
Government is a facilitator and not a babysitter,Ghana needs every citizen

Mon, 18 Jan 2016 Source: Hardi, Ibrahim

I read some where on social media someone asking this question. “Why do we celebrate the beginning of the year instead of the end of the year?” Good question. I think the situation is that most of us are very exited about what is new. We easily forget what we are going through(challenging or not) as individuals, family or society. In most cases as much as we would like to evaluate our past year, relationships with friends, family or workmate. We tend to use emotions to aid that keenness into that element of life.

In my opinion the shoes we are stepping out must help us plan every aspect of our lives in the new shoes we are stepping in. The past is not only there to make us learn but also there to make us strengthen our emotions, discipline, relationship and self confidence. We live in families, communities and more importantly we are one big family as a country.

Politics, religion, tribe, opinions, skin colour, creed or sex are just there as ingredients to help blade our different aspects of life. Hence when making resolutions as individuals or group to enter into a new year or life some of those things ought to be taken into consideration. And if mixed properly at individual or group level life can be much easier.

As much as I would like to emphasis our individual or community mix or blend. I would also love to see that as a country we go into the new year as a united country and using 2015 as a learning year aiding us to have focus. I would like to challenge all of us as a big family called Ghana both home or abroad to see what good we can bring on board. I have always said that we only have one Ghana. How we want it to be seen by us or those outside is up to us. Government, political parties, Civil Society Organization and the Media. Youth and Women, Religious Institutions, Traditional Leaders. Ghanaians in the diaspora including International Organisations and individuals working in Ghana all have duties to play in making Ghana a united country in the year.

I always hold the believe that government is a facilitator and not a babysitter. But I would like to see leadership from President Mahama's government. As Ghanaians we want to see hope and not doom. We are facing a challenges as a country. I would like to see our party in government and all those Members of Parliament from all political parties doing their job. We have a lot of things to look at in a positive way. No one will tell me that the shape and face of Ghana is not changing. It is. We are building schools, hospitals, universities and constructing roads and house. When I say we need leadership from President Mahama, his minsters, District Chief executives and all MPs. I mean to say that we want these leaders to explain all these projects to all Ghanaians. A road is constructed hence an MP should go to his or her constituency and see how it can bring development there. We need innovative Ministers, MP and civic leaders. Not people who just wait for their allowances. MPs and assembly men are also elected to serve and facilitate that development. Sometime I think many people use the President as escape route.

The problem that we faced with opposition parties are that we have been taught politics in a way that we only see ourselves as opposition parties formed to make the ruling and running of a country a living hell. I feel our opposition has a lot of things to offer. Experience, expertise or status in society can help our country. People who think they are smart should put their ideas on the table for the betterment of Ghana. Waiting to be in government might not come for some people. So the only shot people have to add value to Ghana is now. I also think most opposition MPs hide in the name of being in opposition. They hardly visit or propose anything in their constituencies. As I said they get allowances to serve the people by facilitating development in their areas . Hence they need to do their part.

In these election year I would like to see a consistent civil society and an objective media. The two should not be seen as compromised bodies in all aspects. People should not see opposition parties or the government in our Civil societies and the media. I would also like to see a civil society that goes back to it’s traditional roles of supplementing government efforts and a media that plays its part in building and promoting peace. Women, youth and children have been neglected by these institutions. We have seen a marriage of convince between some civil societies and opposition parties. Media groups and individuals. I understand that almost everything now boarders on governance and economic issues. But I think we ought to see a well balance approach to doing things or being a voice for the people. Let us not take the ignorance of people for granted in these election year otherwise we will be the ones who will cry.

Women and youths have being crying for a long time. Statements like “we feel left out or we don’t have a voice” have said everyday. While you have social media now. Use it to preach peace, share ideas, meet new people who can inspire you and what you want to be. I have seen the opposite of that in previous years. I have seen insults to leaders, peers and others. Envy and hate have been the biggest winners in the past 12 months. I would term 2015 as “The Year of Insults”. Therefore, regardless of race, tribe, sex or creed I would like to see a 2016 where love and peace are being promoted. If we say we are ready for leadership as young people or women. Social media will show the world how ready we are.

I want to see religious and traditional leaders proving counsel to our political and social leaders. I have seen that a lot of them have or are being used by politicians. And most have hence compromised positions in society. Taking sides will only fuel more hate and bitterness. Traditional or religious leadership should be there to give council and promote reconciliation. Let us lead by example. Our subjects and followers should see proper examples and not vuvuzelas or people used by selfish people.

Ghana needs every citizen to play their part in building and marketing her. It is sad to say that most people who are in the diaspora have come short of that. You don’t need to be an ambassador to help market your country. I have told a lot of them that they are in those countries because they are Ghanaians. Ghana is considered as a peaceful nation hence no red flags are raised on it’s citizens. If you think you are too smart why then can’t you help build Ghana. Ghana needs you. If you can’t do your part I advise you keep quiet. The duel citizenship is coming you will not have that excuse now.

At the end of the day. Whether we agree or not. We should learn to co-exist. No tribe is bigger than the other. No denomination is bigger than the other. More importantly no one is smarter than the other. We are all different and unique in our own way. Divided we fall united we stand. Let us rekindle the One Ghana-One Nation spirit. Let’s enter 2016 United, Focused and Objective.

With much love and great hope I would like to wish you a very productive and fruitful 2016.

I dedicate this to Hon Kennedy Nyarko Osei,Dr. Zanetor Agyeman Rawlings and Paul A.A justice.

Columnist: Hardi, Ibrahim