
Hard Truth: Reasons for Medikal and Fella's divorce

Fella And Medikal Post.png Medikal and Fella Makafui

Fri, 24 May 2024 Source: Dickson Ofori Siaw

Medikal and Fella's relationship was built on a scandal that would, by all means, struggle to thrive. Rapper Medikal had all the chances to check out of this impending love disaster but hung in there till marriage crept into the picture. Now, before I settle into the vital truths leading to their divorce, I would like to tell men to always vet their women properly in the dating stages. Look, I love both Medikal and Fella Makafui, but in Counselor Lutterodt's words, "they are best for other people."

Just think about how their relationship came to be or made public. Medikal was accused by his then ex-girlfriend Sister Derby of cheating with another woman who, of course, happened to be Fella Makafui and that was not cool but due to various reasons best known to the rapper, he checked out with Sister Derby as time went on, which made the then-rising actress take center stage in his heart. It was traumatic for Sister Debby because she was clearly introduced first to fans as his woman with all the buzz around her. However, finding out the truth about Medikal's secret affair with Fella brought out the lyrical genius in her. Listen, the African mermaid could sing comedically, but her release of "Kakalika Love" with the popular catchphrase "Don't lie to me", right after her breakup cemented her lyrical dexterity, in my opinion.

At least I knew she was a real singer right from there. She has gone on to do great things in music ever since. Many, including me, were not surprised due to Derby's lack of passion in Ghana's family system or being involved in the idea of an ideal African home where the mother or wife runs the home and cooks on a regular basis to feed her family. Medikal cherished these norms; hence, once he was caught, he thought it wise to move on and date the woman he had been hiding from his then-girlfriend.

Now, this would have been a good time for the rapper to study her (Fella) very well, but threw all that away too due to over-excitement and the ability to provide for a woman he truly loved, and that to me, is a box he failed to tick because a woman's love is based on emotions and can change anytime, unfortunately. Let's not get this wrong: Fella loved Medikal but checked out when she lost that spark with him. It was not even about money, in my opinion.

Great, now that that is out of the way, let's get into the reasons why this marriage crashed terribly, leading to an upcoming legal battle and a possible split in property amongst the pair.


The actress, who was then establishing herself, had little to no chance to study the rapper too, due to the fast-paced life of the rapper. Hence, after their marriage, it was show after show filled with many TV appearances with no time to bond. I personally believe it was more of a cruise relationship with lots of partying; hence, she never knew him well either. She probably thought after marriage she could still be living her free life on social media hence when she began receiving the "healthy dominant" instructions from her husband, Mr. Frimpong (Medikal), reality set in. I can bet my last penny that she did not want to be controlled by her husband because this time she was equally a star. Once again, her ex-husband should have known the woman he was marrying for both egos to sync perfectly at home.


Also, both are huge stars in Ghana with millions following their affluent lifestyles on social media hence less respect was established within their relationship, and later in their marriage, there was no respect at all. She did not respect him and he always did not care about that till it went bad. In a series of Snapchat videos, Medikal revealed that his ex-wife was a piece of work throughout their marriage. Aside from constantly disrespecting his stance on issues in the house, she always put their daughter's Island in danger. Island Frimpong was a minute away from consuming "wee toffee," according to the rapper.

Fella's family members had a great impact on the desolation of this marriage, and that is why you never allow family members in an African home. Even if you do, it should not be for weeks to months. Let's put this in perspective; would you rather take insults from your wife alone at home or in the presence of her mother and cousin? Yes, and that is what probably happened. Let's not forget that the rapper claimed that Fella’s cousin saw his nakedness once, and she apologized but that is sheer disrespect in my book.


Their lifestyle hurt their marriage, to be honest. This disgraceful scenario could have been avoided with respect and low egos. Medikal claimed to have funded her wife's £25,000 trip to Turkey to have body enhancements. He also helped her establish her business, notable of which was Simply Snatched, a bodywork formula that consisted of waist trainers and slim tea for women who wanted to lose weight in the tummy section. He bought a land in her name as well. In the modern world, if a man breaks all these signs for a woman, we call it love, but I term that as a super transaction. I won't get into how scandalous it gets with these revelations by her broken husband, but it tells you how he was ready to do everything for her to be happy and still lost this battle. He claimed to have been disappointed and not heartbroken, but I know he is heartbroken due to his efforts in the marriage.

Easy Money:

I lastly believe this marriage failed because he made things easy for her financially which is crazy because that was his wife hence it should have been perfectly normal to provide for her, but such moves backfire in this modern era. No matter how comfortable you are financially stable, giving should be warranted. I am giving my woman money for support, alright, but she will deserve it so that she sees the value in it. Okay, check this out, if you give your parents money on a regular basis, they won't appreciate the money because it won't hold any substance to them but if you give them in bits, they acknowledge your thoughtfulness in offering them money for their upkeep and sympathize with you greatly for the stress you go despite on a daily. Medikal was a spending dude right from his dating period. Hence, she lost focus at a critical time in her life, the marriage phase. It's really sad and we know who got brokenhearted here.

These candid opinions have been made based on Medikal's side of the story. Since the matter is just brewing in the pot, I shall return to it once Fella’s side pops up on the Internet.

Columnist: Dickson Ofori Siaw