
Towards 2016 With Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo-Addo

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Fri, 17 Oct 2014 Source: Tuffuor, Kwame Amoako

The Party, The Man And The Vision


By: Dr. Kwame Amoako Tuffuor

Philadelphia, Pa. USA.

20th Sept, 2014

When Nana Addo Dankwah Akuffo Addo is stripped bare to the bones; the truthful may sound like a sycophant and the liar may sound envious and the hateful may act like Judas.

Between the truthful and the liars stands a solid block of massive supporters of about 80% of the party chanting “NO NANA, NO VOTE”

Simply put, if Nana Akufo-Addo is not the NPP’s presidential candidate, we (the masses) will not vote in the 2016 presidential elections. This voice is so loud, clear, and everywhere for those who have ears to hear.


First, we need to learn from our past experience. The party has its normal role to play, as has always been during periods of no intense internal campaign for various elections. As we march towards 2016 the party is faced with fresh activities (national, regional, constituency and polling station) has to serve as an interacting and advisory body to the main campaign team. The party is faced with fresh activities (national, regional, constituency and polling station)

The campaign team and the party are not two parallel organisations. They are complimentary to each other. There however, specific jobs that the party is expected to undertake, via its structures, and this time round specific activities may include the following:

1. Working in tandem with other opposition parties, to engage the Electoral Commission to legalize the recommendations of the Supreme Court in 2012 election petition in order to make new laws more efficient and can help create an honest platform toward a really FREE and FAIR future Elections devoid of government influence or incumbency advantage, so that there will be no room for RIGGING of the national polls.

2. Ensuring that neighboring countries do not to allow their citizens to infiltrate our borders and act as agents of electoral malpractices for the incumbent government in Ghana. This is disrespecting our neighboring governments, and we appear to make them look irresponsible.

3. Pursuing and advocating for the swift implementation of the long-awaited National Identification card system, in order to enhance sanity and credibility in our electoral process.

4. Strongly advocating for the use of electronic technology such as the scoreboard display in each regional capital, in the declaration of results. This will drastically reduce fraud associated with result transmission and declaration process, as was the case in recent past.

5. Setting up machinery to counter the NDC party propaganda in order to protect the image of the NPP and that of its officials, including Parliamentarians and the flag bearer.

6. Working with able party members in and outside Ghana to ensure that the party constitution remains a dynamic document, modified periodically to fit into the exigencies of modern times and give it the direction for positive growth.

7. Ensuring financial independence for the party through sustained fundraising activities.

8. Working to minimize internal conflicts within the party to safeguard our unity and cohesion. They must also create a platform to gather ideas to modify the present two-tier elimination contest (the super delegates’ congress and the presidential primaries), which has the potential to undermine our peace and unity as well as dissipate our energy and financial resources towards national elections. Prolonged internal conflicts will give our political opponent ammunition to “shoot” us.

9. Special consideration must be given as to how to prevent NPP marching to Law courts each time or whenever someone wants to waste the party’s time Our constitution must be modified to prevent unscrupulous and indiscipline persons organizing people to take the party to court, leaving the national executives and steering committees very little time to run the party.

The end result of constant visitation to the court will tarnish the image of NPP; undermine unity, peace and progress; and thereby creating the base for propaganda by an opponent against NPP.

This party was originally formed by serious, dedicated and bold men with gusts, their sweat, frustration, and money. Some died, some missed death on the road by inches. Those living protect the party with the gust it deserves.

To undo the party, or take it to court, the plaintiff should be able to exhaust all the internal mechanisms from constituency through the regional to national executive levels, where the steering committee and the National Executive Committee (NEC) will have to deal with the case before the national legal and constitutional committee gives its recommendations to the National Council to give its final decision.

Anybody who ignores the foregoing and jumps to court should be deemed as having sacked himself from the party and by implication the person/ plaintiff would have sacked himself automatically from NPP and by implication his court action will be a nullity.

Specific clauses on these lines of actions must be embodied in our constitution and approved by the national delegates conference- the decision-making body of the party.

10. The party is a separate entity with define structures and specific functions to strengthen it and promote unity amongst its members. The party should therefore promote a sustained membership drive that will lead to harness members’ contribution, efforts and energy to help the national campaign especially in the execution of actions that can serve as catalyst for an effective presidential and parliamentary campaign.


Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo-Addo is a matured person who loves his country. He has sacrificed his life for Ghana. He is bold and selfless. He is an astute politician, who has provided quality leadership in Ghanaian politics. He took the Supreme Court verdict of the 2012 presidential elections with maturity. He demonstrated to the entire world that he is a man of peace, at a time when many expected him to declare war. My position is honest and devoid of sycophancy. I have known Nana Addo closely for over 50 years and I can afford to tell the truth. Whereas some people sit and think of propaganda and lies about Nana Addo, he moves rather than sit and with focus on his vision for Ghana: The Economic Transformation, which is unequalled and some of his detractors have admitted as a practical masterpiece for Ghana`s redemption.

His severest and most critical enemies or political opponents have never labeled him as a CORRUPT or DISHONEST MAN.

Whereas his opponents have dishonestly claimed they are unifiers or will be unifiers, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has PROVED as a unifier when he appointed his opponents in the 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns as his campaign managers, directors of communication and political advisors. Although many saw and considered these appointments as suicidal, Nana Addo, as an ASTUTE POLITICIAN WITH BOLDNESS, PROVED AND WORKED with these perceived “ENEMIES” by considering their positive sides.

Africa and the world have watched Nana Addo perform and become a champion of democracy. He was a brilliant lawyer in the landmark constitutional case of Tuffuor vs. Attorney General (1980); one of the key leaders of Peoples Movement for Freedom and Justice (PMFJ) etc.

Africa and the world witnessed Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo boldly, brilliantly, and with exceptional maturity, accept the Supreme Court verdict of 2012 because he believed in LAW AND ORDER. The country saw all the proceedings of the Supreme Court on television and believed Nana Akufo- Addo had won the 2012 presidential elections, but the court said otherwise.

Ex-president Olusegun Obasanjo was selected to supervise Ghana`s 2012 presidential elections. The international community`s respect for Nana Addo, though not yet the president of Ghana has risen so high. The Commonwealth of Nations invited Nana Addo to supervise South Africa`s presidential elections. Nana Addo’s maturity, integrity, and image as a true democrat and a pride of Ghana, has made him, the man of the moment for Ghana and Africa`s political history and development.

Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo is well read and knowledgeable in world and national political issues. He is a good communicator and an orator and speaks English, French, Akan and Ga with such fluency.


NDC party and Government appear to have put a foothold into NPP presidential contest and is alleged to be funding an opponent of Nana Addo. At least the NDC from ex- president Mills` time to date, have supported an opponent of Nana Addo. It is all because NDC is absolutely scared of Nana Addo and knows that he is the only one among the current generation of NPP leaders who can snatch the presidency from them

We hear of NDC and some anti-Nana Addo persons spewing out lots of lies about Nana Addo’s health, and this and that lie. Some people in Nana’s camp also know that some of his competitors are seriously diabetic and seriously hypertensive but Nana insists nobody talks about their health as a campaign issue- that is Nana’s maturity for you.


On 31st August 2014, an NPP organized super delegates’ conference to select 5 out of the 7 candidates to compete on 18th October 2014 presidential primaries, took place. The seven hundred and forty (740) delegates that were constitutionally eligible to vote came from a highly respected cross- section of the party with linkages and constituency to the “grassroots” or polling stations, and through the party structures. They were representatives of the founding fathers of the party, the former and current Chief Executives (Chairmen and General Secretaries), Council of Elders, ex – leaders of the party and the National Council members etc., representing a good statistical sample. The selected voters knew they were representing constituencies that cut across and go down from top to the bottom of the party.

Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo-Addo had an EMPHATIC Win of 80.8%. The rest (six in number) had a total 19.2%. Significantly, Nana Addo beat Allan Kyeremanteng (7%) over ten times.

The massive win for Nana Addo means all are ready for Nana Addo’s Presidency and indeed the voice was loud and clear: “NO NANA NO VOTE”


It will be wrong for our opponent to know all our visions. Why? They will quickly copy, act hurriedly and spoil them. Example, we should not forget Nana Addo`s FREE SHS programme, and when NDC quickly tried to present their version of “FREE SHS”

There are other programmes that the outgoing NPP government left over for NDC in 2008. They include the school feeding programme, the capitation grant, the National health insurance etc. NDC government has successfully mismanaged or inefficiently ran all of these to the ground.

Nana Addo Dankwah Akuffo Addo plans to revive all these programmes (Amongst others) and will let the NPP run them as efficiently as we had done before.

Amongst the numerous new vision/ programme is Nana Addo`s ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION PROGRAMME (ETP) which will create lots and lots of jobs, lots of business opportunities and create a sound path for Ghana`s true economic growth. Notable under ETP is the creation of value added produce of raw materials and towards local manufacturing machinery and equipment).

All these require good leadership, a leader who is intelligent, a man of vision, and an action man with demonstrated successes in Law, Business, and politics; an honest man who is capable of working with lots of quality men around him.




Columnist: Tuffuor, Kwame Amoako