
God still speaks to his people so let’s not be dispirited by false prophets

Ebony On Delay A number of prophets claim they prophesied Ebony's death

Tue, 13 Feb 2018 Source: Justice Abeeku Newton-Offei

Each time Ghana loses a prominent personality, particularly within the showbiz or media fraternity, we instantaneously jump into a frolic of mass mourning, go back to bed after the storm is over, and wake up to repeat the same cycle when a new tragedy occurs.

Man was created by God and therefore no human-being can claim there is no God, and that, he/she does not believe in the existence of a Supreme Being.

The devil also exists and therefore no person can claim to be oblivious to this. In this regard, it is incumbent on each individual to believe in either God or the devil, and be ready for the respective repercussions.

God is still in the business of doing miracles and speaking through those who avail themselves to His voice.

There are therefore genuine prophesies. But in all situations, the devil also presents an alternative to the works of the Lord Almighty; and this is where, as humans, we must be alert always and work for salvation with fear and trembling.

By the nature of God and the way He created man, we are to be His vessels here on earth but due to pressures of life, not all of us are able to devote time to avail ourselves to His voice; and this is where the prophets play a critical role.

But here too, the devil has invaded the scene and churning all kinds of prophecies just to musk what God intends to tell His people.

So as individuals, we must always find time to either personally commune with our Maker, or be under the tutelage of a God-servant, in order to be well-informed about the will of God concerning our lives at any point in time.

Personally, God often reveals certain eminent dangers about others to me, and I always endeavour to get in-touch with these concerns so they take appropriate countermeasures.

It is when the revelation concerns the nation, as in elections, football matches etc., that I do publicise it. When God reveals something to you about an individual, there is no point in either announcing it on the radio or publicising same on social media.

A genuine person, who has received a genuine message from God concerning an individual, will never take delight in engaging in the publicity-stunt foray.

I listened to account rendered by a cousin of Ebony on events which took place during her last visit to Sunyani, and it was evident God was telling them something significant.

In the said account, the lady said “Ebony wanted to eat salad so they went to the market, bought ingredients and were preparing the salad in the compound when all of a sudden; there was a massive whirl-wind in the house.

The lady said this whirl-wind “was so intense that they ran into the room leaving the food being prepared at the time. She said this continued for close to 10 minutes and when it was finally over and they came out into the compound.

"All the items being used for preparing the food had been mixed with sand so we cooked rice and stew which Ebony didn’t eat much, though she had complained of being extremely hungry,” according to the account on Peace-FM News at midday of Friday, February 9, 2018.

The lady further said, “when it was time for Ebony to depart back to Accra at about 10:45 pm, she would come out of her car and embrace her mother, go back into her car, come out to embrace her Mother….”

She said, “this went on for some time, and we were all confused as to why that was happening."

Coupled with this, were these now emerging prophecies.

And this is where I would, somehow, begrudge the management of Ebony. Characteristic of politicians, rich people and top showbiz personalities in this part of the world, responding to phone calls from ordinary people is an abomination.

The calls they are quick to respond to, are often the ones from boyfriends, girlfriends, drinking mates and people of their status. And I’m saying this because, when all those prophesies were coming, I believe the management got wind but no effort to seek remedy.

Practically, it is inconceivable for a famous person to be responding to phone calls but these famous people always have a team around them, whose duty it is, to ensure every single correspondence meant for a personality they manage, actually gets to them, and responses delivered accordingly.

But in our part of the world, a management team only supervises arrangement of chairs, canopies, platforms, sound systems etc., for their Artiste or political master to make an appearance.

Uncontestably, there are a lot of crooks capitalising on the gospel of Christ to prey on vulnerable innocent people for their selfish ends. But this notwithstanding, there are genuine messengers who are truthful with their pronouncements concerning future occurrences.

My humble admonition to all, therefore, is very simple: live a life worthy of our mission here on earth, as God expects of you, and even if there happen to be no paradise, you definitely would not have lost anything.

On the other hand, if you live a life of recklessness, thinking there is no paradise but the opposite happens to be the case, then you would definitely have missed out.

May the Lord Almighty continue to guide and protect us to know him more; to do his will; and to be crowned with eternal happiness, both here on earth and in the yet-to-come paradise.


Columnist: Justice Abeeku Newton-Offei
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