A very concerned Ghanaian citizen who is hungry for a positive change in Ghana wrote in a discussion forum, "Those of you who go to Church daily, can you help me here? Why is it that God has hidden good leaders from us for 40 years now?" Perhaps some of you out there can help my brother. Meanwhile, I will attempt to answer his question with a counter question: Do you really think so?
First I don't think God has hidden any good leaders, from Ghanaians. He always brings them to us but we refuse to accept them. Do you recount the story of Samuel trying to choose a leader among the sons of Jesse? Of course Samuel like one of us would not pick David over his macho brothers but the one who suits his stereotype. We know them (good leaders) when they show up yet we will never elect them. Why? Because like Samuel we also have our made up perceptions. A few would be:
1. He or she is not experienced.
2. He/she is too young.
3. He/she is not from my party.
4. He/she is not from my town.
5. He/she is not from IV League School. He has no long letters against his name.
Now my brother, tell me, if Nkrumah had been around today- just returned from abroad, has no PhD, barely known etc. will you elect him? I bet we/you will tell him to join the queue. Now let me tell you why we refuse to see or fail to recognize good leaders in Ghana.
1. They are not super rich to bye your votes; in fact they may not bribe you at all.
2. They talk too much about the future, but we want instant gratification- God is not a magician, nor does he impose his will on us. Rather he gives us the tools and allows us to make the choice.
Do you think Ghanaians will vote for GNP (Ofori Ampofo) if he competes with NPP (any of the incumbents) or any of the ESTABLISHMENT in 2008? Yet they know the incumbent and the Establishment have failed them. However, the incumbent/establishment can and would dish out money to convince them while the other talks about the future and policies.
How many Ghanaians believe politics is about the future? How many Ghanaian voters think about their children and posterity when they are casting their votes? How many Ghanaian voters vote their conscience and not their pockets?
Look around the parties, how do they choose their leaders. Is it based on delivery or popularity contest? Looking at the parade of potential presidential candidates, how many of them make sense when they talk?
Is it not even obvious that only those who do not have excess funds to lure the public are talking about policies and plans for the future of the nation?
But watch what Ghanaians will choose in 2008!- A pretty man, a soft spoken man, an indulgent man etc- Just the one who thinks like them- Let's loot Ghana. Ghana is already in a mess (spoiled) we cannot repair it. Just give me my share and let's move on. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Right. Today we vote for our stomachs/selfish interests and tomorrow we accuse God of depriving us of good leaders. How ironic!
We know of their hearts and minds when they speak or write, how much they love Ghana, but men like Ofori Ampofo, Prince Aidoo, Kwasi Nduom, Courage Quashigah may not easily be chosen over the establishment. Why? Is it because they won't bribe voters? Or have refused to play the political game of enriching themselves while in power or that they don't even have the million dollar Swiss account? Let's step back and reflect. Perhaps we may have a change of attitude and align our thinking with God to see the good leaders when they come.
Men like Kennedy have excelled in their little corners; in fact their little lights have shone so well, even in the land of the Whiteman that they are honored yet we say they don't have experience or because of their party affiliation we will not support/elect them. How much more deceptive and anti-wisdom can this be. "You reap what you sow". I bet God will not send a dove from heaven to rest on such people in this our day, declaring publicly that "This is the chosen one. VOTE FOR HIM/HER"? In fact you may not even listen. However, the records are there for those of us who care to make the right choice.
So my brother my point is this: God always provides the good leaders but we reject them for our own selfish motives. It's always been what's in there for me not what's in there for us. Hopefully if we can align our thoughts with God we can find those many great leaders walking about unnoticed. Have a great day.
A very concerned Ghanaian citizen who is hungry for a positive change in Ghana wrote in a discussion forum, "Those of you who go to Church daily, can you help me here? Why is it that God has hidden good leaders from us for 40 years now?" Perhaps some of you out there can help my brother. Meanwhile, I will attempt to answer his question with a counter question: Do you really think so?
First I don't think God has hidden any good leaders, from Ghanaians. He always brings them to us but we refuse to accept them. Do you recount the story of Samuel trying to choose a leader among the sons of Jesse? Of course Samuel like one of us would not pick David over his macho brothers but the one who suits his stereotype. We know them (good leaders) when they show up yet we will never elect them. Why? Because like Samuel we also have our made up perceptions. A few would be:
1. He or she is not experienced.
2. He/she is too young.
3. He/she is not from my party.
4. He/she is not from my town.
5. He/she is not from IV League School. He has no long letters against his name.
Now my brother, tell me, if Nkrumah had been around today- just returned from abroad, has no PhD, barely known etc. will you elect him? I bet we/you will tell him to join the queue. Now let me tell you why we refuse to see or fail to recognize good leaders in Ghana.
1. They are not super rich to bye your votes; in fact they may not bribe you at all.
2. They talk too much about the future, but we want instant gratification- God is not a magician, nor does he impose his will on us. Rather he gives us the tools and allows us to make the choice.
Do you think Ghanaians will vote for GNP (Ofori Ampofo) if he competes with NPP (any of the incumbents) or any of the ESTABLISHMENT in 2008? Yet they know the incumbent and the Establishment have failed them. However, the incumbent/establishment can and would dish out money to convince them while the other talks about the future and policies.
How many Ghanaians believe politics is about the future? How many Ghanaian voters think about their children and posterity when they are casting their votes? How many Ghanaian voters vote their conscience and not their pockets?
Look around the parties, how do they choose their leaders. Is it based on delivery or popularity contest? Looking at the parade of potential presidential candidates, how many of them make sense when they talk?
Is it not even obvious that only those who do not have excess funds to lure the public are talking about policies and plans for the future of the nation?
But watch what Ghanaians will choose in 2008!- A pretty man, a soft spoken man, an indulgent man etc- Just the one who thinks like them- Let's loot Ghana. Ghana is already in a mess (spoiled) we cannot repair it. Just give me my share and let's move on. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Right. Today we vote for our stomachs/selfish interests and tomorrow we accuse God of depriving us of good leaders. How ironic!
We know of their hearts and minds when they speak or write, how much they love Ghana, but men like Ofori Ampofo, Prince Aidoo, Kwasi Nduom, Courage Quashigah may not easily be chosen over the establishment. Why? Is it because they won't bribe voters? Or have refused to play the political game of enriching themselves while in power or that they don't even have the million dollar Swiss account? Let's step back and reflect. Perhaps we may have a change of attitude and align our thinking with God to see the good leaders when they come.
Men like Kennedy have excelled in their little corners; in fact their little lights have shone so well, even in the land of the Whiteman that they are honored yet we say they don't have experience or because of their party affiliation we will not support/elect them. How much more deceptive and anti-wisdom can this be. "You reap what you sow". I bet God will not send a dove from heaven to rest on such people in this our day, declaring publicly that "This is the chosen one. VOTE FOR HIM/HER"? In fact you may not even listen. However, the records are there for those of us who care to make the right choice.
So my brother my point is this: God always provides the good leaders but we reject them for our own selfish motives. It's always been what's in there for me not what's in there for us. Hopefully if we can align our thoughts with God we can find those many great leaders walking about unnoticed. Have a great day.