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Has Fidelity Bank become the new Databank?

Fidelity Bank Ghana Fidelity Bank

Mon, 6 May 2024 Source: Maruf Al-Hassan

I recently read an article by Bright Simmons titled "Fidelity Bank vs the People of Ghana” on his blog, and at first, I felt a bit angry that he was poking them.

I said to myself that these CSOs should just stick to the politicians and not rope businesses that are creating jobs in this hard economy into their work. But because of the juicy title, I decided to read the whole long article. I couldn’t believe most of it. I decided to wait for Fidelity Bank for a response. After many weeks, they haven’t responded.

This made me go back to read it again and the other issues about their transactions with ECG. I am very shocked about all this. I am now questioning why I was angry when I saw the article at first.

Is it true or not that the board secretary of Fidelity Bank is also a board member of ECG who creates contracts for ECG to sign with Fidelity Bank? I am also hearing that she is the daughter of Chief of Staff. And ECG is doing large business with Fidelity? That Fidelity is now taking over most of the business of the other banks with ECG?

I still believe that we shouldn’t be bastardizing people’s businesses in the name of politics, but we shouldn’t also be cowards and afraid to call a spade a spade. Bright Simmons didn’t do anything wrong to call out Fidelity Bank. If Fidelity is being pushed ahead of other banks because of their political links, there is no wrong in saying it as it is.

I just saw another article by Bright that Fidelity has got a contract to open bank accounts for farmers from the Ministry of Agriculture, and the farmers have been waiting for four years and haven’t received their money. This one too I have waited for a response from them and they haven’t bothered.

I think this is beginning to give me Databank vibes. It looks like Fidelity is getting big deals because they have the right links to the government, and this is why some of us were uncomfortable about Databank because they were getting commissions on loans for Ghana and other deals because of closeness to the finance minister.

I know that Fidelity Bank sued Bright and he may be bitter. But is what he is saying true or not? If what he is saying are facts, then I don’t care about his personal issues with them. Facts are sacred.

We complained about Databank. We can’t go quiet on Fidelity Bank because they are a private business. Wasn’t Databank also a private business? We must call a spade a spade in this country and hold it to account. Fidelity Bank should explain these deals.

Columnist: Maruf Al-Hassan