, positively and negatively: giant in the arts, giant in cinema with Nollywood, music, and literature.

Giant in creativity. Giant in business, yes. Giant in cyber scams, giant in corruption, giant in Islamic insurgency, giant in gangsterism, giant in aggression, giant in kidnappings, giant in armed attacks at airports, on trains, and on roads.

Giant in oil mismanagement biggest producer and exporter of crude oil in Africa and the biggest importer of refined oil in Africa. Giant in being the most populous country without a stable supply of electricity.

Giant in using kerosene stoves amidst the abundance of gas supply. Giant in political violence. Giant in occult practices.

Giant in cult groups in universities. And the list goes on. Remember this is not my makeup. Many Nigerian vloggers so describe their own country as above - Pararan, Adeola Fayehun, Sandie, Nibo, Mr Manager, Melissa Oti, Amarachi Duru, and Lilian Ogini - to mention a few.

Why are many Nigerians now living in Ghana and even trying to fake Ghanaian citizenship? There are daily prosecutions of Nigerians on this. Why are elite Nigerians sending their kids to Ghana to be educated?

We are brothers. We want love to prevail.

Ghana doesn't dispute Nigeria's title nor is she envious, wanting to take it from them. But learn to set some historical facts straight.

Recently a Nigerian said that they gave Ghana independence! On his vlog! Another said they had been supplying Ghana with electricity! Still, another that they set Ghana up.

I believe a little respect will douse the stoking kind of perceived animosity. The head of Africa Continental Free Trade Area(AfCFTA), Mr. Wamleke Mene of South Africa, in receiving the diaspora flag, on April 19, 2022, to be hoisted at AfCFTA Secretariat in Accra, Ghana, as the sixth region of the African Union acknowledged that "Ghana is not only a country but a philosophy."

Ghana was and is foremost in pursuing the agenda of Pan Africanism to date - even to the point of championing the return of diasporans back home to the motherland – Africa.

Ghana is the first country to have legislation towards this policy, giving diasporans the right of abode.

Ghana, the warrior-king, and champion of Pan Africanism must be respected, not to say the least.

Remember on account of your title it is your own Nigerian vloggers who want us to be at each other's throats.

That provokes Nigerians to be lambasting Ghanaians who also do the bashing. Let there be a truce. Take your titles but respect history by not distorting it.

Columnist: Isaac Kankam Boadu